St. Nicholas Day in 2022: history and traditions
Nicholas the Wonderworker is one of the most revered Christian saints. We tell you what dates the days of memory of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker fall on in 2022

When is the day of memory of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in 2022

There are several days of memory of Nicholas the Wonderworker in the Orthodox church tradition. 11 August believers remember the birth of the saint, and 19 December (according to the new style, according to the old one on December 6) – about his death. There is also a memorable date of the transfer of the relics of the miracle worker from the World of Lycian to Bari 22 May.

These three holidays also had popular names – respectively, Nikola Autumn, Nikola Winter and Nikola Spring (Summer). In addition, Nicholas in Our Country was called the Pleasant (the same as the Miracle Worker).

Who was Saint Nicholas and what does Santa Claus have to do with it

According to the life of the saint, Nicholas was born in the XNUMXrd century in the Greek colony of Lycia in Asia Minor into a Christian family. The boy attended the temple from childhood, and when he grew up, he decided to devote himself to the faith, becoming a priest. He distributed the rich inheritance of his parents to the poor. Over time, Nicholas was ordained archbishop in the city of Myra (now the territory of Turkish Antalya) and became famous as a zealous fighter against paganism and various heresies, as well as a miracle worker and defender of the slandered and innocently condemned. Among the miracles performed by the saint during his lifetime, the world is known to have been saved from a terrible famine, as well as the resurrection of a sailor during a storm.

Saint Nicholas (as high church hierarchs are called) lived to a ripe old age. Immediately after his death, his body began to stream myrrh, and believers reached out to them for deliverance from illnesses and sorrows. The relics of the saint were first kept in Mir, where he served as an archbishop, and already in the XNUMXth century they were transferred to the city of Bari, in Italy. Some of them are still there.

Well, how can one forget that St. Nicholas is, after all, the well-known Santa Claus, the personality of the saint in the minds of people has merged with a folklore character. Such a transformation occurred because of the story of an old man with three daughters being rescued from poverty. Having learned about the terrible lack of money of his parishioner, the archbishop decided to help him. He only did it secretly – at night he threw a bag of gold into the window of the house where the family lived. In the morning the money was found, but nothing was known about the name of the benefactor. A delighted father, with a dowry received in such a miraculous way, was able to celebrate the wedding of his eldest daughter. After some time, Nikolai repeated his secret gift – this is how the middle daughter of a poor man married. Needless to say, the archbishop performed a good deed for the third time – and then the old man was finally able to watch him and thank him.

So the tradition began – to give gifts on behalf of the saint to kids from poor families, which later spread to all children, and then to adults.

What do they pray to St. Nicholas

Saint Nicholas is considered the patron saint of sailors, travelers and merchants. Therefore, he was asked for a successful voyage and protection of ships from storms and storms. In addition, they pray to him for a miraculous resolution of a difficult matter or especially incredible luck. He also helps to restore justice to those who were convicted on false slander, and also keeps children, especially orphans, from troubles and misfortunes.

As revered in Our Country: traditions of celebrating the day of memory of the saint

In honor of Nicholas the Wonderworker, Princess Olga erected the first Christian church in Kyiv. Since that time, many churches dedicated to him were built in Our Country and monasteries were founded – more than any other saint in general. Even one of the towers of the Moscow Kremlin is called Nikolskaya.

In addition, Nikolai Ugodnik is truly a folk saint. He was revered as the “senior” among the saints, placed very highly, and it was from him that they most often asked for intercession and help. Proverbs speak of many things, for example: “There is no champion for us against Nikola”; “Ask Nikola, and he will tell the Savior.” And even today, 95% of all pilgrims to Bari (70 thousand a year) come from Our Country. And when the relics of the saint were brought to Moscow in 2017, people stood in line for 10 hours to bow to them.

Nicholas of Summer on May 22 was also often called Grass Day. It was believed that by this time it was necessary to distribute all existing debts, make peace with those with whom he was in a quarrel, and be sure to help those in need. And on this day, matchmakers visited houses with unmarried young girls – matchmaking for Nikola promised to be successful.

In the spring, Nikolai was asked to save livestock and the future harvest. They tried not to eat meat on this day, in some areas they organized religious processions to protect crops from hail and drought. The peasants believed that on the eve of the feast the saint descended into the world and walked around the fields.

Nikola Winter December 19 was also a revered day. According to legend, on this day, the saint, like in spring, went around the earth from end to end, driving away evil spirits from the world of people. In some regions, in honor of his memory, bratchins (“nikolschiny”) were arranged: after the service, they gathered a large meal for the whole village. For this, as a rule, they slaughtered a bull bought with common money or raised by all the villagers.

On the day of St. Nicholas, it was also customary to conclude various business transactions and contracts. The prices established then were considered inviolable, for “Nikolsky bargaining is a decree for everything.” Also, Nikola sold excess bread.

The Nativity of St. Nicholas on August 11 was celebrated only in the tradition of Orthodoxy; this holiday was not in the calendars of other Orthodox churches. During the reign of Catherine II, the celebration of this day was abolished, but recently the custom of honoring the memory of the saint is gradually returning in August.

Signs for Nikolina’s days

The main signs were connected, of course, with the weather. If it is clear on Winter Nikola, then it will be warm and dry on Nikola Summer in May. The appearance of frost on the eve of St. Nicholas Day promised a good harvest of oats. And if large snowdrifts have fallen by this day, then there will be a lot of grass in the spring.

It was believed that if you put 40 candles in front of the icon of St. Nicholas and pray until they burn out, then the request with which you turn to the image will be fulfilled.

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