
Useful properties and application of tincture of field harrow

Botanical characteristics of the harrow


Stalnik – perennial glandular-pubescent herbaceous plant with a peculiar smell, it belongs to the legume family. The stem of the plant is straight, slightly branched, woody at the base, reaches a height of 30–80 centimeters. The leaves are alternate, petiolate, mostly trifoliate, sharp-toothed. The flowers are papilionaceous, pink or whitish, on short pedicels, forming dense spike-shaped inflorescences at the ends of the shoots. The fruits are beans about 6–7 mm long, with 2–4 spherical seeds.

The flowering period of the harrow is June-August, the ripening of fruits is July-September. Stallnik grows singly or in the form of thickets in meadows, along river banks, among shrubs. This grass grows in the steppe and forest-steppe zones of the European part of Russia, in the Caucasus and in the Crimea, is less common in Central Asia, Altai, the South Urals and Kazakhstan. The plant is photophilous, prefers moist chernozem or limestone soils.

Useful properties of a steel worker

The healing properties of harrow have been known for many centuries. In ancient medical treatises, you can easily find a lot of references to the use of this plant in the treatment of kidney and bladder stones. In the old days, it was also prescribed for headaches, difficulty urinating, and for the healing of many other diseases.

After studying the chemical composition of the harrow by modern science, the origin of its useful properties becomes clear. It contains a fair amount of tannins, citric acid, essential oil, glycosides of isoflavone nature, starches, resins, tetracyclic triterpine alcohol. It is these, as well as other useful components, that determine the effectiveness of the harrow in the treatment of various ailments, contributing to the normalization of certain processes within the body.

Stalnik helps to reduce pressure, accelerates blood clotting, increases the amplitude of heart contractions. More preparations from the plant have a hypotensive effect and reduce the permeability and fragility of capillaries. Many experts note the positive impact of this natural drug on the general well-being of a person. For medicinal purposes, the roots of the plant are used, which are harvested in the fall.

The use of steel

Some varieties of this medicinal plant are actively used both in traditional medicine and in pharmacology. For example, decoctions and infusions of harrow have a significant diuretic, disinfectant and diaphoretic effect. They are often recommended to normalize the metabolism in the body, enhance the functioning of the endocrine glands, dissolve stones and eliminate inflammatory diseases in the kidneys and urinary tract.

Traditional healers prescribe tea from the leaves of the harrow as a blood-purifying and hemostatic agent for skin rashes and hemorrhoidal bleeding. For medicinal purposes, the roots, flowers and leaves of the plant are mainly used.

Decoction from the roots: One tablespoon of harrow rhizomes must be poured with 500 ml of boiling water, held for ten minutes on low heat, then squeezed and strained. It is recommended to take the remedy three times a day for half a cup.

Root harrow

The roots of the plant are most widely used in medicine. They contain many biologically active substances, such as flavonoids, tannins and resinous substances, citric acid, traces of essential oils, various micro and macro elements. For medicinal purposes, the roots of the harrow are best collected in September-October. After harvesting, they are washed in cold water, dried in the open air for two days, and then left to dry in a well-ventilated room at a temperature of 40–45 °C.

Decoctions from the roots of the harrow can provide effective help with hemorrhoids. Already in the first week of taking such drugs, hemorrhoidal bleeding stops, stool normalizes and constipation disappears. In addition, this remedy will be useful for rheumatism, gout, dropsy.

Harrow tincture

Harrow tincture is used for gout, rheumatism, headache, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, hemorrhoids, urolithiasis. With regular use, it has a laxative effect. For example, in patients with hemorrhoids, bleeding stops, the stool becomes easier and the swelling of hemorrhoidal cones decreases.

You can buy a tincture of steelwort at a pharmacy with a doctor’s prescription. This drug is produced in orange glass bottles in 100 ml packaging. A tincture is prepared from the roots of the harrow on 70% alcohol in a ratio of 1:5. It should be stored in a dark cool place. The dosage of the medicine is 40-50 drops 3 times a day for two to three weeks. A stable therapeutic effect occurs after 8-10 days.

Field harness


This type of steelwork is especially common in the Caucasus, southern Siberia and the European part of Russia. Its typical representative is a perennial herbaceous plant with a taproot having numerous lateral processes. The stalks of the field harrow are red-brown in color, they reach 80 cm in height.

For a long time, the roots of this medicinal plant have been used in folk medicine in many countries of the world. Due to the presence of various biologically active compounds in them, they are an effective remedy for gout, rheumatism and a number of other ailments. Decoctions and tinctures of the field harrow are often prescribed for varicose veins of the lower extremities, proctogenic constipation, rectal fissures, varicose phlebothrombosis, prostatitis, and uric acid diathesis.

Razorback prickly

The prickly stalk is a perennial herbaceous plant, reaching 60 cm in height. Due to its beneficial properties, due to the presence of biologically active substances in its composition, the plant is widely used in folk medicine as a cardiotonic, hemostatic, anti-inflammatory, laxative, and also to strengthen capillaries. Preparations based on it tend to tone the intestinal walls and relieve spasms of the sphincter. The flavonoids contained in this medicinal herb are known for their choleretic and diuretic effects.

Contraindications to the use of a steel worker

It should be remembered that preparations from steelwort are of low toxicity, but with constant use they can cause a laxative effect. A number of other contraindications are possible, therefore, before using medicines based on this plant, you should consult your doctor. An allergic reaction cannot be ruled out either.

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