😉 Hello everyone! At least once in our life, but each of us experienced depression or despondency. One of the most common misconceptions is that this human condition is not a disease. First you need to determine at what stage of depression the person is.
Degrees of depression
How to determine the stages of depression yourself? Most people think that blues comes from nowhere and can go nowhere as well. Unfortunately, this is not so. Therefore, the treatment of blues requires a serious approach. The development of depression has several stages.
Soft form. It is characterized by depressed mood, fatigue, loss of interest in what they previously experienced passion for. However, we are still able to find the strength to mobilize. If a person is supported by close people, then getting out of a depression is easy.
The second
It is characterized by more vivid symptoms – a change in the pattern of sleep and nutrition. Appetite often decreases. It is still possible to get out of this state without medication. The main thing here is to find a purpose in life, to change the environment, or just to relax.
The third
This phase is the most difficult and dangerous. She threatens with complications such as suicidal danger, drug addiction. Therefore, it is more rational to carry out its treatment in cooperation with a doctor.
At the same time, an experienced doctor will select a course of treatment for the patient to get out of this state on his own. To prevent this disease, do not forget to keep your nervous system normal. Take care of timely rest and proper sleep.
Advice from personal experience of getting out of the “impasse”: urgently pack a small suitcase and go for a week to travel! It heals unambiguously. In the tourist office you can find a “last minute” inexpensive voucher.
Quotes about depression
- “There are days when the most cheerful character sinks into a gloomy melancholy. And it seems that there are no external reasons, everything is going as usual. That’s just pulling something inside and I want to throw everything, go wherever they look. Or do irreparable stupidity, which you will have to regret later. ” Anton Chizh
- “The midlife crisis comes at the moment of realizing that the choice made at twenty or thirty years old cannot be changed. As a result, a person runs the risk of becoming depressed or drunk. ” Mag jay
- “Depression is hard not only in and of itself. You know – there are many people in the world who have more reasons to be depressed than you do. But this thought not only does not heal, but gives an extra reason to despise yourself even more. And thus, sink into even greater depression. The purest form is when you can give absolutely no explanation why you are depressed. ” David Lodge.
- “Laziness and depression is a signaling system that says you are not living your life. ” Vladimir Dovgan
- “Today is a wonderful day. Either go for tea or hang yourself. ” Anton Chekhov
- “There is no depression. This is self-hypnosis. You yourself inspire yourself with a bitter situation, a bitter state, you yourself inspire yourself with destruction. You consciously instill it in yourself, take it upon yourself and begin to play this role. You start to flirt and forget that this is a role. And you turn everything into reality. These are all the roles that people dream up in their heads. ” Gleb Golubin
- When I was overwhelmed by emotions, feelings, melancholy, I pushed them inward, being furious that I had allowed them to come out. My internal dialogues were ruthless: “You are doing well. You are not starving, no one beats you. Your parents are still alive. There is real grief in the world, and your problems are miserable. You are a sad little cow. ” Caitlin Doughty
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