The Barbados beauty moved to the USA 15 years ago and made a brilliant career during this time. The pop diva has never claimed the title of skinny and, on the contrary, is proud of her curvaceous forms.
Let’s just say that excess weight has always been characteristic of the singer, but it has never been a problem for her. While fashion critics and paparazzi clucked their tongues condemningly – they say, the diva has eaten out to marvelous forms and it’s time to lose weight – Rihanna did not even think about giving up revealing outfits. It is worth noting that a couple of extra pounds (to be honest, probably already a dozen!) Extra pounds fell, so to speak, to the yard – that is, to the body.
At first, Rihanna, apparently afraid of judgments and barbs, tried to hide her curvaceous forms under loose-fitting outfits. But they only played a cruel joke and enlarged the already outstanding parts of the stellar body. As a result, the beauty spat on all the stereotypes of harmony (on diets, however, too) and returned to her favorite frank short dresses and shorts. And, apparently, he feels comfortable in a “new” body. And men are crazy about beauty.
Many famous steep beauties skillfully emphasize their merits, which some would consider disadvantages.
For example, Kanye West was confused about the choice: Amber Rose or Kim Kardashian. Both girls were not inferior to each other in beauty … fifth points. But Kim turned out to be quicker – she simply showered Kanye with candid photos. And soon the heated rapper waved his pen to his already ex-girlfriend Amber Rose.
Jennifer Lopez even became a trendsetter for curvy hips. And she can safely wear the title of Queen of the Hips! Few of the young maidens in their years can boast of elastic forms, and Jay Lo, for a minute, is 49 years old! At one time, Jennifer Lopez and singer Iggy Azalea shot a very hot video for the song Booty (which translates as “ass”), and the queen was in no way inferior to the young rapper!
Another cool-headed diva, Beyoncé, one might say, became an example for Rihanna. The aspiring singer came under the wing of the guardianship of Beyoncé’s husband Jay Z. Which, by the way, caused insane jealousy on the part of the rapper’s legal wife. Until now, both girls are constantly being compared, and rumors of a romantic relationship between Jay Z and Rihanna continue to this day.
We have compiled a list of colorful ladies who can compete with Rihanna in steepness.