Staphylococcus in the vagina is the presence in the mucous membranes of the organ of staphylococcus, a spherical bacterium that can cause inflammation. Within acceptable limits, a woman may have such a transient type of staphylococcus as epidermal. In a healthy woman, it will not cause disease, as a normally functioning immune system will restrain the growth of this bacterium.
Less than 10% of women are carriers of Staphylococcus aureus in the vagina, and at the same time, the bacteria also do not cause inflammation in them, thanks to strong local immunity. In the remaining 90%, Staphylococcus aureus in the vagina causes an infectious and inflammatory process.
Symptoms of staphylococcus in the vagina
If there are problems in the immune system and staphylococcus in the vagina began to actively multiply, this will lead to the development of the following symptoms:
Pain localized in the pelvic area.
Discharges with impurities of pus and having an unpleasant odor.
Abundant discharge can cause itching and burning in the genital area.
When the bladder and urinary tract are affected, burning and pain during urination can be observed.
Unpleasant, often painful sensations during intimacy.
The presence of pustules in the genital area, most often boils.
General malaise and weakness.
Temperature rise up to 38 °C.
Sleep disorders and neuroses.
The appearance of orange cups on the skin of the labia.
Frequent exacerbations of candidal vaginitis, with all the accompanying symptoms.
Causes of staphylococcus in the vagina
Staphylococci constantly surround a person and live on the skin, household items, in dust, in the air.
They can get on the vaginal mucosa in several ways:
During hygiene procedures, staphylococcus can enter the vaginal mucosa, for example, from the intestines. Especially if intimate hygiene is carried out incorrectly.
During a medical examination, with insufficient observance of sanitary and hygienic standards.
During intercourse.
In addition, in order for the bacterium to begin to actively multiply, it needs certain conditions. These become:
Decrease in the body’s immune forces against the background of an infectious disease, with an exacerbation of a chronic disease, etc .;
Disruption of the endocrine system, diabetes mellitus;
Injury to tissues, for example, during labor or during diagnostic procedures;
Diseases of the genital area, for example, endometritis, fibroids, etc.;
Poor or improper hygiene care;
Violations of the microflora of the vagina, the death of lactobacilli and the prevalence of an acidic environment.
All these factors contribute to the fact that even staphylococcus that has not shown itself in any way before begins to grow and multiply, causing an inflammatory process.
Treatment of staphylococcus in the vagina
In order to confirm or deny the presence of staphylococcus in the vagina, a woman will need to take a smear for bacterial culture. When the diagnosis is confirmed, the doctor prescribes treatment. It is aimed at eliminating the pathogenic flora, at its restoration, as well as at correcting and maintaining the immune forces of the body.
Therefore, doctors practice the following therapeutic scheme:
Taking antibacterial drugs in tablet form. The most popular drugs are the penicillin series, as well as combined agents. The choice of a specific drug name will depend on the bacterial culture performed and the sensitivity of the bacterium to a particular drug.
Local treatment using antibacterial suppositories. Often prescribed vaginal tablets.
Topical treatment using antiseptic preparations used for douching. It can be Miramistin, a solution of potassium permanganate, hydrogen peroxide.
Restoration of the normal microflora of the vagina, for which vaginal tablets are used – Vagilak, Gynoflor, Ecofemin.
Treatment of concomitant disease, if any, with etiotropic agents.
As additional recommendations, doctors advise a woman to refrain from sexual activity during treatment. If there is a permanent sexual partner, then he also needs to undergo research and, if necessary, therapy.
In addition, a woman should follow a sparing diet with the exception of spicy, fried and fatty foods.
Prevention of staphylococcus in the vagina
Preventive measures should be aimed not only at preventing infection of the vagina with staphylococcus aureus, but also at restraining its growth and development with possible asymptomatic carriage.
Among the most effective preventive measures are the following:
Careful intimate and personal hygiene, with mandatory hand washing;
Refusal to take any medicines without a doctor’s prescription, especially antibacterial action;
Refusal of low-quality underwear made of synthetic materials, which can not only injure the skin, but also become a favorable environment for the development of bacteria;
Timely treatment of diseases of the genital area;
Avoidance of frequent stress, injuries of the genital organs;
Use of reliable methods of contraception, such as condoms;
Refusal of bad habits, low-quality food, maintaining physical fitness;
Use of personal hygiene products.
These simple rules will help to avoid infection and maintain the microflora of the vagina, as well as the state of the immune system is normal. As for the prognosis for recovery, with timely treatment, it is favorable.
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