The actress of the TV series “Univer” on TNT has come into amazing shape in just a year. The athletic figure brought Nastasya new movie roles, a contract with a sports brand, but most importantly, the actress likes her reflection in the mirror. For the editorial office of Woman’s Day, Nastasya gave a master class and told how she got an athletic body.
Nastasya Samburskaya with coach Maria Sotnikova
– I’m tired of the fact that at my fairly young age I can’t take and break into the water park, because I have to go on a diet for three days, get ready. When you are hungry, the body does not become more beautiful, you are just thin as a stick, but I wanted something else. I remember seeing photos of fitness bikinists on Instagram and realized: we are alike, I have the same frame, and the muscles on it will be very useful.
– Before, I, like many, thought that I just had no time to go to the gym, and then I analyzed it and realized: I spend half my time going nowhere – I’m sitting on the phone, watching TV. The first time I tried to get involved in classes two years ago, I signed up for group yoga. There were a huge number of people, the coach did not have time to approach everyone, explain everything to everyone. I quickly got tired of it, I quit and decided to try the simulators. I took myself an instructor and began to delve into it. One day he asked me to do deadlifts. I didn’t know what it was then. I hung 30 kilograms on the bar, but it’s easy for me. I added ten more, and more, and I calmly raise it. When the weight became 60 kilograms, I felt that it was hard, but I lifted it. Always loved to drag bags, probably it’s just mine!
– Success depends 80% on the menu and only 20% on the workload. Once upon a time I could not live without a piece of sausage, but when I started practicing, I realized that it was time to eat right. You need to eat three times a day and have snacks twice – eat boiled eggs, whole grain bread. At breakfast, you can afford carbohydrates, but at lunch and dinner you need protein and fiber. I gave up sugar, salt, flour products, starchy vegetables. I eat greens containing fiber, chicken, fish. And sometimes I can afford at least a kilogram of sweets, because I know: I will burn all the calories in training! In fitness there is such a thing as “cheat meal”: this is the time when you can even have breakfast with a hamburger. The main thing is to eat it in the morning, and at lunch and dinner from carbohydrates, and especially sweet ones, to abstain, they contribute to the fact that the press floats.
– Everyone needs to go crazy, hang out, drink alcohol, but at some point it all gets boring. And it is better to get bored earlier, and not at 50. Because such empty entertainment gives nothing, and sport is health and buzz, when you get involved, it becomes your way of life. To take the first step, you need to go to the store and buy yourself a beautiful uniform – shorts, a wristband, a T-shirt, sneakers. The first time it is better to work with a trainer, remember which exercise works for which muscle group, learn how to use simulators. Even if you have no money, this is not a hindrance. You can study at home! The main thing is to find your sport. Listen to your body and choose what you enjoy. For example, I can’t go to dances, I start to lag behind, get mad and freak out. But with a barbell in her teeth she is happy. My first results did not appear immediately either, after eight months I saw that the body began to change. No magical incentive will help you not to quit, you need to want to do it for yourself, and not for the sake of something.
– As a rule, they shout “I became like a man, I lost all femininity” those who have never played sports and have not a press, but a rather soft bulging belly. To pump a lot, you need to be fanatical, diet and not even work, but only play sports. It’s not so easy to turn into a man. I like how my body has changed, I look in the mirror and I am happy. And if I wear a dress, I will look great in it! Yes, maybe my shoulders are not small, but they have always been like that, because I myself am not a small girl, my height is 178. I do not have a complex about this. I have Batman’s shoulders, as I call them. As for opinions, how I started to study, the number of subscribers on my Instagram (@samburskaya) has become about 2,5 million! People write to me that I am an inspiring example for them.
– At one time I thought to participate in a fitness bikini, but still it requires a very long preparation process, I am first of all an actress, I need to work. By the way, the new figure and other work attracted. First, I was offered a role in the film “Friday”, I played a tequila woman who is engaged in wrestling. Then a sports clothing brand came along with a contract, the BodyLab online school launched a workout class with me. Since I am not a professional, I show the exercises under the guidance of an instructor. But now any girl can study with me.
Standing with your back to your bare feet, lean one foot on the center of the platform. The feet remain on parallel lines, the back is straight, the body is tilted slightly forward. Squatting, inhale, rising – exhale. Make sure that the knee of the supporting leg remains exactly above the heel, the lower leg is perpendicular to the floor.
This exercise is aimed at strengthening the buttocks and hips, using a barefoot gives an additional load on the muscles – the stabilizers of the core.
Elbows rest on the ball, legs straight, support on the toes. Maintain a straight body position. To complicate the exercise, you can take turns lifting your legs off the floor, while the shoulders and pelvis must remain stable and motionless.
Sitting on the ball, bodybar behind the back. Loins in natural arch, shoulders down. As you exhale, twist the upper body, keeping the pelvis stationary. While inhaling, return to the starting position, twisting to the other side, exhale.
These crunches work well on the oblique abdominal muscles. The support on the ball allows for better control of the stationary position of the pelvis.
We work on the muscles of the buttocks, back and back of the thigh.
Feet shoulder-width apart, medium grip (slightly wider than leg position), straight back, shoulders down. Legs as close to the bar as possible. With your back straight, by extending your legs, lift the bar away from the rack, taking a small step back. While inhaling, pulling the pelvis back, simultaneously bend the hip and knee joints, the bar slides along the legs, dropping to the middle of the lower leg. As you exhale, straighten yourself, starting with the extension of the pelvis. The gaze is directed in front of you. Keep your back straight.
Hands are straight, wider than shoulder width, support on the hands and toes. The body and legs form a straight line. (For beginners, lean on your knees.) Bend your elbows as you inhale, lowering your chest down. On exhalation, rise to the starting position. Keep your body and legs straight. The pectoralis major muscle is being worked on.
Resting your hands on the side of your back on the bench, place your hands shoulder-width apart. Legs together, knees bent, back straight as close to the bench as possible. Bend your elbows as you inhale, return to the starting position at the exit. Make sure that the forearms always remain parallel to each other and perpendicular to the floor, the elbows are directed towards the ceiling, and the pelvis does not move away from the bench.
Raising arms and legs while lying on your stomach
Lying on your stomach, stretch your arms forward, legs straight. The head is between the arms, the neck is a direct extension of the spine. While inhaling, simultaneously tear off your legs and arms with the body, bending in your back, while exhaling, lower yourself down without touching the floor with your legs or arms, while exhaling up again. For more work on the muscles of the middle of the back on the rise, you can add flexion of the arms at the elbows, pressing the elbows to the body as much as possible. Exercise strengthens the entire back of the body, from the upper back to the leg muscles. The lower back and buttocks are especially well worked out.
We would like to thank the fitness center “TERRASPORT Copernicus”, personal trainer Maria Sotnikova for help in filming.