Stars who are afraid of old age

At first glance, they do not seem to be afraid of their age, but they are afraid of the coming old age like a broomstick, which sweeps away the remnants of its former beauty like a broom, leaving room for deep wrinkles on their faces, flabbiness of the skin.

And celebrity women, who once shone with their sexuality and attractiveness, start chasing a ghost – an opportunity to preserve their old image. The horror of ending her life as a shabby old woman makes celebrities go all out. Exhausting diets, plastic surgeries and various expensive procedures – all are used to find the “elixir of eternal youth.”

The Sex and the City star is in her 61s, turning XNUMX. Her character Samantha Jones, a femme fatale who lures men into the net of her charm and easily leaves them to their fate, is far from the real Kim. Although there are three marriages behind her fragile shoulders, two abandoned lovers who were about two decades younger than Cattrall. She did not have children: it was Kim’s firm decision not to burden herself with parental concerns and continue her creative career without hindrance. According to her, she wants to age beautifully, nobly, with a certain degree of elegance and to look attractive in her own way at every stage of the outgoing age. “I enjoy freedom,” Kim likes to say. The most beautiful evening for a star is to return after hard filming to her home, where peace and quiet blows, hug her beloved cat and take a nap.

Kim is well aware that in Hollywood you need to always be on top and remain a desirable star woman. And the secrets of her unfading beauty are quite simple: she never went under the knife of a plastic surgeon, but used other cosmetic procedures. “I have a big crease between my eyebrows and I use Botox to get rid of it,” Kim Cattrall admits boldly. And the star actress says that she has been on a diet since 1974. In addition, Kim was actively involved in “physical yoga”, which helps to keep the figure in good shape. True, recently the star has switched to long walks in the fresh air. Note that Kim has a special approach to makeup: “I love curling eyelash curlers because, thank God, my eyelashes are long. Curling “opens” my eyes, and they are big for me, and I want to emphasize this. When my eyelashes are not curled, I think I look tired. “

“I don’t want to grow old! If I were told that a cement mask can prevent wrinkles around the eyes, I would do it regularly. Because as soon as your wrinkles appear and your neck sags, it can be considered the beginning of the end. ” Apparently, this was a cry of despair that prompted the star of the series “American Family” to appear in what her mother gave birth to on the cover of one of the magazines. And men, who know a lot about female beauty, were in complete prostration from the sight they saw. Gorgeous forms of a seductive body, unfading breasts and a charming smile on their face just threw them into a fever.

The sultry Colombian, once reputed to be an exemplary girl from a strict Catholic family, has made a dent in the heart of every man. “If you don’t have a big ass, you’re nothing,” Sofia likes to say and, contrary to the rules, combines a strict diet with a huge amount of sweets. She even somehow opened up that she could finish off a whole chocolate cake in one sitting. This can only be explained by the whims of Mother Nature, who awarded Sofia with special beauty, which stoically endures any excesses. Vergara fiercely opposes plastic surgery, and, beating herself in high breasts with a gentle fist, claims that she never allowed dangerous surgical experiments to be carried out on her body. And in the course of her fiery tirade, she even kicked Madonna herself: “Los Angeles has gone crazy. All women now look the same. This situation with cheeks like Madonna … Who are they thinking to deceive? It doesn’t make them any younger. You end up looking like a freak. ” Note that, reveling in the glory of a woman with the most impeccable body shapes, Sofia slightly forgot who she owes such an achievement. It turns out that the personal trainer of the dazzling Colombian Jennifer Yates was the home wizard. She worked on the body of the actress according to the method of Sebastian Lagri, combining bodybuilding and Pilates.

Two rather young creatures from the noble Kardashian family are already terrified of future old age. She appears to them as a kind of creature with a rattling voice, sitting in a wheelchair and covered with a blanket. The girls splash their hands in despair and openly share their fears on the pages of well-known publications. Kylie, for example, at the age of 17, already stated: “I think with horror about the day when I will turn 19. I really want to always be 18.” Sister Kendall echoes her with a tear in her voice, saying that “It’s very scary. Life goes on so fast and time cannot be stopped. You take a photo, and a year later you look completely different. Sometimes I feel like throwing my phone away. Social media, media, gloss have enslaved us. But this is not real life, it’s all just scenery. ” But somehow the girlish screams about the upcoming catastrophe are hard to believe: you are more and more inclined to believe that this is another PR move on the part of the punchy mother Chris Jenner. She was able once from the shame – home porn of Kim Kardashian – to extract millions in profits, not to mention her husband, who, during the transformation, is no longer Bruce, but Caitlin. By the way, Kylie is the only one from the Kardashian family who opposes plastic surgery. She stubbornly stands her ground, believing that she is already good and in demand as a successful model. In fairness, the glory of the idol of adolescents continues to hold on to her.

“There was a moment in my fifties when I entered the bathroom with a bottle of wine. I locked the door and said to myself: “I will not leave here until I fully accept how I look now.” I studied my face in a magnifying mirror, I looked at my body and cried, cried, cried. I thought that I want to grow old as a dancer – to keep my body in shape, “- once admitted the famous Hollywood star, who, like any attractive woman, is afraid of impending old age. But Sharon did not fall into depression: known for a strong character, she perceived everything that happened as inevitable. And if you now look at the actress, you can see her wonderful transformation. Slender figure, face, body shape allow Sharon to take bold pictures on the pages of glossy magazines. And the secrets of her beauty lie in the fact that she never resorted to the help of plastic surgeons. Sharon loves to take daily baths with milk and honey (Cleopatra’s recipe), does not follow a strict diet, but also does not consume harmful foods. She also goes in for sports. If this is not necessary, he tries to walk more often. Sharon finds that climbing stairs while ignoring the elevator is very beneficial for strengthening the muscles in the back and legs.

How much water has flowed under the bridge since the time when the young beauty was the prototype of the Barbie doll, which became the favorite toy – the girlfriend of millions of girls. Now Christy is 64, and she probably recalls the glorious past with nostalgia, deep down in her soul she is afraid of old age, which does not spare even the most attractive women. However, Brinkley will not yield to young models in anything even now. She continues to amaze with her sexy beauty, her photos do not leave the covers of magazines, delighting fans of Christie’s talent. And who’s to say that this dazzling woman who abandoned four husbands, has three grown children, is out of shape? Christie Brinkley does not wear the secrets of her beauty in her bosom. She claims that a woman’s charm is maintained by simple means. Christie, for example, considers herself a vegetarian and has given up sweets forever. Christy works out on the simulator for 10 minutes every day. Morning jogging, by the way, is considered mandatory.

It seems that the sultry beauty has entered into a serious struggle with time and age is not a hindrance to her, which she continues to deceive with charming slyness. Each of her performances on stage, each of her new music videos is a kind of hymn to unfading attractiveness, to a gorgeous female body, whose forms are so seductive that it will take the breath away even among venerable elders. It would seem that J. Lo has achieved everything to consider herself happy and self-sufficient. However, in an interview with People Magazine, she somehow admitted her fears for the future. The famous pop diva is afraid not only of the inevitable old age. She is frightened by the prospect of one day being completely alone. And then, as luck would have it, she is catastrophically unlucky for real men who are ready to lend their strong shoulder in difficult times. But we still continue to admire the beauty and singing of Jay, sincerely believing that she will find herself a worthy match. And in turn, let us recall the secrets of her attractiveness, which she does not hide from anyone. According to Jennifer Lopez, every woman needs eight hours of sleep. It does not allow the body to age quickly. And we must get rid of bad habits once and for all: Jay herself never drank alcohol or smoked. But the most important secret of her youth, according to the star, is the constant dancing.

It would be a mistake to think that this star was broken by the hardships of life and it turned into some kind of sad beautiful creature. Rather, on the contrary, the remarkable will and frenzied temperament of the singer and actress were well known to everyone. Many Hollywood directors recalled with pleasure the times when, figuratively speaking, on the set they danced to the tune of this dazzling and strong woman, unquestioningly fulfilling her whims. And each of them in his heart could admit to himself that he was waiting for a meeting with her, like a holiday. Especially when Cher appeared at the Oscars in a “naked” dress, showing off a gorgeous body. Modern young Hollywood beauties only repeat today her royal style. It is well known that a copy will never replace the original. And Cher, we must pay tribute to this star woman, has always been honest with her fans. She spoke boldly about her plastic surgeries that kept her in shape. And she did not claim, like some Hollywood stars, that she kept her magnificent breasts from her girlish times …

It is not surprising that Cher is afraid of old age and death. But this is not the panicky horror of the inevitable that drives a person into a corner. It’s just that Cher is afraid that there are many unfinished business in this world and, perhaps, there will not be enough time to carry out the most significant creative projects. Therefore, she speaks with a certain slyness about the future: “There is nothing wrong with old age, if only because it comes to everyone who has lived to see it. But old age is like an enemy. Better to come to an agreement with him than to engage in battle. “

In her zeal to remain forever young, she sometimes reaches the point of absurdity. The panic horror of old age makes her do fitness for four hours a day. The star is trying to remove the signs of the coming age using the method tested by Hollywood beauties: blepharoplasty and facelift. Chemical peeling procedures, botox and collagen injections are not a complete list of the means that, according to Madonna, save her from destructive old age. The singer’s desire to be always at a creative height has completely spoiled her character. Madonna has become a real dictator for loved ones who are afraid to even utter a word in defiance of her. And if one of them hints about meat for the prima’s diet, then she goes berserk. Because in order to maintain a muscular and dry body, which looks more like the build of an English racing horse, it feeds exclusively on unrefined cereals and semi-raw fish. And in between lunch and dinner, Madonna allows herself a stalk of celery or a tiny piece of carrot.

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