Stanley Basin

Plum Stanley is a variety of the North Caucasus region. Differs in high survival in places with changeable weather phenomena. The Stanley plum is resistant to both frost and drought, which favorably presents its characteristic. It is dominated by the qualities that it borrowed from the “genetic ancestors”. The Stanley variety belongs to the Hungarian plums, which may be called Stanley or Stanley. These varieties of varieties are very similar to each other, but they have more different. The only thing that can be noted is the long purple fruits with dark spots in the form of black shades. There are abdominal stripes that distinguish the variety from others, as well as the taste of the pulp – it is sugary and dessert. It is from Hungarians that the best prunes are obtained.

History of variety breeding

Stanley Basin

The Stanley plum variety was bred a long time ago – in 1926 by several breeders. It all started in the twentieth century, when Richard Wellington decided to conduct an interesting experiment. A professor at Cornell University crossed plums – he took the French variety Pryunot d’Agen as the basis. Additionally, the Grand Duke was investigated – this is a variety of American origin. The French plum Pryunot d’Agen conveyed its taste, excellent aroma and sweetness of the fruit. External features are the full merit of the “woman”. And from the male plum variety – resistance to freezing buds in the cold spring.

Nowadays, the Stanley plum is present in many gardens. She is loved for her qualities and properties – they are planted in regions with a temperate climate. In Our Country, the variety is also popular. In Europe and America, it ranks 4th in terms of the degree of landing in the central regions.

In the 80s of the last century, the Stanley variety was cultivated in the USA. Now Stanley is grown in the Chernozem region, Moscow region, Siberia. But the plum is late-ripening, so it is better not to export it to frosty countries. Even if she grows up, she will not be able to mature.

Description of the Stanley plum variety

Plum variety Stanley grows up to 3 m in height. A very tall tree with a massive crown. Plum bark is distinguished by its dark brown hue from other trees. Straight in length and rounded in shape, the trunk beautifully holds plum branches. Shoots have a reddish tint. The leaves have their own pigmentation, which is sometimes perceived as a disease. The Stanley plum blossoms in mid-spring, when the April thaw sets in, the earth freezes and nourishes the soil. The buds on the tree are generative, appear on the shoots after the first year of the seedling’s life.

Stanley plum begins to bear fruit towards the end of the 4th year of life. Full maturation occurs in mid or late September. The Stanley plums themselves are very tasty – they have a large stone, which is easily separated from the pulp. However, the mass of the fetus is small – only 50 g, despite the fact that most of the weight is occupied by the bone.

The skin has a purple color, but near the filling it gives off green. There is also a ventral suture that unevenly connects the top and bottom of the plum. The pulp is yellowish, according to agronomists, it received 4,9 points. The taste is very sweet, dessert. Due to the fact that the height of the Stanley plum is impressive, one tree during the fruiting period can produce more than 70 kg of fruit.

Characteristics of the Stanley variety 

Stanley Basin

Plum variety Stanley is quite large, so it needs care and feeding.

Important! Plum is hardy, can survive frost and warm weather, but will die if planted in a region for which it is not zoned.

Drought resistance, frost resistance 

Plum varieties Stanley tolerates frost very easily. The maximum “survival” mark is -34 0C, which means that Stanley’s columnar plum can grow even in Siberia without changing the taste of its fruits.

She also tolerates heat easily, but stuffiness and drought are unacceptable. Stanley plum should be watered abundantly, use a turn, Ussuri plum or sand cherry for soil, so that the rootstocks do not harm the tree. Plum Stanley also needs vaccinations in winter.

Stanley plum pollinators

Stanley plum pollinators are varieties with similar characteristics. These include Chachak plum, Empress plum, Bluefri and President. All of them have good qualities and tasty fruits.

Stanley plum yield

Stanley Basin

The Stanley plum variety blooms in mid-spring, and in early autumn you can enjoy the fruits. Young trees will allow you to harvest 60-70 kg of crop. But adults are tall and massive plums up to 90 kg from one tree.

Scope of berries

The Stanley plum variety has a universal purpose. It is used in its pure form without processing, it can be sent for drying to get prunes. Also in the industry, this variety is loved in the form of compotes, jams and juices. Separately, they began to produce marinades using Stanley plums. It is easy to freeze, it does not deteriorate, as it is “prepared” for low temperatures. Transportability is excellent – Stanley’s home plum easily withstands moving.

Disease and pest resistance

Stanley’s columnar plum is very resistant to diseases, especially to polystigmosis. This is a disease of red spots on foliage and fruits. Usually plums of different varieties after infection begin to become covered with a gray film of rot and aphids.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Stanley Basin

If we take into account all the characteristics and features of the Stanley plum, there are several positive aspects of it:

  1. It easily tolerates viruses and diseases without requiring additional preventive measures.
  2. Plum Stanley in the Moscow region and Siberia will feel equally good – frost resistance is high.
  3. It is self-fertile, gives a constant stable crop.
  4. The peel is soft and dense – not subject to abrasion and cracks.

Of the shortcomings, only its susceptibility to rot and exactingness to soil fertility are highlighted. Therefore, if you additionally moisten and feed the earth, you can enjoy delicious Stanley plums. Also, gardeners’ reviews of Stanley’s plum say that the variety is easily transplanted to new soil. This is beneficial and convenient for summer residents when the seedling may not like the chosen place for planting.

Planting plum Stanley

Plum varieties Stanley should be planted before the beginning of spring, and preferably at the time of the beginning of sap flow. Autumn planting is more difficult for trees to tolerate, so in the new year, immediately after the snow melts, it is worth doing just that so as not to miss the deadlines.

Stanley Basin

Advice! It is also worth preparing clay bottles for seedlings in advance. In them, plums will stand for several months, not like other trees.

Recommended dates 

The pit is prepared in autumn so that the earth can freeze and warm up. Dimensions depend on the root system of the Stanley plum. The variety can have weak roots, and then spread over several meters in width. Much depends on the soil, but the width of the pit should be wide and roomy:

  1. If the soil is fertile, dig a hole 60 x 80 cm.
  2. If not fertile, then the pit reaches a size of 100 x 100 cm.

Then in the spring, Stanley’s home plum will be able to take root.

Choosing the right place 

Plum varieties Stanley loves heat, which means that the place on the site should be completely covered with sunlight. The tree will be “grateful” for the fertile soil, warmed up to a depth of 1 meter. Drafts are best eliminated. It is better to plant a Stanley plum variety on the south side in the forefront.

Stanley Basin

Plum also loves moisture, so groundwater is essential. If they are not, you will have to water the Stanley plum every 3-4 weeks.

What crops can and cannot be planted nearby 

Near the Stanley plum, only those crops that belong to the type of fruit trees can be planted. In the same garden, there can be both apple trees and pears.

Selection and preparation of planting material

Stanley Basin

Before planting, you do not need to prepare any additional materials, everything is prepared according to the general rules and algorithm.

Landing algorithm 

In the middle of the pit, there is usually a support that serves as a support for the drain. Before planting, the pit is watered with water – other varieties of plums do not require this. The seedling is tied to a support so that the first shoots are higher than the end of the stake. The roots of the Stanley plum are distributed evenly in breadth. Then they are sprinkled with earth, and a moat is made around. It is necessary for watering. The neck of the seedling is treated with heteroauxin, then the groove is watered.

Stanley Basin

Plum Aftercare

Further care is to trim the crown. In order for the Stanley plum to bear fruit well, you need to constantly form a crown. Every year you can stumble upon increments that also “try” to create a crown shape. The Stanley plum will produce frequent shoots, of which there are too many.

Attention! If the fruits are closely spaced to each other, the mass of the crop will increase, and the branches will not withstand such a load.

In the first two years, pay attention to the place of the seedling. Every three months during the first and second years give 2 tablets of heteroauxin. They are bred for one bucket, and the moat is watered with medicine at each seedling of Stanley plum. Plum also loves manure – it is added at the end of the second year.

Stanley Basin

Once every 6 years, sanitary pruning is carried out, which helps to fight pests and diseases. More information about the Stanley plum variety is described in the video:

Diseases and pests, methods of control and prevention 

Variety Stanley is only susceptible to fungal infection with moniliosis. To maintain health, the tree is treated with a fungicide. If the fungus still affects the crown, then it is burned partially or completely.

Aphids also like to eat Stanley plums, so Intavir is chosen to combat this disease. If the reason for the fall of the fruits of the Stanley plum variety lies not in the invasion of rodents, it is worth looking for insects on the crown of the tree.

Important! Insecticides can kill not only Stanley plum pests, but also insects beneficial to the garden.

Stanley Basin


The Stanley plum is an amazing variety of wood that is a mixture of “American” and “French”. The amazing characteristics deservedly received almost 5 points from agronomists. If we talk about summer residents and private owners, reviews of the Stanley drain in the Chernozem region and other regions are only positive.

Reviews of summer residents about Stanley plum

Kostin Lev Valerievich, 45 years old, Moscow
I finally have a Stanley plum in my garden. I really like caring for a tree, but demanding. My soil is poor, so I constantly have to add complementary foods. However, the taste of plums does not change. I read reviews about the Stanley plum in the Moscow region and was surprised that large crops grow on this land. Not very prolific, but you can grow something for yourself. Next year, I need to form a crown – I want to get even more harvest, so that there is enough for twists and compotes for children.
Motin Alexey Vitalievich, 75 years old, Voronezh
My plum came to its senses for a long time after removing the rot. There was velvety moss, it seemed to me that this was the norm. But then I realized how wrong I was. The tree lost its vitality, then problems with foliage began, the fruits fell. Catastrophe. I had to disinfect everything, because the plum was still bearing fruit, young. It was possible to reanimate only in a year, and these are constant checks of seedlings, care and watering. It is difficult, it is better to handle a fruit tree correctly than to correct your own mistakes.

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