star diets

They are relentlessly fighting overweight and their culinary weaknesses, exhausting themselves with rigid diets.

For these stars, sometimes every day of the diet is a feat, a victory over the temptation to eat a crispy and ruddy donut, or at least try a slice of roast. Of course, there are also defeats, when a weak woman’s heart, having driven strict thoughts into a corner, surrenders to the mercy of her favorite delicacy. Naturally, this is followed by belated remorse and another round of stubborn, tiring struggle for weight loss.

Alicia was always teased for being overweight and even denied roles

Now this is a completely different person!

It all started with the Golden Raspberry Award, which the Hollywood star earned for the movie Batman and Robin, where even her loyal fans noted the overly curvy forms. This is not to say that Alicia did not know about it. Even in her distant youth, after watching a documentary about a slaughterhouse, she experienced a real shock. She swore never to eat meat and become a vegetarian. Creative failure only spurred Alicia Silverstone a new life. Later, in 2009, she wrote The Good Diet with her own recipes, excluding honey, caffeine and all animal products. The vegetarian lifestyle, contrary to popular belief, helped the star actress give birth to a healthy son – baby Bear Blue. The actress is convinced that thanks to herbal food, she got rid of insomnia, edema, and her skin became clean and smooth.

Star diet: everyone knows the strict apple diet from Alicia Silverstone, which is considered the first step in the fight against excess weight. It is designed for six days and requires strict discipline so that no temptation arises. On the first day, you need to eat 1 kg of apples, on the second – 1,5 kg, on the third – 2 kg, on the fourth – 2 kg, on the fifth – 1 kg, and on the last day of the diet – 1 kg. You can also eat rye croutons and drink water or green tea.

She is already over 50, and she is slender and graceful, like a young girl. Although the star of “Sex and the City” once frankly admitted to the British edition of The Daily Mail that over the years it becomes more and more difficult to control your weight. However, she stubbornly fights to preserve her forms in an attractive form, surprising Hollywood beauties with smooth and delicate skin. On the questions of the envious, Kim answers mockingly: “I do this not for men, but solely for my own sake, so I take care of myself.” And no one has ever seen a star get fat! And this despite the tendency to be overweight.

Star diet: the actress considers herself to be a follower of Dr. Perricone’s diet. A well-known nutritionist claims that eating foods containing flour, sugar and fats is like death and often causes many diseases. Fruits, vegetables, and lean fish, on the other hand, slow down the aging process. Kim Cattrall strictly follows Dr. Perricone’s advice. She drinks eight glasses of non-carbonated mineral water daily, which contributes to skin health. For example, her breakfast consists of half a glass of oatmeal, 120 grams of melon, green tea or water. For lunch, Kim prefers to be content with 180 g of tuna, washed down with the same tea. For an afternoon snack, she drinks 180 g of natural yogurt. For her first dinner, Kim eats two glasses of shredded lettuce, seasoned with lemon juice and a teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil. And, of course, he drinks green tea. Before bed, Kim usually eats half a pear or green apple.

Sometimes Mariah just gets tired of fighting excess weight.

In her youth, the singer’s willpower was stronger.

Once a star pop diva with might and main promoted a healthy lifestyle and amazed fans with her forms, which allowed her to move freely and uninhibitedly around the stage. Unfortunately, Mariah Carey’s overweight struggle went on with varying success and more often ended in defeat. This was well felt by the guys from the dancer of the pop diva, who today at every concert have to carry on their shoulders a singer who has gained 120 kilograms of weight.

Star diet: Mariah was an avid supporter of the purple diet. According to the singer, beets, plums, blueberries, blackberries, grapes protect the body from harmful bacteria and contribute to weight loss. Mariah claimed that due to this diet, she was able to say goodbye to being overweight in just a month. The star’s breakfast usually looked like this: a glass of low-fat yogurt, 250 g of fresh blueberries with a couple of mint leaves. It was followed by a second breakfast, during which the singer ate 5-6 large strawberries with a glass of chamomile tea. Lunch consisted of pizza with tomato, artichokes and fresh mushrooms. The menu was sure to include a salad of cucumbers, carrots and tomatoes, seasoned with balsamic vinegar. It was also accompanied by a salad (about 150 g) of fruits with berries, banana, orange and kiwi. The drinks included still water with lemon. For afternoon tea, Mariah traditionally ate tomato and celery soup. Dinner consisted of 250 grams of green beans, a small portion of durum wheat pasta with cheese, cucumber and tomato salad, a glass of still water with a sprig of mint and lime.

27-year-old Jen considered herself disgustingly fat

A tough diet gave Aniston a slim figure, but deprived of the chance to get pregnant

Hollywood has always been capricious with applicants who wanted to win his favor. Therefore, a girl with a curvaceous body, which was Jennifer Aniston, irritated him. And for the sake of a starring role in the popular TV series Friends, she made sacrifices. Extreme eating, which could hardly be called a diet, turned out to be disastrous for the young actress. The consequences of such a reprisal (there is no other word for it!) With the body led to the fact that Jennifer still cannot get pregnant. The lessons of the past, apparently, taught the star to carefully and carefully treat nutrition. She even developed her own diet, based on the fact that almost half of the daily diet should be vegetables and fruits, and lean beef and dietary meat are not excluded from it. A complete ban has been declared on carbohydrates, they are replaced by vegetable fats. According to Jennifer, being slim like her is only possible through her diet.

Star diet: Jennifer’s breakfast begins with oatmeal and unsweetened coffee. For lunch, she has a grain bun. For lunch – buckwheat porridge stewed with mushrooms, tomato salad and still mineral water. For afternoon tea, Jennifer eats one orange, and for dinner – a turkey casserole, washed down with green tea. By the way, to get rid of her cravings for sweets, she eats baby puree.

She was never a fragile and airy girl: the pop diva was always distinguished by slightly curvaceous forms that delighted men. When Beyoncé became pregnant, she said, she gained almost 26 kg. The extra weight horrified the singer, and after giving birth, in order to regain her former shape, she went on a lemon diet. And at the same time resumed classes in the gym. But back to the vaunted Lemon Diet, which brought the sexy and charming singer Beyoncé back to the stage.

Star diet: however, it is worth warning that such a diet is not a panacea for all the troubles associated with obesity, and requires caution. Judge for yourself, living on water with lemon, a little flavored with maple syrup and hot cayenne pepper is not harmless to the body. The pop diva drank such lemonade an average of 10 glasses a day, supplementing them with liquid broths. You can, of course, console yourself with the fact that this was one of the intermediate stages of losing weight, called cleansing. After such a test, Beyoncé traditionally switched to a vegan diet. The singer’s daily menu included vegetables, fruits, nuts, legumes and cereals.

She had to give up many bad habits and, figuratively speaking, put all her whims on the shelf to get rid of excess weight. In addition, the status of a Hollywood star forced Miley to make certain and forced sacrifices.

Star diet: after some deliberation, she opted for a gluten-free diet. For breakfast, Miley ate a boiled egg, porridge cooked in water, a slice of hard cheese, and washed it down with a cup of ground coffee with the sweetness of cornmeal. Her lunch consisted of salad, a slice of boiled chicken or fish, soup with low-fat broth, a steamed cutlet with buckwheat porridge, and dried fruit compote. For an afternoon snack, Miley ate seasonal fruit or drank a glass of natural yogurt. And for dinner, the star actress’s menu usually included stewed vegetables, rice cakes, buckwheat or rice flour pancakes. According to Siley Myrus, such a diet helped to cleanse the body of toxins and significantly lose weight.

A sultry Latin American with a rocky shape, it seems, is not going to give up the position of the first beauty of Hollywood. The singer jealously monitors her weight, but she does not want to be like many stars tormenting themselves with rigid diets. She believes that keeping in shape requires only proper and balanced nutrition.

Star diet: Jennifer usually follows a concert diet. This is her personal invention, which has never failed. About two days before the performances, Jennifer switches to the following meal: for breakfast, the Hollywood star drinks a glass of water or cocoa, then eats an apple. For lunch, he manages with cottage cheese (200 g) and fruits (by weight – the same). And for dinner, the singer can afford the luxury of eating chicken (about 200 g) and 300 g of vegetables. Jennifer eats some dried fruit between meals. Before going to bed, the singer must drink a glass of low-fat yogurt. Such nutrition allows Jennifer to quickly lose extra pounds and amaze fans of her talent with a beautiful body. We add that even in her free moments she does not stop dancing.

The extravagant pop diva is in constant struggle with excess weight. And one gets the impression that this war will never end. Perhaps her dad is to blame – the owner of an Italian restaurant famous for its dishes, past which the girl cannot slip by. She eats huge quantities of cakes and other sweets, and then wonders why she cannot fit into stage dresses. In desperation, the pop diva runs to the gym and frantically searches for the most effective diet.

Star diet: and finds nothing better than to invent his own – “alcoholic”. As a result, when Lady Gaga sat on such a “diet”, neglecting high-calorie foods, she lost weight in an amazing way. Apparently, her turbulent life and yoga classes also affected. No doubt, the singer received considerable moral satisfaction from the fictional “alcoholic diet”. But the trouble is, for example, once after the presentation of the Grammy, she could not even remember where this celebration took place. Therefore, in the future, the singer had to urgently abandon her creative delights.

Her femininity was almost ruined by the trilogy “Diary of Bridget Jones”, because there was no trace of the slender figure of the Hollywood star. At the creative direction of the director, before filming, she ate sausage and apple pies, drank cream and beer to get into the image of a bbw. Ultimately, after all the culinary trials, the poor actress had to get rid of more than a dozen kilograms!

Star diet: and Renee went on the Atkins diet, the main rule of which was to wash down every serving of food with grapefruit juice, which is considered a sure way to burn fat. She completely excluded fatty, sweet and starchy foods from her menu. The actress began to replace sugar with a spoonful of honey, and for breakfast, lunch and dinner, she ate only turkey, fish, cereals, vegetables, fruits and herbs. Such a diet, combined with intense exercise in the gym and daily massage, has paid off. In general, Rene managed to return to its previous forms and successfully continue her acting career.

The large star mommy still amazes us with her girlish figure and attractive appearance without a single wrinkle on her face. Victoria achieved this result with the help of various diets and set, probably, the record for the number of procedures aimed at getting rid of even a gram of fat. She fanatically drove off the weight, turning each time into a kind of ephemeral creature that seemed to feed only on air.

Star diet: The most famous and very strict diet from Victoria Beckham is that almost all foods are excluded from the diet, except for raw fish (sashimi) and berries. However, this approach to nutrition carries many hidden threats. In addition to the fact that raw fish can contain parasites, useful vitamin B1 is destroyed, which is essential for the normal functioning of the heart, brain and nervous system. In more gentle forms of the diet, Victoria advises steaming all dishes and giving up sugar, replacing it with garlic, which, in her opinion, is considered a sugar product. Perhaps the fight even with the shadow of excess weight so exhausted the star that she once confessed: “I dream of getting better.”

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