Stairs to the veranda made of wood or metal, a step-by-step construction guide from the frame to the steps, photo projects

Staircase to the veranda is a must. To avoid significant costs and get the original building, below we will talk about the main issues that are associated with the installation of this type of structure.

Types of stairs

Before you start construction work, you need to decide on the type of stairs:

  1. Screw. Compact building, which is optimally suited if you need to make an ascent from the street to the top floor. However, it can be difficult to make a project, since the calculation of the turn angle and the number of steps requires special knowledge.
  2. Simple march. Quickly assembled, technology for different materials is almost identical. It can be either on one or on two stringers.
  3. Corner. This is done if the base is high. May be with one or more turns. Reliability is ensured by fixing intermediate platforms to the walls of the house.
  4. Rounded. More complex in the development of the project, however, such inconveniences are compensated by greater variability of forms and aesthetic appearance.
  5. Without kosour. The peculiarity of the building is that the steps are immediately embedded in the wall of the house. Not suitable for all buildings.

Stairs to the veranda made of wood or metal, a step-by-step construction guide from the frame to the steps, photo projects

Video “How to make a ladder with your own hands”

The video shows the main points of construction. 


What to build from

Today, the building materials market offers a wide range of raw materials for construction: wood, brick, metal or concrete. 

Wood is valued for its ease of processing and sawing. Differs in durability, and some types of a tree, such as an oak, an elm or a beech, serve even in the conditions of resistant humidity. Also among the positive qualities: environmental friendliness, naturalness and aesthetic appeal, “high cost” of appearance. Nevertheless, it is important to point out the disadvantages of this raw material: the need for processing from decay and rodents, careful maintenance, especially if humidity is high, and the high cost of high-quality raw materials.

A metal building will last for decades, it will look presentable and aesthetically pleasing, the owner will have a large number of options for design. But metal structures require careful treatment from corrosive processes. Among the shortcomings, the high cost of raw materials and work is distinguished, especially if forged elements are provided. The work requires experience, especially with a welding machine and a sheet bender. The reliability of the structure and its appearance depend on the quality of the welds.

A concrete structure will last a long time, it is not afraid of weather conditions. But the use of such raw materials is not widely popular due to the high price and excessive massiveness of the final building.

Making brick steps does not require tremendous experience or specialized expensive tools. Differs in the average price, however it is necessary to think of additional facing.

Construction of wooden stairs

When building such a structure, you must consider the type and quantity of materials, methods of fastening and support, parameters, including the number of steps, as well as design.

When creating a project, designate the frame of the structure so that the base of the veranda and the base of the stairs form a single monolithic block. If the frame of the stairs is built later, consider also other features of the house.

Stairs to the veranda made of wood or metal, a step-by-step construction guide from the frame to the steps, photo projects

You can order the project from professionals who will take accurate measurements. In addition, you can order a finished product if the price does not repel you.

To make wooden steps yourself, you will need a circular saw, a jigsaw, a screwdriver, a screwdriver, a building level, a tape measure, a ruler, and protective gloves.

If you decide to carry out the work yourself, you should be aware of two main construction methods:

  • with stringers – imposing steps on the support beams;
  • with a bowstring – fastening steps in special grooves between the support beams.

The first method is considered more reliable for buildings on the street. For stringers and steps, you can take a board of 50-60 mm, the riser can be made from a thinner board.

Stairs to the veranda made of wood or metal, a step-by-step construction guide from the frame to the steps, photo projects

To install a wooden staircase, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Create a detailed drawing.
  2. Cleaning and preparation of places.
  3. Pouring a concrete base at the point of support. To do this, you need to fill a pillow of crushed stone and sand into a dug hole and fill it with cement so that the thickness of the base is at least 10 cm.
  4. Make braids. For a design with a width of 90 cm, at least 3 parts will be needed. To make the markup correct, use a right triangle.
  5. Mark the estimated distance between the steps on the board and mark with a triangle. When doing this, consider the thickness of the floor and base.
  6. Cut out the grooves using a circular saw or a jigsaw. If you took a saw, then it is recommended to make the final cuts with a hand saw.
  7. Cut out steps and risers. It is recommended that the step protrude a few centimeters above the riser.
  8. Start installation by attaching stringers. The final fixing is carried out only after checking the reliability of the parts and compliance with the project.
  9. Install steps and risers.
  10. Install balusters and decorative details.

Metal construction

As already mentioned, the metal is susceptible to the harmful effects of rust, so it is recommended to install elements of this material under the roof.

Stairs to the veranda made of wood or metal, a step-by-step construction guide from the frame to the steps, photo projects

Metal elements are made similarly to wood. For stringers, it is recommended to take I-beams or channels with a width of at least 15 cm. The steps to the stringers are fixed with fillies or corners.

In the first option, you need to make triangles in which one of the sides will be equal to the width of the tread. The second method is to cut the corner into equal segments and weld it to the inside of the stringer.

The floor of a terrace or veranda is recommended to be made of wood, concrete or expanded clay, since they, unlike metal, do not create unpleasant noise.

Of brick

Although the brick is easy to install, it has a low resistance to precipitation. Ordinary brick easily absorbs moisture and may begin to crumble in case of temperature changes. To prevent such a problem from overtaking homeowners, it would be rational to take a ceramic or silicate type of material. It is worth noting that the price in this case will also increase.

Stairs to the veranda made of wood or metal, a step-by-step construction guide from the frame to the steps, photo projects

The first thing to do is the foundation, deepened by 50–60 cm: dig a hole, fill in a sand cushion and fill it with mortar. Next, lay out the side and lower parts, you get a kind of “box”, in which you need to fill and compact the rubble. Now you can start laying the second step so that it partially covers the previous one. Then again it is necessary to fall asleep with rubble. The seam on the front masonry must be done carefully, especially if additional lining is not expected, and rubbed with protective water-repellent agents.

The surfaces themselves can be faced with clinker, tiles or artificial stones.

Try to choose a finishing tile with a rough surface, made by vibrocompression. If the tile is vibro-cast, then it will have only a smooth surface and will be covered with frost during frost, which is traumatic.

To solve the moisture problem, you can make specially treated wood treads, make the whole structure out of bricks and cover the structure with wall tiles or fill the box with expanded clay.

Stairs to the veranda made of wood or metal, a step-by-step construction guide from the frame to the steps, photo projects

So, the process of installing stairs on the veranda with your own hands can be simple and budget. Choose a quality material, choose the type of structure you need, follow the instructions during construction, and you will get the desired result.

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