Stately pigeons: photo, video, breeds

Stately pigeons appeared in the Don and Kuban villages. For a long time, birds have been bred in the Volga and Siberian lands. Unique varieties of stately ones have been created in Ukraine and the Urals. All of them have common features and at the same time differ in characteristic behavior, proportions, physique, color of feathers.

Characteristic features of stately breeds

Stately pigeons: photo, video, breeds

The name of these birds speaks for itself. They are called stately for their beautiful appearance – a proudly raised head, slightly protruding chest and a wide tail raised up. The wings hang down a little, sometimes even touching the ground. Pigeon breeds are named after the place of breeding, the city or region where they first appeared. They are combined into groups based on the features inherent in the appearance and nature of the flight.

Having seen stately pigeons at least once, it is impossible to remain indifferent, they conquer with their majestic appearance and beauty of plumage. The name of the group “stately” appeared not so long ago, in 1982. The desire to unite under a common name various similar breeds, distinguished by a special beauty of posture, arose for the first time among Moscow pigeon breeders. The annual exhibitions and competitions are a joy and a holiday for bird lovers. They say that in the USSR, cars and apartments were given for a pair of stately pigeons.

When evaluating birds at the exhibition, they determine to become a breed, which depends on the proportionality of the physique. Last of all, the beauty of the pen drawing is evaluated. Eye color is important, usually in dark birds it is light, pearl, and in snow-white and light birds it is black.

The nature of stately birds is calm and good-natured, aggressive individuals are rare. When breeding new breeds, preference is given to the characteristic appearance over the quality of the flight.

Classification of stately pigeons

Characteristic features were formed by breeders through genetic selection and consolidation of qualities that seemed attractive. Pigeon breeders grouped pigeons into different groups based on their appearance and ability to fly. Several different breeds may belong to the same group. There are many stately mestizo pigeons that have flaws, so it is better for novice pigeon breeders to buy birds from trusted breeders. At bird shows, the smallest details of feathered winners play a role – head and tail position, shape, size, beak and feather color, eye color, walking movements. The reason for disqualification may be too long legs, large or, conversely, small body size, etc.

The shape and position of body parts

Among stately breeds, those whose wings are lowered almost to the ground are distinguished. Such birds are called lop-winged. They are larger than the other varieties and do not stick out their chest as much with a wheel. These breeds include the following pigeons.

  • Dubovskie

    Stately pigeons: photo, video, breeds

  • Martynovsky

    Stately pigeons: photo, video, breeds

  • Kamyshensky

    Stately pigeons: photo, video, breeds

  • Rzhevsky and others

    Stately pigeons: photo, video, breeds

Another stately subgroup – shakers, combines small and medium-sized birds with a shortened body and a beautifully curved neck. They stick out their chest wheel forward. During excitement, they shake their heads, which is why they are called shakers. These breeds belong to them.

  • Lugansk white stately

    Stately pigeons: photo, video, breeds

  • Volga stately red-breasted

    Stately pigeons: photo, video, breeds

  • Yeysk stately two-toed

    Stately pigeons: photo, video, breeds

  • Poltava stately black-tailed

    Stately pigeons: photo, video, breeds

  • Uryupin stately blue

    Stately pigeons: photo, video, breeds

  • Voronezh beetles

    Stately pigeons: photo, video, breeds

  • Stately Kazan

    Stately pigeons: photo, video, breeds

Kachunas not only shake their heads, but also sway while moving back and forth on the ground. They also have a short body, a curved neck and a strongly protruding chest. This group includes Novocherkassk black-tailed and others.

Stately pigeons: photo, video, breeds

Comment! Knowing the characteristics of each breed, it is easy to understand which group of pigeons it belongs to. Experienced pigeon breeders, by competently crossing individuals of different breeds, achieve an improvement in the exterior and flight qualities.

In terms of flying qualities

The leisurely circular flight of stately pigeons can be observed for hours. The hardiest birds spend up to 6 hours a day in the sky. Not all breeds have the same ability to fly, on this basis, three groups of pigeons are distinguished:

  • decorative, which do not really like to fly;
  • turmans who can tumble in flight;
  • high-flying sky lovers.

At bird shows, competitions are held on the duration and beauty of the flight, the ability of birds to return to the roof of their dovecote. Decorative breeds do not participate in such competitions. Pigeon breeders train high-flying and tumblers in advance, letting them fly every day.

By plumage color

The color of stately pigeons is diverse. Depending on the feather pattern, such groups of birds are distinguished.

  • color-sided

    Stately pigeons: photo, video, breeds

  • Variegated

    Stately pigeons: photo, video, breeds

  • color-breasted

    Stately pigeons: photo, video, breeds

  • Colortails

    Stately pigeons: photo, video, breeds

  • Single-color

    Stately pigeons: photo, video, breeds

Sometimes uniformly colored birds are called doper birds. Among the multi-colored suits, the color-breasted ones are the most common. The nature of their color is similar to the magpie – white body, dark head, neck, chest and tail. There are breeds with a white ribbon in the tail. Pockmarked stately pigeons are called curly.

Flight of stately breeds of pigeons

The flight of Turmans is especially interesting. They can show incredible tricks in the air, turning over and somersaulting through the tail or wing. In addition to hereditary data and breed characteristics, systematic training is important for good results.

Important! To teach young birds to fly, there must be individuals in the dovecote that can fly high and for a long time.

Pigeon breeders try not to let representatives of especially valuable breeds go on free walks, limiting their freedom to aviaries. Beautiful birds are hunted not only by people, but also by predatory hawks. Calm comes only in summer, when predators are busy breeding their own offspring.

Breeds of stately pigeons with photos and names

In recent years, there have been more pigeon breeders involved in stately pigeons than at the beginning of the XNUMXs. This is due to the emergence of organized clubs that help novice lovers not only buy good, thoroughbred birds, but also raise them healthy. Since the end of the last century, many new breeds of stately pigeons have appeared in Our Country. They have repeatedly won prizes at prestigious exhibitions.

Rostov stately pigeons

Stately pigeons: photo, video, breeds

The breed was bred about 100 years ago. The regal appearance of the birds will not allow them to be confused with other representatives of the pigeon brotherhood. The plumage is characterized by a two-tone color – a black head, back, tail and wings, a white neck, chest and belly.

Comment! Rostov stately – excellent flyers.

Description of birds:

  • two-tone white and black color;
  • hanging wings;
  • protruding chest;
  • fan tail;
  • pearl shade of the eye;
  • feathered legs with spurs;
  • small matte beak;
  • a forelock grows on the head at the nape.

Rostov pigeons are flight-decorative pigeons. The main color of the feathers in the upper body can be not only black, but also yellow and red.

Stately pigeons of Chernovalov

Stately pigeons: photo, video, breeds

Sometimes breeds are called by the name of the pigeon breeder who created them. This happened with Chernovalov’s pigeons. The birds have a solid white color, feathers that fit snugly to the body, and a highly raised tail in the form of a dense fan. A distinctive feature is the long feathers on the legs. The breed can be attributed to the group of shakers – during the excitement they shake their heads and coo funny. You can appreciate the beauty of stately pigeons in the video below.

1 clip. 2014 Stately pigeons of Chernovalov. G

Voronezh stately pigeons

Stately pigeons: photo, video, breeds

There are several stately breeds bred in the Voronezh region. Voronezh beetles, created on the basis of stately decorative pigeons, are especially popular. They first appeared in the 70s of the twentieth century.

Short description:

  • paws shortened, densely feathered;
  • harmonious physique;
  • fan tail;
  • the head is smooth;
  • small straight beak;
  • arched neck and broad chest;
  • lowered wings.

Feathers that fit snugly to the body. Black color, pearl eyes. The breed continues to develop, in recent years individuals with a different plumage color have appeared.

Lugansk stately pigeons

Stately pigeons: photo, video, breeds

A very beautiful breed, they like to use it at weddings and special occasions, releasing birds into the air, at the climax.

Comment! Thousands of Lugansk white stately pigeons were released at the opening and closing of the 1980 Olympics.

Description of birds:

  • white feathers;
  • pinkish beak;
  • black or dark cherry eyes;
  • lowered wings;
  • head without feather decoration;
  • on small paws feathers up to 6 cm long.

The breed belongs to a subgroup of shakers, pigeons make characteristic head movements during excitement.

Volga stately pigeons

Stately pigeons: photo, video, breeds

There are several breeds bred in the Volga region. The most famous are stately ribbon pigeons. Distinctive features of the breed: beautiful coloring of feathers and good flying abilities. On the legs of the birds there is a feather decoration, and along the edge of the tail there is a white border. The main color of the body is red, only the wings, abdomen, throat and cheeks, feathers on the legs and a ribbon on the tail are white.

Yeysk stately pigeons

Stately pigeons: photo, video, breeds

This breed belongs to the group of shakers. Birds have two forelocks – one in front of the beak, and the second – on the back of the head. Birds are distinguished by their strong physique, fertility and bright temperament. The breed appeared at the beginning of the twentieth century, in the city of Yeysk, Rostov stately pigeons were used to breed it.

Short description:

  • body size is average;
  • oval head with two forelocks;
  • the beak is light, straight and thickened, about 1,5 cm long;
  • arched neck of medium length;
  • the body is short and wide;
  • wings hanging from the tail;
  • tail fan, has more than 12 feathers.

Slightly disheveled plumage, loosely attached to the body, can be of various colors. The color of the eyes depends on the feather color, it is dark in white birds and light in black birds.

Beloglin stately pigeons

Stately pigeons: photo, video, breeds

In the village of Belaya Clay, stately pigeons enjoyed special honor and attention in the middle of the last century. The Cossacks brought the ancestors of the breed from Ukraine. Over the years of purposeful breeding, birds have been crossed with many similar breeds. The result was individuals with a beautiful combination of body shape and regal posture.

Description of the Beloglin stately:

  • shortened bare paws;
  • fan-shaped tail;
  • slightly curved small beak;
  • neck curved behind the back;
  • small and wide body.

Various feather colors are acceptable. The beautiful white-tailed variety has a colored body and white tail feathers. Beloglin stately fly well, they can perform somersaults in the air.

Starominsk stately pigeons

Stately pigeons: photo, video, breeds

A small variety, was bred in the Starominsk district of the Krasnodar Territory. The color of the feathers is varied. A distinctive feature of the breed: the structure of the head (wide forehead, crest at the back of the head). Unusual behavior is characteristic – in an excited state, the dove leans back and sits on its tail. The bird has plumage on its legs, the chest is beautifully curved like a wheel, and there are about 16 feathers in the tail raised and fanned out like a fan.

Breeding stately pigeons

For breeding and keeping pigeons, wooden or brick dovecotes are built, sometimes attics of multi-storey buildings are used. The room should be spacious and bright, with good ventilation. Next to the dovecote, an aviary is being built for thoroughbred birds, which are not allowed to fly, but are kept for offspring. Most pigeons have the ability to freely fly into the sky, they always return to their native dovecote.

For one pair, 1 sq. m area in the flight enclosure. Too dense placement of birds can lead to various diseases and fights for the territory. Pigeons live in constant pairs, infidelity in bird families is an exception to the rule.

Perches and nest boxes are installed in the dovecote near the walls. They look like multi-tiered shelves with compartments of the same size. During the breeding season, birds are transferred to three meals a day. The male and female take turns incubating the eggs. They also feed the chicks together.

The female lays no more than 2 eggs and incubates the chicks for 18 days. Pigeons are born helpless and ugly, but already in a month and a half they acquire the beauty of their parents. During the year, the female can lay and incubate eggs several times. On the first day, she feeds the chicks with “bird’s milk” – a special mucus from the goiter, then she gives the babies half-digested grain. Pigeons begin to eat food on their own at the age of one month, sometimes a little later.

Water for birds, especially young ones, is changed 2 times a day, they monitor the cleanliness of the room. Experienced pigeon breeders use special domed-top drinkers to keep the droppings out of the water when the birds land on top.

Pigeons are ringed: in an odd year on the left paw, in an even year – on the right. The rings indicate information about the country and time of birth, belonging to a particular club. Without a ring, a dove will not be taken to the exhibition. If the bird is lost, the information that can be read on the foot will help you find the owner.

Pigeons are fed most often 2 times a day – in the morning and in the evening. The amount of grain required for one individual depends on the breed and size – from 30 to 50 g per day.

Feed composition:

  • wheat;
  • corn;
  • unpeeled peas;
  • Vika;
  • millet;
  • seeds;
  • corn.

Grain mixtures are used for feeding. They may contain more than a dozen names of grain crops. The main cereal that pigeon breeders use in the diet of pigeons is wheat. Vika is fed only from the age of 2. Be sure to give mineral supplements intended for pigeons, with clay, flaxseed, sand, salt, eggshells, shell rock and other components.

Prevention of diseases consists in vaccinations, twice a year. To strengthen the immune system, be sure to give vitamins. The first vaccination of chicks is carried out in about a month. During molting, birds are always weakened, they need special attention and care.

Attention! For stately pigeons, cleanliness in the dovecote is especially important. Short legs and plumage on them should always be clean so that the birds do not get sick. Shallow basins of water are often placed in the aviary; pigeons are very fond of swimming.


Stately pigeons are incredibly beautiful. All breeds of these stately birds are similar to each other, but have their own distinctive features. To successfully breed birds, two things are necessary – love for them and a good dovecote. Pigeons are unpretentious in care, they breed offspring themselves, form monogamous pairs for life. For keeping and breeding, you need a spacious dovecote with perches, nest boxes, drinkers and feeders.

stately pigeons of the president of the club

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