Film «Secrets of Love»

This girl will be sure that in all her troubles in life, including poor health, of course, others are to blame. And, of course, the parents who don’t love her enough…

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The results of the Stanford experiment are here interpreted as an indicator of the importance of parental love. Perhaps this is so. However, the same experiment can have another interpretation, namely, as an experiment about how positive and negative attitudes towards the life of young people and girls seriously affect their own health.

It is more difficult for a negative girl to love her parents, right, and she herself tends to compose for herself. that no one loves her, and blame her parents for everything. Well, what will her health be like after that? And the young man is positive — most likely, his parents definitely love him, and not only his parents, but he himself loves many. And he himself sees the good in people first of all, and about his parents he is sure that they love him. And how, most likely, will he have with his friends and with his health?

Since both interpretations have a right to exist, the moral is:

  1. Parents, learn to love your children.
  2. Children, learn to take care of yourself and your parents, and appreciate more what you get from life and from mom and dad.

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