Wday.ru has compiled a list of celebrities who cannot be proud of their “second ninety”.
While Kim Kardashian and J.Lo are showing off their standout rears, some stars are just right to cover them up. And in the truest sense of the word.
Cassie, Taylor Swift and even Cameron Diaz – nature deprived the poor things so much that even the extra pounds, which over the years fit tightly on the barrels, could not correct the situation.
But most of all the unlucky, perhaps, Kendall Jenner and Kourtney Kardashian. The fifth point of their sister Kim is so outstanding that even the owners of delicious “buns” can go under the knife to insert implants. Not like these girls.
Do you think you are to blame? In all honesty, let’s say that most of the stars presented have never neglected the gym. Most likely, genes are to blame. Although, of course, it is difficult to draw conclusions solely from the photo … However, there are enough of them to voice a disappointing, but fair verdict: these stars have absolutely flat priests!
By the way!
Not so long ago, it turned out that nothing spoils our prominent hindquarters like … sedentary work. This was announced to the whole world by the famous New York trainer Dan Giordano, who is sure that five years of sitting in an office chair is enough for the muscles of the buttocks to change beyond recognition. The reason for this is the lack of proper load and, as a result, impaired blood circulation. And most importantly, systematic trips to the gym will not help matters!
According to Giordano, for a relief and elastic priests, all representatives of office plankton need to train a lot, long and hard, namely, at least three to four times a week to perform exercises aimed at training the desired muscles. But that’s not all! For a beautiful butt (in addition to training), you need to do massages, as well as attend classes such as stretching, body ballet or Pilates.
How? Have you already given up on your second ninety? Then take a better look at the photos of stars with a flat bottom.
And now we got up from the chair and … 20 squats.
R-r-raz, two, move!