Photos that prove: celebrities can be lazy too.
Of course, the stars are people too, and it is simply stupid to expect perfect order from them. In addition, constant filming, tours and concerts take up almost all of the time. Despite this, they try to maintain cleanliness – at least in the photos that are posted on social networks. But sometimes, taking a selfie or filming a video, they don’t notice that a mess gets into the frame. And attentive fans can see it right away.
Singer Ekaterina Kishchuk the mess in the background is not at all shy. But what is really there, judging by the half-naked selfie, the star is not at all familiar with complexes. How else to explain the fact that the girl appeared in front of her subscribers in white nylon tights through which the underwear shines through, and in a top that barely covers her breasts. Looking at things scattered everywhere, the star at the last moment decided to take pictures of herself in the mirror. However, the subscribers are only in favor, because the photo has collected almost 400 thousand likes.
So, Victoria Bonya decided to puzzle fans with the question of which of the pictures in her house, with and without a filter, they like more. But it turned out funny: vigilant fans immediately noticed a plastic bag, full to the eyeballs, lying somewhere in the corridor. Not unpacked food, or even rubbish. But one of the important rules of photography, which many do not know or forget: first clean up around yourself! Even the most handsome person cannot look beautiful against the background of garbage and chaos.
Meanwhile Anastasia Volochkova even the hotel manages to make a mess. Having taken a selfie in the mirror in a hotel room on vacation in Greece, the ballerina did not take into account that the reflection of the room was also included in the frame. Or maybe she hoped that everyone would only look at her figure in a bikini. But subscribers were much more interested in the piled-up things and the cluttered sofa.
But you don’t take too many things with you on vacation, and besides, there are maids here. It’s scary to imagine what could be happening at Volochkova’s house.
At least her colleagues in the shop sometimes get pierced and accidentally show such a mess that you are amazed.
Natalia Podolskaya once decided to show off a chic spring coat. But the followers paid attention not at all to the new thing. They were embarrassed by the mess in the hallway where the singer is standing. “What is this still life? A folding ladder, shoes, an open closet and … a bag of trash “,” Bags with trash in the mirror are not very nice, “Podolskaya immediately criticized.
Not without such embarrassment and other stars. Elena Perminova, having taken a selfie in a new dress and applied sparkling filters to the photo, she did not at all look at what was in her background. And there it is far from the shine: scattered slippers, clothes somehow piled on the back of the sofa, uncleaned dishes on the table.
The interior Alena Vodonaeva many envy: stylish minimalism looks just gorgeous. Only now, in the absence of cabinets, the TV star, apparently, is forced to put things right on the floor.
Keti Topuria decided to shoot a touching video with my daughter. But before that, I forgot to remove the scattered toys and at least cover the closet with clothes. By the way, many star mothers sin in disorder in the house, and we understand them: even with one child it is difficult to maintain constant cleanliness, but if there are several children? That’s Anna Khilkevichand Rita Dakota, and even a seemingly ideal wife and mother Maria Pogrebnyak do not always have time to do general cleaning.
By the way, sometimes the stars would be happy not to show their home, but against the background of the mess, guests take selfies, and then upload photos to their microblogs. For example, Instagram Anastasia Reshetova just replete with pictures taken in the hallway Timati… Open bags on the floor and other little things that create chaos are common here. And the same Perminova was photographed at They are Rudkovskaya… And the situation in the house of the star producer was slightly different from what we are used to seeing in the frames of Yana herself.
Well, foreign celebrities generally do not pay attention to trifles like unwashed dishes or scattered things. The first place among the stellar sluts may well be divided among themselves Lady Gaga и Kim Kardashian… It seems like they just don’t have enough cabinets and shelves for all things. Good and Kate Hudson: spreading cosmetics on the bed is a common thing for her. BUT Emily Ratajkowski does not hide the fact that he stores books in piles right on the floor.
All photos of stellar riots are in our gallery.