Star hairstyles: celebrity haircuts 2013

Star hairstyles: celebrity haircuts 2013

In 2013, many celebrities, until recently, were considered style icons and geniuses of pure beauty, shocked journalists and their fans with their hairstyles and hair condition. Jennifer Lawrence with a very funny styling, Kristen Stewart with a bald head, Katherine Middleton with gray hair – and this is not a complete list of beauty failures of celebrities …

Comedic character played by Jennifer Lawrence

Cameron Diaz in Everybody’s Crazy About Mary and Jennifer Lawrence

Actress Jennifer Lawrence (Jennifer Lawrence) in late fall followed the example of colleagues and made a short haircut. And after the transformation, she began to experiment with styling in every possible way. How we just saw her: with smooth strands in the office style, and with voluminous hair in the spirit of the 60s, and in the image of “punk” and “rock” … But one day Lawrence and her stylists still overdid it with creativity. At the premiere of The Hunger Games: Catching Fire in Madrid, the girl appeared with a very strange hairstyle: her curls were chaotically tangled and styled in different directions. As a result, she looked very strange. By the way, the day after the event, journalists and fashion critics compared Jennifer Lawrence’s hairstyle with the styling of Cameron Diaz’s heroine in the movie “Everybody’s Crazy About Mary.”

Baby Talk by January Jones

The actress January Jones also surprised her fans: she came to the Isabel MarantpourH & M party in Paris with a children’s hairstyle, which is often called the “fountain”. The star gathered hair at the crown, releasing several strands from the tail. The curls carelessly curling around the face spoiled the situation even more. In short, the 35-year-old actress and mother of a two-year-old son looked ridiculous … By the way, after such a beauty failure, Jones’ fans and journalists asked the question: how did she, who has been included in the ratings of stylish celebrities several times, manage to do such a hairstyle?

Pamela Anderson’s dark days

By the end of the year, Pamela Anderson pleasantly surprised her fans and made a boy-like haircut. The new hairstyle turned out to be to her face: the actress began to look more restrained, but no less sexy. But while everyone admired Pamela’s transformation, she decided on another experiment, though this time not entirely successful: the actress dyed her hair dark blond and lost some of her charm. Fortunately, she quickly noticed this herself and for a while went out exclusively in hats, and then returned to the blond shade.

Jennifer Aniston’s thinning strands

Jennifer Aniston, whose hair became legendary before the beginning of time, cut her hair in the fall and got a bob. As it turned out, she did not decide on such drastic changes of her own free will. Aniston damaged her curls at one of the procedures in the salon, and she had to cut them off. Needless to say, the first appearance of the star of the series “Friends” in a new image caused a shock among her fans. Firstly, the actress’s hair was not as thick and shiny as before, and secondly, the styling looked very sloppy.

A couple of days later, Aniston commented on her new haircut like this: “I’m not happy, but I’m getting used to it.” By the way, she looks better now. Her friend and stylist Chris McMillan taught her how to add volume and style to her face. Well, fans can’t wait for Jen’s hair to grow back. Whatever one may say, long curls suit her better!

A photograph of 23-year-old Kristen Stewart strolling on the street gave Twilight fans a bombshell. The actress has a real receding hairline on the top of her head! After the picture appeared on the Internet, the front pages of the tabloids were full of headlines: “From unrequited love for Pattinson, Stewart began to go bald.” In general, the beauty oversight of the stars was discussed by all and sundry, and the stylists were forced to reassure the dispersed haters. The hairdressers who worked with Stewart assured the public that the light areas in the photo are not bald spots, but simply unsuccessful hair styling and overgrown blonde roots. Admirers note: the natural hair color of the actress is light blond.

Kelly Osbourne at the 2013 American Music Awards in Los Angeles appeared with an extravagant hairstyle, or rather, with unusual accessories in her hair. The stylists have woven a ribbon with thorns into the singer’s French braids! It looked, to be honest, quite terrifying … Moreover, neither the ribbon nor the spikes at all suited the romantic image of the star – a rather restrained makeup and a simple cut of a pastel dress. Apparently, in this way, Ozzy Osbourne’s daughter, the crown princess of Darkness, wanted to attract the attention of journalists. Well, she succeeded. True, with such a hairstyle, she got into the anti-rating.

Dragon Hairstyle by Kelly Osbourne

Duchess of Cambridge Catherine (Catherine Middleton) surprised the press and fans with a sloppy hairstyle. By firing her hairdresser for incompetence (he posted pictures of the royal on his Facebook), Middleton pretty much neglected herself. In addition to the fact that her hair was in a terrible state, the first gray hair of the young duchess became noticeable to the world. As a result, the graying Middleton became the close object of press attention and ridicule from the spiteful critics. Fortunately, Kate Middleton recently found herself a new hair master. It was the famous Italian stylist Rossano Ferreti; after spending about six hours in his salon, Catherine was noticeably transformed.

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