Stabilize your blood sugar level naturally

Stabilize your blood sugar level naturally

Stabilize your blood sugar level naturally
This file was written by Raïssa Blankoff, naturopath.

Diet: a key factor in controlling your blood sugar

When you want to benefit from an optimal influx of sugar into the cells and thus enjoy stable energy throughout the day, you have to look at the glycemic index (GI) of foods. This avoids going through a phase of hypoglycemia followed inevitably by hyperglycemia, then again by hypoglycemia. The sugars in our food pass more or less quickly through the intestinal wall to flow into the blood and then to the cells where they enter to be burned or stored. It is the glycemic index (GI) which gives the measure of this speed.

Un low or moderate GI food is beneficial because it helps control blood sugar (= blood sugar level). a high GI food depletes the insulin produced by the pancreas (= hormone that pushes sugar into the cell and lowers blood sugar levels) and promotes “cravings” as well as weight gain by storing unburned sugar.

As an indication, it is considered that:

  • Low GI: between 0 and 55
  • Moderate or medium GI: between 56 and 69
  • High GI: between 70 and 100


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