Stars of the East

Pilaf and dolma are two dishes around which improvisations of oriental culinary lovers will never end. The history of their creation is rooted in antiquity, but even today they leave almost boundless scope for creativity.

Few things taste better than a large, well-cooked piece of meat. However, if the meat is cut into smaller pieces, it can be cooked in an even more subtle and refined way, since in this form it blends perfectly with other ingredients of the dish. If the meat is chopped very finely, then it, perhaps, can become the basis for the most delicious dishes: in this way it perceives the best of the other elements of the dish even more readily and generously shares its taste and aroma with its neighbors on the plate.

But there is a way to turn the meat into something absolutely perfect – to cook it so that not a single drop of juice is wasted and so that the environment gives the meat an additional piquancy, while retaining all its taste and aroma. This method is as old as the world and probably familiar to everyone: wrap well seasoned minced meat in a piece of dough. Almost every nation on its gastronomic path one way or another came to a similar idea. Someone wraps minced meat in rolled pieces of dough and boils dumplings. Someone fries minced meat laid in a crescent of dough in oil and calls the resulting dish “cheburek”. Someone bakes rounded pies called “samsa” in clay wood-fired ovens and endows the whole area with alluring smells.

fairy tale motifs

Mahogany floors, Syrian carpets and handmade furniture… Masters from Tashkent were specially invited to create this interior worthy of Scheherazade’s fairy tales. Here you can taste Uzbek mashkhurda soup, teahouse pilaf, tandoor samsa and other joys of life – accompanied by a fragrant hookah. And most importantly, all this, including specialties, hookahs and dancers, can be ordered on departure.

“Uzbekistan”: Moscow, st. Neglinnaya, 29/14, t. (495) 623 0585. The average bill for two is 80 USD.

But one day someone decided to wrap minced meat not in the usual dough, but in a grape leaf, and representatives of a good dozen nationalities still argue about whose ancestor this genius was.

The truth, in my opinion, is as follows: every nation that has included the word “dolma” in its lexicon has contributed to this dish. Some guessed to add onion to minced meat; others have suggested that it is more correct to sauté the onions first in ghee; still others went even further and decided that they could not do without rice; the fourth came up with the idea of ​​adding pine nuts; fifth – greens and carefully selected seasonings; someone else got into the top ten, seasoning the minced meat with pomegranate seeds … Counting the options for improving this simple dish, it is no wonder to go astray.

What, for example, is the idea of ​​laying leaves of other plants between minced meat and a grape leaf: quince, sesame, and even ordinary linden! The radical replacement of the grape leaf not only with cabbage, but also with the hollow fruits of bell pepper at first seemed to make it possible to talk about the appearance of a new dish, but successful attempts to stuff almost any vegetables and fruits with minced meat – starting with quince, as if specially created for this purpose, and ending with potatoes with eggplants, in which holes are specially cut out for minced meat – dotted the i: all these countless variations are essentially the same dolma!

Salt of the earth

Different traditions of the East mixed up here: the Great Silk Road crossed these lands, bringing with them exotic recipes and spices. It is thanks to spices and pomegranate juice that Azerbaijani dishes are prepared almost without salt. “Many of them were prepared by my great-grandmother, grandmother and mother. I dedicate this book to the blessed memory of my grandmother, who carefully preserved the culinary traditions and passed them on to us,” Azerbaijani writer Habiba Mir-Ali kyzy Qashqai said, presenting her book.

Khabiba Qashqai “Azerbaijani Cuisine”, Olma-press, 263 p.

Over time, the dish changed not only the shell – they changed, tested, rejected and accepted different ways of preparing it. In addition to simply boiling in a saucepan with a small amount of liquid, some cooks began to fry dolma in an oiled frying pan as the first stage of preparation and only then lay it for cooking. Someone decided to fill the dolma with a specially prepared frying of various vegetables. Dolma is baked in trays with fatty lamb broth and stewed in pots along with sour cream and onions. They even prepare a special steam dolma.

A wonderful perspective opens up if you stuff a small bird – a quail or a small chicken – with minced lamb and roast them on a spit. But personally, I really like the usual Uzbek plov, decorated with dolma in grape leaves. This recipe has already become a classic, but what if we take one more step and completely replace all the meat in pilaf with different types of dolma, while combining several cooking methods at once? I would not be ashamed to serve such a dish to guests on the biggest and most joyful holiday – for example, on New Year’s Eve.


daily rice

This cereal has been grown on ecologically clean lands that do not know mineral fertilizers and machines, and is harvested by hand in accordance with the highest criteria of European environmental control. What could be better for preparing authentic dishes according to our traditional recipes?

Rice round PERLINGER BIO, Ecosupermarket “Grunwald”.

Open Sesame

A cross between a pressure cooker and a wok: this dish can be used as a cauldron, but thanks to the special design, dishes are cooked much faster. Another option is steam cooking.


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