Standard tomatoes for open ground – the best varieties

It is generally accepted that the tomato is a heat-loving and rather whimsical crop, the cultivation of which requires a lot of effort and attention. However, this opinion is irrelevant when it comes to standard tomatoes. Experienced gardeners call them “tomatoes for the lazy”, because low, slightly sprawling plants do not form stepchildren, are resistant to many diseases and drought.

Care for such tomatoes is minimal, they can be successfully grown on open land even under relatively unfavorable climatic conditions. So, below are the best standard varieties of tomatoes for open ground, which have a high yield and excellent fruit taste.


Among the numerous standard tomatoes, one can single out the best varieties, the seeds of which are in high demand in the seed market. Their popularity speaks of the compliance with the agrotechnical qualities declared by the manufacturer and the excellent taste of the fruit.

Boets (Virtue)

Standard tomatoes for open ground - the best varieties

Standard, determinant tomato. The height of the bushes of the plant does not exceed 45 cm. “Fighter” is zoned for central Our Country. It is recommended to grow it in open ground by seedling method. Young plants should be planted in the ground with a frequency of 7-9 bushes per 1 m2 soil. The variety is early ripe: for the ripening of its fruits, it takes about 95 days from the day of sowing the seed. The culture is resistant to bacterial diseases and tobacco mosaic virus.

Important! The yield of the Buyan variety is low and amounts to only 3 kg / m2.

Tomatoes are cylindrical. Their color is bright red upon reaching technical ripeness. The average weight of each tomato is 70-80 g. The taste of the fruit is excellent: the pulp is sweet, dense, the skin is tender, thin. Vegetables are suitable for pickling, canning.


Standard tomatoes for open ground - the best varieties

Ultra-early variety of tomato. With it, you can easily get an early harvest in open ground conditions. The period from the emergence of seedlings to the onset of the active phase of fruiting is only 80-85 days. Growing tomatoes “Boni-M” follows the seedling method. When planting plants, you should adhere to the recommended scheme: 6-7 bushes per 1 m2 soil. Bushes are undersized, standard, slightly sprawling. Their height does not exceed 50 cm. The culture is especially resistant to late blight and adverse climatic conditions. Productivity of vegetables – 6 kg / m2.

The fruits of this variety are fleshy, bright red. Their shape is round, weight is at the level of 60-80 g. The taste of the tomato is excellent: the pulp is juicy, sweet, tender, the skin is thin. Relatively small vegetables are suitable for whole-fruit canning and pickling.

pink leader

Standard tomatoes for open ground - the best varieties

An ultra-early variety, the fruits of which ripen in just 85-90 days from the day of sowing the seed. Planting seedlings of plants in open ground follows the scheme of 7-9 bushes per 1m2 soil. The height of standard compact bushes does not exceed 50 cm. With minimal care, the culture bears fruit in a volume of 8 kg / m2. The plant is resistant to late blight and adverse climatic conditions. The variety can be cultivated in the northwestern region.

Important! The variety “Pink Leader” is characterized by simultaneous ripening of fruits.

Round-shaped tomatoes are painted in pink-raspberry color. Their pulp is medium density, sweet, fleshy. The average weight of tomatoes is 120-150 g. The fruits are widely used for making tomato juices.

Rose of Wind

Standard tomatoes for open ground - the best varieties

A standard variety characterized by an average ripening period of vegetables. The period from the day of sowing the seed to the onset of the active phase of fruiting is 110-105 days. Tomatoes are grown by seedling method, followed by diving into open ground. Recommended scheme for placing plants on the soil: 7 bushes per 1 m2 soil. Windrose tomatoes can be successfully cultivated not only in the southern, but also in the northwestern regions. The variety is resistant to low temperatures, drought, late blight.

Plant height does not exceed 50 cm. The first inflorescence on the bush is formed above 6-7 leaves. Crop care should include regular watering, loosening, fertilizing with mineral fertilizers. Ripe tomatoes “Rose of the Winds” are painted pink. Their flesh is fleshy, the skin is thin, but does not crack when the fruit ripens. The average weight of tomatoes is 150 g. The taste of tomatoes is excellent. The yield of vegetables is 6-7 kg/m2. An additional advantage of the variety is its excellent transportability.

Florida petit

Standard tomatoes for open ground - the best varieties

Ultra early variety. Its fruits ripen in 90-95 days. The height of the bush does not exceed 30 cm. Such ultra-compact plants can be planted in 9-10 pieces. per 1 m2 soil. The variety can be successfully cultivated in the climatic conditions of Ukraine, Moldova, as well as in the southern and central strip of Our Country. The culture is resistant to late blight.

In the photo above, you can see Florida petit tomatoes. Their weight does not exceed 25 g, the color is light red, the shape is round. Grade yield 1,5 kg/m2. The fruits can be used for whole-fruit canning, as well as for decorative purposes to decorate culinary dishes.

The listed varieties are among the top five, according to experienced farmers and based on the sales rating of seed companies. Their palatability is high, the yield is stable. Seeds of these varieties are available to every farmer. You can buy them at any specialized store.

Other standard varieties

In addition to the above, there are other varieties of standard, undersized tomatoes for open ground. Among them are relatively new tomatoes that have recently appeared on the market, but have already managed to prove themselves from the best side. In addition, below are well-known gardeners, proven tomatoes that have maintained their position on the market for many years.


Standard tomatoes for open ground - the best varieties

Mid-early variety of tomatoes: the period from the day of sowing the seed to the onset of active fruiting is 90-120 days. Bushes up to 45 cm high are grown by seedling method, followed by diving into open ground according to the scheme of 7-9 bushes per 1 m2. With timely sowing of the seed, mass ripening of fruits takes place from July to August.

The fruits of the “Chelnok” variety are red, fleshy, elongated-oval in shape. Their average weight is 60 g. The taste of tomatoes is excellent: the pulp is sweet, tender, the skin is thin. The yield of tomatoes is 8 kg/m2. The purpose of the fruit is universal.

Amur Bucket

Standard tomatoes for open ground - the best varieties

A very popular variety that is grown in open areas by farmers in Our Country, Ukraine, and Moldova. Its feature is a very short period of fruit ripening – 85 days. Bushes, the height of which does not exceed 50 cm, are grown by seedlings, after which they are planted according to the scheme of 7 bushes per 1 m2 of the soil.

Important! Tomatoes of the Amur Shtamb variety are unpretentious in cultivation, resistant to cold and adverse weather conditions.

Tomatoes have a rounded and flat-rounded shape. Their flesh is tender, fragrant, juicy. The weight of the tomatoes is 100-120 g. The taste of the tomato is excellent. The yield is about 5 kg/m2. Tomatoes are mostly used fresh.


Standard tomatoes for open ground - the best varieties

Ultra-early, small-fruited variety. The period from seed sowing to mass ripening of tomatoes is 90-95 days. Planted plants of 7-9 bushes per 1 m2 soil. The height of the standard plant does not exceed 50 cm. The fruits of the Ranetochka variety are well tied, regardless of weather conditions. Also, the culture is characterized by the simultaneous ripening of tomatoes and a stable yield of 5.5 kg / m2.

The shape of the Ranetochka tomatoes is round, the color is red. The mass of each tomato is about 40 g. The fruits are excellent for fresh consumption and whole-fruit canning.


Standard tomatoes for open ground - the best varieties

High-yielding, early-ripening variety: about 90-100 days pass from the day of sowing the seeds of the Evgenia variety to the start of active fruiting. When placing 7 undersized bushes per 1m2 soil, the yield of the variety is 8 kg / m2. The height of the bush is only 25-30 cm.

Tomatoes of the Eugenia variety are fleshy, red in color, sweet in taste. They weigh within 60-80 g. Their shape is rounded. You can see tomatoes of this variety above in the photo.


Low-growing, standard tomatoes are revered by many farmers. They do not require the removal of stepchildren, the formation of a bush and a reinforced garter. At the same time, the yield of some “compact tomatoes” is not inferior to tall counterparts. However, the absolute lack of care for tomatoes will not allow you to get a good harvest of delicious vegetables. You can learn how to properly carry out minimal care for undersized tomatoes in open ground conditions by watching the video:

Formation of open ground tomatoes

Low-growing, standard tomatoes are an excellent option for beginners and busy gardeners who, due to circumstances, cannot regularly take full care of plants or do not know how to do it right. The variety of such tomatoes allows the farmer to choose the most suitable variety that matches the taste preferences. The article also lists the best varieties, which are recommended to pay attention to every farmer.


Tatyana Nagornaya, 33 years old, Orenburg
I don’t have much experience in farming, but a few years ago I decided to allocate part of the lawn in the yard for sowing vegetables, in particular tomatoes. The variety was chosen undersized, so that it had a relatively decorative look and did not spoil the overall “picture” of the yard. I opted for the Florida Petit variety. Low-growing bushes, abundantly strewn with small bright red tomatoes, fit perfectly into the interior and became its decoration. At the same time, the variety pleased with delicious, sweet tomatoes, which both adults and children ate with pleasure. The yield of tomatoes turned out to be high: from 20 to 30 tomatoes ripened at the same time on each undersized bush.
Olga Ershova, 51 years old Bryansk
I don’t have a greenhouse on the site, so I grow tomatoes on open ridges. From year to year I plant the same variety – “Chelnok”. It is short and does not require the construction of bulky garter systems. Small tomatoes of this variety have excellent taste. I use them for making fresh salads and canning. The yield of tomatoes is high, so I think that “Florida” is a worthy replacement for tall tomatoes.

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