Start life from scratch with Bridget Jones

“That’s it, from Monday I start a new life: I go on a diet, go to the gym, quit drinking, smoking …” Excerpts from Bridget Jones’s diary will help to create a “new life” program.

On March 23, 2016, the official trailer for the new Bridget Jones movie was released. Restless Jones is again in an interesting position, only now literally: she is pregnant and has no idea who the father of the child is!

Bridget Jones holds the record for making plans for Mondays. In general, she has a lot to learn. Even if she fails to bring all her grandiose plans to life, she still does not give up! Maybe that’s why we like her so much? As well as her plans, rules and clauses. Shall we try with Bridget?


What should I do:

– Quit smoking.

– Drink no more than fourteen drinks per week.

– Reduce hip circumference by 3 inches (i.e. 1 inches each) with an anti-cellulite diet.

– Clear the apartment of all foreign objects.

– Give the homeless all the clothes that I haven’t worn for two years or more.

– Pursue a career and find a new job with perspective.

– Save money by saving. Mb, also start saving for old age.

– Be more self-confident.

– Be more assertive.

– Make better use of your time.

– Do not go out every evening, but stay at home, read books and listen to classical music.

– Give a reasonable portion of the money you earn to charity.

– Be kinder and help people more.

– There is more fiber.

– Get up in the morning as soon as you wake up.

“Going to the gym three times a week isn’t just for getting a sandwich.

– Insert photos into an album.

– Record tapes with collections “by mood”, so that I always have tapes with all my favorite romantic, dance, inspirational, feminist, etc. on hand. music and so that I don’t turn into a drunken, drunken DJ-like entity with tapes strewn all over the floor.

– Establish a constructive relationship with a mature responsible man.

– Learn to program video.

What I shouldn’t do:

– Drink more than fourteen drinks and a week.

– Smoking.

– Spending money on: pasta makers, ice cream makers, or other culinary tools that I will never use; books by unreadable authors that will stand on the shelf for beauty; exotic underwear because it’s useless – I don’t have a boyfriend anyway.

– Walking around the apartment without clothes; instead, imagine that someone is watching me.

– Spending more than I earn.

– Allow the contents of the mailbox to get out of control.

– Fall in love with anyone from the following list: alcoholics, workaholics, morally impotent, people with girlfriends or wives, misogynists, megalomaniacs, chauvinists, brainwashers or gigolos, perverts.

“Be annoyed with your mother, Yuna Alconbury or Perpetua.”

– Get upset because of men; instead, keep your composure and be a cold Snow Queen.

– Passionately attracted to men; instead, build relationships based on a sober assessment of character.

– Talking nasty things about someone behind their backs; instead, speak only positively of everyone.

“Hurting over Daniel Cleaver because it looks pathetic—having a crush on the boss like I’m Miss Moneypenny or something.

– Be in a gloomy mood about the absence of a boyfriend; instead, to develop poise, authority and self-esteem, to look like a woman of integrity, self-sufficiency and without a boyfriend, and this is the best way to get a boyfriend.

* Here and below, replace proper names with those that are more suitable in meaning in your case. Good luck!

Helen Fielding Bridget Jones’s Diary

About the Developer

Helen Fielding published the first book about Bridget Jones in 1998. The plot for her was born from a column that Helen wrote in the Independent newspaper. After the resounding success, a sequel followed – Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason. Both books have been filmed.

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