Standard varieties of tomatoes

In nature, there are more than two thousand different varieties and hybrids of tomato. They differ not only in taste, size and shape of fruits, but also in height, bush shape and agrotechnical features. So, all tomatoes can be divided into tall and short. Shtambovy tomatoes are among the low-growing varieties. They have a number of advantages over other types of tomatoes and are especially popular with gardeners.


Standard varieties of tomatoes are distinguished by a compact root system, which does not allow the plant to form tall bushes. Such tomatoes are unpretentious in care, they can be successfully grown even by novice farmers. Standard tomatoes have a lot of advantages:

  • plants have a low, strong, erect trunk that does not require a reinforced garter;
  • the root system is located in the upper layers of the soil, effectively absorbing moisture and nutrients;
  • low plants can be planted more densely than tall counterparts, thereby increasing the yield from 1 m2 soil;
  • standard tomatoes are resistant to low temperatures and drought;
  • building green mass does not require much time and effort, which contributes to the accelerated formation of ovaries and ripening of fruits;
  • stepchildren on standard bushes are formed in small numbers and practically do not develop in the process of growing;
  • the absence of developed stepchildren allows the plant to concentrate its forces on the formation of more fruits, increasing productivity;
  • some compact varieties of tomatoes can be grown not only in greenhouses and outdoor areas, but also on balconies, loggias, window sills;
  • standard tomatoes take root well after picking seedlings into the ground;
  • the fruits of such varieties are perfectly stored and do not lose their marketability during transportation.

Thanks to these advantages, standard tomatoes are especially popular. They are grown by professional farmers and novice farmers. Breeders, in turn, offer gardeners a wide variety of varieties, with different colors, shapes, and tastes of fruits.

Popular varieties

Standard tomatoes are represented by varieties and hybrids of domestic and foreign selection. All of them have the above advantages and some features of agricultural technology. At the same time, the most popular varieties of standard tomatoes can be distinguished from a wide variety. Their detailed description is given below.


This tomato can be found under two names: “Buyan” and “Fighter”. The variety is divided into red and yellow-fruited. The height of these plants does not exceed 45 cm. Low-growing bushes are planted in open ground or under a film shelter with a frequency of 7-9 pcs / m2. The period from sowing seeds to active fruit ripening is 95 days. You can grow Buyan tomatoes in the southern, middle and northwestern strip of Our Country. The culture is resistant to bacterial diseases. Its yield varies from 3 to 5 kg/m2.

The shape of the tomatoes is cylindrical, the color is red (yellow). The stalk has a characteristic green spot that changes color as the vegetables ripen. The average weight of a tomato is 67-88 g. You can see the fruits of the Buyan variety in the photo below.

Standard varieties of tomatoes


Standard varieties of tomatoes

An ultra-early variety, the fruits of which ripen in 80-85 days from the day of sowing the seeds. Gavrosh tomatoes are grown in open and protected ground, while the seedling cultivation method is mainly used. 1 m2 soil, it is recommended to plant 9 plants, since they are not very leafy and their height does not exceed 50 cm. The variety is resistant to late blight.  

Tomatoes “Gavrosh” red, round. Their average weight is about 50 g. The taste of vegetables is excellent: the pulp is sweet, dense, the skin is thin. Tomatoes can be used for whole-fruit canning, pickling, pickling. The yield of the variety is 1 kg from 1 bush or 9 kg / m2.

Far North

Standard varieties of tomatoes

Standard early ripe variety of tomatoes. It is grown mainly in open areas of land. The height of the bushes does not exceed 60 cm. Per 1 m2 soil should be placed no more than 7 plants. About 100 days pass from the day of sowing to the mass ripening of fruits. A distinctive feature of the variety is the friendly ripening of fruits. The culture is resistant to root and top rot and late blight.

The fruits of the Extreme North variety are round, red. Their average weight is 60-80 g. The taste of vegetables is excellent. The purpose of tomatoes is universal.

Important! Variety “Far North” has an exceptionally high yield, which can reach 17 kg / m2.


Standard varieties of tomatoes

An early ripe variety, the fruits of which ripen in 85-90 days. Alpha tomatoes are grown in open ground. When cultivating, it is recommended to use the seedling method. It is necessary to dive plants with a frequency of 7-9 bushes per 1 m2 soil. The height of the bushes does not exceed 50 cm. The determinant variety bears fruit in the amount of 6,5 kg / m2.

Round tomatoes are red in color. Their mass varies from 60 to 80 g. Tomatoes have a special aroma, sweet taste. The fruits are used in fresh, canned form.


Standard varieties of tomatoes

Despite the fact that the Antoshka variety is a standard variety, the height of its bushes can reach 1 m. Plants can be grown in open and protected ground. The recommended scheme for planting bushes involves picking 5-7 plants per 1 m2. The period from seed sowing to mass ripening of fruits is 95 days.

Important! The variety “Antoshka” has excellent resistance to low temperatures and can be cultivated in harsh climates.

Tomatoes are round-shaped and lemon-yellow in color. Their flesh is quite dense, sweet. The mass of tomatoes can range from 50 to 100 g. The total crop yield is approximately 6 kg / m2. Vegetables can be used for whole-fruit pickling, canning.

Cheerful gnome

Standard varieties of tomatoes

Early maturing variety of tomatoes. Its fruits ripen in 90-100 days from the day of sowing the seeds. Grow tomatoes “Merry Dwarf” in the open field, placing 7-9 bushes per 1 m2. Standard, determined variety bears fruit in the amount of 6 kg / m2. At the same time, the height of its bushes does not exceed 50 cm.

Tomatoes of this variety have a bizarre cylindrical shape. Their weight is approximately 80-90 g. The pulp of the fruit is very dense, great for making fresh salads and ketchup.

Amur Bucket

This variety is especially popular with gardeners in Our Country. It is perfectly adapted to harsh climatic conditions, has cold resistance, and is unpretentious in cultivation. Cultivated tomatoes “Amur shtamb” in the open field. It takes about 85-95 days for the fruit to ripen. With the most minimal care, the crop yield reaches 5 kg / m2, however, with the application of fertilizers, the implementation of timely watering and loosening, this figure can be significantly increased. The height of the determinate plant does not exceed 50 cm.

The fruits of the Amur Shtamb variety are quite large, weighing from 100 to 200 g each. Their shape is round or flat-round. The flesh is fleshy, the skin is thin. The color of the tomatoes is red. Their photos can be seen below.

Standard varieties of tomatoes


Standard varieties of tomatoes

Determinate standard tomato variety, for cultivation in open ground. The fruit ripening period is medium-early: from the day of germination to the mass ripening of fruits, it takes from 85 to 120 days. The plant is resistant to late blight. When growing it, it is recommended to use the seedling method. 1 m2 soil should be placed 8-10 bushes, the height of which does not exceed 45 cm.

Tomatoes of the Shuttle variety are red, fleshy, do not crack. Their shape is elongated-oval, weight is about 60 g. The total crop yield reaches 8 kg / m2.


There are a lot of standard low-growing tomato varieties. The description of the best of them is given above. However, to get a good harvest, it is not enough to choose good seeds, you need to properly grow plants, following the rules of care. The main points on growing undersized tomatoes are shown in the video:

Undersized tomatoes, varieties, care 28.06.2016/XNUMX/XNUMX

Growing standard tomatoes does not require special knowledge and effort. Even a novice farmer can cope with this task. At the same time, the yield of such varieties is not inferior to tall counterparts. That is why standard crop tomatoes are gaining more and more attention from gardeners. A wide variety of varieties allows you to choose plants whose fruits will fully satisfy the taste preferences of everyone.


Natalya Korolko, 41 years old, Vyshkov
I always grow only standard tomatoes. This allows you not to worry about pinching and other measures to form a bush. My favorite variety is “Merry Dwarf”. There are practically no seed chambers in it, the pulp is dense and very sweet, fragrant. I mainly grow them to eat in the summer season. Chelnok tomatoes are excellent for preserving winter preparations. They are small and look good in a jar. Dense pulp allows vegetables to keep their shape after heat treatment.
Anastasia Pavlova, 53 years old, Voskresensk
I love Amur Shtamb tomatoes very much. Small bushes of this variety bear large tasty fruits in large quantities. In cultivation, these tomatoes are unpretentious. The taste and external characteristics of the fruit are excellent.

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