Many people think that the appearance of actresses and models should be absolutely flawless. However, this is not always the case. Some celebrities cannot boast of perfect facial skin, steel abs and … even legs. It’s hard to imagine, but some of the beloved Hollywood actresses are not at all the owners of straight limbs. But they do not bother them in life, some even know how to hide this flaw from prying eyes.
As soon as the series “Sex and the City” was released on the screens, only the lazy one did not express his opinion about the crooked legs of the main character Sarah Jessica Parker… She did not hide the fact that her legs were not perfect, and proudly wore short dresses, showing everyone her limbs.
Reese Witherspoon also cannot boast of perfectly straight legs, but sometimes it is very difficult to notice this. The actress learned to hide it correctly – in many photographs the star crosses her legs so that the letter “O” between them is not visible.
Tom Cruise’s former lover, actress Katie Holmes is the owner of crooked legs and is not at all shy about it. Although the paparazzi strive to take pictures in which her legs look even crooked than they really are.
Even Angelina Jolie often discussed due to the fact that her legs are far from ideal. In fact, by nature, the actress has perfectly straight legs, but because of her terrible thinness, they seem a little crooked.
Many male fans hardly ever noticed that the sex symbol of the 90s Pamela Anderson crooked legs, however this is exactly the case. The distance between her knees exceeds all norms. But the actress tries to hide it, but not always successfully.
And here at Eva Longoriawhen she walks the socks look to the side, not straight. Eversion of the actress is not worse than that of ballerinas, but in the pictures it looks rather strange.
At the beauty Margot Robbie also the legs are not quite perfect. Even a soccer ball can safely pass between her calves, but the actress does not seem to notice this and wears very short dresses. And the actress Keira Knightley as if deliberately being photographed so that her legs appear very crooked.