Staphylococcus aureus in the intestine is a colonization of its mucous membrane with a bacterium belonging to the group of staphylococci and capable of causing an infectious and inflammatory process. This bacterium does not always cause an inflammatory reaction in the intestine, but only if its concentration exceeds the permissible values. This happens either when the immune forces of the body are weakened, or when food poisoning occurs.
In the intestines of a healthy person, the bacterium can be present in small quantities and eventually eliminated, thanks to the work of lacto and bifidobacteria, at a normal level of acidity. As for children, at the age of up to a year, this type of staphylococcus should be absent in their intestines.
Symptoms of staphylococcus in the intestine
Once in the body, the bacterium quickly causes the first symptoms of poisoning, most often this time is about half an hour. In some cases, the incubation period can be extended up to 6 hours.
Among the symptoms, a person notes the following:
Chair disorder. At the same time, the urge to empty the intestines is regular, and can occur every hour.
The nature of the feces changes. They become liquid, slimy. In some cases, blood impurities may be observed.
The patient complains of acute pain, the place of their localization is the epigastric region and the lower abdomen.
Poisoning is accompanied by nausea and vomiting.
The skin around the anus is irritated, diaper rash may form, even despite sufficient hygiene.
Body temperature rises, but, as a rule, to low values u37,5buXNUMXband remains within XNUMX ° C.
There are common signs of intoxication – fatigue, loss of appetite, dizziness, headaches.
As for children, at an early age, infection with this type of bacteria is more acute in them. A rash appears on the skin, the baby often burps in gushing masses, the stool is frothy, plentiful and frequent, mucus and blood may be present in it. Sometimes there is an increase in body temperature to high values, in cases where infection with intestinal staphylococcus occurs as a toxoinfection.
Reasons for infection
Among the reasons for the entry of Staphylococcus aureus into the human intestine, the following can be distinguished:
Eating contaminated foods. Most often, staphylococcus lives in confectionery with cream, canned food, the manufacturing process of which was violated.
Direct contact with people carrying Staphylococcus aureus.
In the conditions of a hospital, during the passage of medical examinations.
During childbirth or breastfeeding, from mother to child.
In addition, the bacterium can begin to multiply actively against the background of a decrease in immunity. This happens even if it simply existed in the human intestine for several years without causing inflammation.
In order to get rid of the bacteria in the intestine that provoked the inflammatory process and food poisoning, it is necessary to adhere to the following principles:
Use antimicrobial and antibacterial agents to which the bacteria is sensitive.
Use immunomodulating agents to increase the body’s resistance to infection.
Use of enemas for topical treatment of infection.
Normalize metabolism by taking vitamin and mineral complexes.
Normalize the intestinal microflora and get rid of dysbacteriosis.
In addition, more and more often, doctors, in order to rid the patient of bacteria, prescribe him the intake of bacteriophages, which are able to eliminate staphylococci in the body. In combination with nitrofurans, bacteriophages provide a practically high guarantee of cure. Importantly, such a scheme can be applied even to infants.
It is important in the acute period of the infectious process not to forget about the restoration of the water-salt balance, as it is disturbed as a result of vomiting and frequent diarrhea. Enterosorbents can be taken to rid the body of toxins secreted by microbes.
After treatment with antibiotics, it is imperative to drink a course of prebiotics, the duration of which should be at least a month.
In some cases, antihistamines are indicated, since allergic reactions are frequent companions of dysbacteriosis in both children and adults.
Naturally, a full recovery is impossible without a sparing diet. Food should be light, low-salt, not injuring the intestines. It is worth giving up fatty and spicy foods, as well as foods containing coarse fibers, especially in the acute period of the disease.