Standing work is exhausting for the legs. After a day, they are sore and swollen. In this type of work, foot baths with salt and oils alone may not be helpful. If we do not deal with this problem in time, varicose veins may develop on the legs. How not to let that happen?
- At the beginning, we should take care of comfortable shoes. The right shoes are those that will fit well, i.e. they will not hurt us. We should not buy shoes that are too small or too big. It is also important what material they are made of – leather shoes are the best. It is air permeable, thanks to which the skin breathes and the feet do not sweat and do not form chafing. The soft insole will increase the comfort of walking. If we wear flip-flops or sandals, we can buy special silicone inserts. And important! We don’t wear the same shoes every day – then our legs hurt much more.
- Let’s walk – Do not stay in one place for a long time at work. You need to ensure movement – let’s walk between the shelves, let’s move from place to place or do light exercises with our feet: let’s make circles alternately to the left and to the right.
- Correct posture -Keep your back straight and legs slightly apart. Don’t cross your legs as this will hinder blood circulation in your feet and calves.
- Adequate diet – for healthy legs and blood circulation in the legs, a diet that excludes fatty foods is best. Obese people should take care of their diet. They have much more problems with circulation and legs.
- Physical activity – it is recommended to maintain an efficient locomotor system and strengthen the leg muscles. You can start with walking first.
- Leg baths – after returning home, a good solution is to soak your feet in cold water for about 10 minutes. Cold water speeds up blood circulation. Warm water is not recommended due to its slowing effect on circulation.
- Lubrication – it is important to regularly lubricate the feet and calves with a cooling ointment. When choosing an ointment, pay attention to the composition: the ointment should contain horse chestnut and heparin or one of them. They are responsible for proper blood circulation. On the other hand, ointments with witch hazel or arnica have cooling properties. Lubrication will eliminate the feeling of fatigue and heaviness in the legs after a day’s work.
Good advice
- supportively, we can ask the pharmacy for preparations (preferably tablets) that stimulate blood circulation. It is worth asking for tablets with a natural composition – they are less harmful to health
- leg massages have a regenerating and nourishing effect. You can ask your partner for a massage or make an appointment at a professional salon. Massage significantly improves blood circulation, which is important in the fight against varicose veins and the feeling of tired legs
- if we rest, for example, in front of the TV, let’s make sure that our legs are raised
- every 5-10 minutes, let’s change the position of the body by moving the body weight from one leg to the other or simply moving the legs. We can alternately lift one of the feet on the toes, tensing the calf muscles. An easy solution is also to climb on your toes. Gymnastics prevents swelling at the end of the day and reduces the likelihood of varicose veins