Stages of love in a relationship: man and woman

😉 Greetings to regular and new readers! In the article “Man and Woman: Stages of Love in a Relationship” – about what stages a couple in love needs to go through in order to achieve a state of true love.

There are more and more lonely people in the modern world. Family values ​​are forgotten, and legal marriage is gradually going out of fashion, cohabitation is flourishing. Modern youth are more independent and freedom-loving than our grandparents.

On the one hand, this is good, but on the other hand, it leads to an unwillingness to compromise and work on oneself. People very easily break even those love unions that could potentially bring harmony and happiness.

The slightest quarrel becomes the reason for the termination of the relationship. Obsessing over self-love, a person is constantly looking for the perfect partner. It can take years or even a lifetime to find him. As a result, people remain lonely and unnecessary.

Many are mistaken, believing that the ideal soul mate should understand perfectly and be as appropriate as possible according to all criteria. But after all, no one is perfect, everyone has both advantages and disadvantages.

And harmony and mutual understanding do not come immediately, but only after years of joint spiritual work. Ideal relationships do not arise on their own; they need to be built with patience and care.

7 stages of love

Psychologists distinguish 7 stages of love, passing which, you can find true happiness. At what stage are you now?


It is also called the candy-bouquet period. This is the most beautiful and romantic time, which lasts about a year. During this period, people are intoxicated with feelings, and hormones of happiness prevail in their blood.

Stages of love in a relationship: man and woman

They block all negative emotions, as well as sober thinking. A person is in the grip of euphoria, sees the world only in bright colors. He idealizes his partner, dreams of a wedding and life together.


Whether the couple is married or just spending a lot of time together, the fervor dies down, the romance fades, and the relationship becomes a habit. He and she are already “fed up” with each other.

During this period, the brain begins to work in the same mode. A person analyzes a partner, notices his shortcomings, he himself shows those negative qualities that he hid at the first stage.


This period is the most difficult. Passion no longer seethes in veins, rose-colored glasses removed. The once beautiful image of the chosen one has now become mundane and imperfect. At this stage, people cease to appreciate each other’s merits, but the shortcomings are greatly exaggerated.

Typically, this period lasts only a few months, and then ends with a break in the relationship. At the stage of disgust, people can show themselves from the worst side and do things that they will bitterly regret in the future. But without this test, it is impossible to go the path to true love.


If the love union is still preserved, the person realizes that it will not be possible to re-educate the partner, so he will have to accept him as he is.

Stages of love in a relationship: man and woman

Quarrels arise less and less, and calm conversations with the search for a compromise come to replace discontent and complaints. A man and a woman in every possible way adapt to the habits and shortcomings of each other.

A person sees in his soul mate a person who needs to be respected. At this stage, the couple learns to negotiate, each is trying to change himself for the better, and not teach the other. For women, this process is much easier, because they are more flexible by nature. In a period of humility, you need to forgive mutual grievances and forget past conflicts.

Service stage

By this time, the soul is ready to do good to a loved one just like that, without waiting for reciprocal actions. At the beginning of a relationship, lovers expect gratitude and reciprocity from their partners, but people who have been together for many years give kindness and care, without thinking about a reward.

Such service to each other is sincere and voluntary. These are the shoots of true and deep love.


After all the above stages of relationships, the stage of strong and spiritual friendship inevitably comes. The couple knows each other’s interests and habits very well. They know how to get out of unpleasant situations and get around sharp corners.

Stages of love in a relationship: man and woman

By this time, he and she had learned to guess the desires of each other and understand at a glance. The friendship period can last for many years, and the couple is very comfortable and pleasant together.

Stage of true love

Spiritual unity and true deep feelings are a well-deserved reward for years of diligence and patience. Such love is much higher than ardent love or blind passion.

It is a state of acceptance of yourself and your companion, as well as peace of mind and peace. Unfortunately, not many couples are able to survive all 6 stages and come to true love.

Stages of love in a relationship: man and woman

Elderly spouses who talk sincerely, radiating calmness and happiness, cause tenderness and white envy. However, they have not lived like this since the first meeting. It took years of hard work together before these people achieved marital bliss and absolute understanding.

But you don’t need to wait for old age to enjoy this wonderful state. According to psychologists, the path from falling in love to true love lasts an average of 10-12 years.

Sometimes periods of love can be “diluted” with other stages, return, drag on. This usually happens with the first stages. Only wisdom and endurance will help a person achieve real harmony in a relationship.


Read more in this video on: stages of love in a relationship

7 levels of love

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