For these beauties, a small bust is not a hindrance at all – they are famous, rich and loved. And they boldly laugh at their modest size – after all, they have a lot of other advantages.
On December 17, the beautiful Milla – model, actress and mother of two wonderful daughters – celebrated her 44th birthday. Time seems to have no power over her – she is just as slender and fit, and it seems that two pregnancies did not affect her figure and appearance in any way. Of course, shooting in action films also played a big role, because thanks to the screen Alice from the zombie epic “Resident Evil”, Milla just got hooked on sports. Filming required to have good physical fitness and strong muscles, so the star did not get out of the gym and at the same time was engaged in oriental martial arts. Filming ended, but the habit remained. That, undoubtedly, Millais was only on hand. It would seem that everything in her is perfect, but no … There will be those who criticize the slender figure of the star – they say, the chest is too small, is it really impossible to do plastic surgery. Milla only laughs at the critics and jokes about the zero size: “Yes, my breasts are tight! But on the other hand, she is mine and she is! “
The actress recalls with horror filming in “Pirates of the Caribbean”. Despite the fact that the film made her a Hollywood star and the whole world started talking about the 18-year-old actress, Kira does not speak in the most flattering way about filming. With a very modest size, or rather, almost zero size, Kira had to wear a tight corset with a special padded neckline. He made the chest taller and added volume to it. “I felt like a stuffed doll!” – the actress joked. And after the end of filming, she even specially appeared on the red carpet in dresses with an extreme neckline to prove that she was proud of her modest breast size.
At the dawn of her fame, she blamed her breasts for failures in casting. They say that a small bust prevented her from getting the roles of a dream, and one could not even dream of heroines in Hollywood blockbusters. Now Charlize, of course, laughs at himself and in every possible way emphasizes, so to speak, the modest “culprit.”
“Somehow I wanted to buy myself a new breast!” – with a laugh recalls the warlike Gamora from “Guardians of the Galaxy”. This is how the actress thought to overcome the onset of the creative crisis. And then she became a mother and found something to do with herself – dreams of big breasts sank into oblivion.
“But I can forget about such a useless thing for me as a bra!” – the girl jokes. And, by the way, the modest size did not affect either Olivia’s popularity or success on the personal front. She is famous, rich and happily married.
But the singer had a hard time – she was even persecuted for her small breasts at school. Evil classmates did not even suspect that a couple of years later the girl would become a megastar and by her example she would prove that happiness is not in a big chest. Probably, now they bite their elbows in the blood when Ariana, talking about a difficult childhood, jokes that busty ex-offenders can only dream of such fame and love of loyal fans as hers.
“I wanted the same breasts as my grandmother’s! – the wittiest girl in Hollywood laughs. – She was very big with her, and as a teenager, I thought that I would grow up like that. But it hasn’t grown! ” However, this did not stop Cameron from becoming a Hollywood star and turning the head of many famous men.