Stacking blocks for fence posts: shape, dimensions and installation

Stackable blocks for poles are the only optimal solution for a quick installation of a fence. These stacked structures are made of individual elements that are installed on top of each other and reinforced with locking systems or concrete mixtures.

Beautiful fence with poles made of typesetting blocks

Benefits of stacking poles

Fence posts have a number of advantages:

  • Versatility of use. The texture and shape of prefabricated structures are in harmony with fences made of any building material.
  • Long service life.
  • High strength. With the correct assembly of the structure, heavy gates, locking systems and reinforced concrete slabs can be attached to the pillars.
  • Easy installation. The simple design of the elements makes it easy to install even for non-professional builders.
  • All internal communications can be hidden in hollow modules of prefabricated pillars.
  • High resistance to negative external influences (impact loads, UV radiation).
  • They can be repainted.
  • The ability to change the height and limits of the structure.
  • Convenient transportation. The dimensions of one element do not exceed more than 50 cm, which makes it easy to transport them.
  • The design can have any shape, texture and shade.

Of course, you can lay out columns of facing bricks, but this is not necessary, which will be cheaper and faster.

Types of typesetting blocks

According to the manufacturing method, fence blocks are:

  1. concrete;
  2. pressed.
Decorative pressed and concrete blocks

Concrete blocks are quite rare and are made by small entrepreneurs, but they do exist. More often you can find ready-made columns. The main manufacturing method is pressing.

It is quite easy to distinguish them by the structure of the surface. Concrete ones will be smooth, while pressed ones will have a slightly porous structure.

In appearance, they also differ and can be:

  • decorative;
  • splitter (hollow).

They can be of various shapes and sizes and you can choose according to the shape, color and size.

Depending on what kind of content they have, the texture changes:

  • Gravel. Such blocks are perfectly fastened together.
  • Granite screening is able to give the finished product a dark red tint.
  • Concrete battle is distinguished by its affordable cost and minimal aesthetic indicators.
  • Crushed stone is used to give decorativeness to the surface of the product.
  • Expanded clay. The structures made of this building material are very light and beautiful.

Decorative blocks for the fence of a special shape, can be of different colors and textures. Pillars under natural stone are especially popular today. The voids inside are filled with concrete.

Decorative pillars on stone

Outwardly, it is no different from natural stone, but they look solid and attractive. In the manufacture of such molds, dry pressing technology is used. As a result, the product becomes similar to a split natural stone. Fence posts with imitation of torn stone can have a one-sided or two-sided pattern.

Splitter products are hollow inside. Concrete is poured into the cavity and reinforcement is installed. Due to the large size of the blocks, equated to 7 bricks, such fences are quickly installed.

Splitter elements can be made not only poles, but also the fence itself.

Block manufacturing technology

There are two ways to make individual blocks. They were already mentioned at the beginning of the article, these are cast concrete blocks and pressed ones. Both types are fairly easy to make at home. It is only necessary to make a shape, but difficulties may arise if you want to decorate the plate with patterns.


Blocks for the fence are made by vibrocasting by molding concrete mixtures. To make such elements with your own hands, you will need: sand, gravel, expanded clay, cement, plasticizer, any coloring pigment, marble or quartz chips.

Plasticizer for concrete

To make a reliable and durable concrete block, you need not only high-quality raw materials, but also special equipment and fixtures:

  • vibrating table with a drive, to create the maximum density of the structure and remove voids from the solution;
  • special forms;
  • concrete mixer, providing thorough mixing of the components;
  • auxiliary materials: rammers, trowels and water tanks.

The usual square shape is not suitable for making blocks. She must have:

  • frames;
  • steel inner insert;
  • four fiberglass boards;
  • external bolts;
  • texture elements with grooves.

Sequence of work:

  • the assembled form is laid out on a vibrating table;
  • we produce concrete for pouring fence posts in the following proportions: 2 parts of sand, 1 part of cement grade 400-500 and the required amount of plasticizer;
  • to give a decorative effect, you can add 2 parts of granite screenings, small gravel, etc.;
  • for high-quality preparation of the mixture, a concrete mixer is needed;
  • the volume of the mold is filled and air bubbles are eliminated;
  • completed forms are placed on a drying table;
  • after three days, the form is removed, and the finished concrete block is left to dry completely.

Important! The modules must dry well. Wet structures and elements with voids are considered unreliable. Such blocks cannot be used to build a fence.


The process is significantly different. Most importantly, one form is enough to work.

  • as in the case of concrete mortar, we prepare the mixture in the same proportions: 2 parts of sand, 1 part of cement grade 400-500;
  • add water 2,5-3 liters;
  • mix the mixture well with a concrete mixer;
  • gradually filling the volume of the form to make tamping;
  • remove form;
  • leave the blocks to dry.

Block Production Recommendations

  • the solution must be very well tamped;
  • supports for molds during concreting must be sprinkled with sand or covered with polyethylene;
  • after being removed from the mold, the blocks are dried on each side for 2–3 days.

Do-it-yourself installation of fence blocks

The initial stage is the preparation of the territory and column blocks for the fence. Earthworks, concreting are carried out, time is given for drying the base and curing. Construction begins with pouring the foundation

Foundation installation

Installation of the fence around the entire perimeter of the house must begin with pouring the strip foundation. To do this, you need to dig a trench around the perimeter of the fence.

Work must be carried out in the following order:

  • Determine the required distance between the posts, mark the area, and only then proceed to dig holes. If you plan to make a foundation 60 cm deep, then you will have to deepen the post hole by 1 meter. The width of the trench should be greater than the width of the post.
  • Sprinkle the bottom of the hole with a small layer of gravel (10–12 cm).
  • Install metal pipes or a profile vertically in the middle of the pit.
  • Cover the hole with formwork. For its framing, factory formwork is suitable or made independently from boards, taking into account the above-ground part of 11–14 cm.
  • Carry out internal reinforcement. This will strengthen the support of the structure.
  • Pour the concrete mixture. It can be independently made from sand, cement and crushed stone in a ratio of 2: 1: 3.
The foundation for the fence under the typesetting blocks

You can start assembling the pillars only after the base dries well and gains strength.

Pillar installation

The assembly of typesetting elements is carried out in the following sequence:

  • Step by step, one element is strung on a central metal rod (if the blocks are of one-piece construction). If there is a locking system, the structure must be assembled at the installation site of the fence.
  • Then the rows are connected with a concrete mixture. For the manufacture of a concrete mixture, it is necessary to mix sand and cement in a ratio of 3: 1 with the addition of a plasticizer.
  • A box made of metal or durable plastic is installed inside a hollow structure. It is necessary to install it if you plan to hide the wiring and communications inside the poles.
  • To give the structure reliability, it is necessary to make additional reinforcement before pouring concrete into the internal cavities.
  • The filling of the internal space should be carried out in stages (by installing 3-4 blocks). When the concrete hardens, it is necessary to lubricate the foundation walls with mastic and glue the roofing material laid earlier in the trench.
  • At the end of the work, do not forget to close the pillars with caps. They will prevent snow and rain from getting inside the column, which can lead to the destruction of concrete and increase the life of the structure.

When installing blocks, it is necessary to take into account and coordinate the work being done exactly for the fence that you are going to install. So, for example, if the plans include a fence made of corrugated board, then the blocks are mounted simultaneously with the crossbars. That is, grooves are made, logs are laid and fastened, and the block is put on again.

Installation of fence blocks

Important! Concreting must be carried out at a temperature above 4 degrees Celsius, since in frost the concrete will not be able to gain the necessary strength.

 Laying blocks during the installation of concrete sections of the fence

There are three ways to install bollards:

  1. All poles must first be installed along the perimeter, and then proceed with laying the sections from above into the corresponding grooves.
  2. The second installation method is performed in the following sequence: 1) The first support is laid. 2)  Hollow blocks are installed in the grooves of the column and fixed with temporary supports. 3) The second column is lowered at an angle into the pit, after which the groove is aligned with the edges of the sections. 4) A pit is poured under the second support, and this technology is used to install a fence around the entire perimeter of the site.
  3. The third is a combined method. Initially, one section and poles are mounted around the entire perimeter. Only after the concrete has completely hardened, you can start laying the remaining sections in height.

Before installing the columns, it is necessary to study in detail each of these methods and consult with the builders. If considered as a whole, then the second of the above methods in its execution is considered much simpler than the others. Installation of concrete fences using this technology does not require significant effort when laying sections. Therefore, it can be carried out independently without the involvement of construction teams.

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