Squid rings: how to fry in batter? Video

Squid rings: how to fry in batter? Video

Squid is not only delicious, but also a very healthy seafood. It is high in protein, phosphorus, iron, iodine and potassium. The latter trace element is essential for the normal functioning of human muscles, including contributing to the good functioning of the heart.

Squid can be used to prepare various hot dishes as well as various snacks. One of the most popular recipes is delicious squid rings. The batter, in which seafood is cooked, gives this dish an unusual taste. By using different ingredients in the batter, you can change the taste and color of the finished product. But whatever batter you use, the rings will turn out delicious, tender and crunchy. In addition, this appetizer is very quick and easy to prepare.

The main secret of delicious squid

In order to prepare mouth-watering crispy rings, prepare the following foods: – Squid carcasses. If you are thinking of making this appetizer, you shouldn’t skimp. Experienced housewives have checked: no matter how many rings you cook, they instantly disappear. Especially if you are having a beer party. If you bought frozen seafood, be sure to defrost it before cooking.

For batter you will need: – 3 eggs, – a glass of flour, – a glass of light beer (if you wish, this ingredient can be replaced with milk, this will not make the rings less tasty), – salt, spices to taste, – vegetable oil.

Please note that the rings should literally float in hot vegetable oil, because it must be periodically added to the pan. That is why there should be a lot of oil.

First you need to cook the squid carcasses. To do this, place the seafood in boiling water. And now the main secret of cooking this seafood delicacy: you should cook squid no more than four minutes, otherwise the tender meat will turn into rubbery and inedible. Then remove the squid, rinse thoroughly and remove the chitinous platinum (thin, tough strip inside the carcass). Try not to damage thin meat. Now cut the squid into equal sized rings. Set it aside for now.

The right batter is the key to a crispy crust

Mix all the ingredients for the batter. It should be liquid, but a little stringy. Now pour vegetable oil into the pan and heat it well. Dip the squid rings in the batter and immediately put in the butter. This version of batter does not spread over the pan, but, on the contrary, “sticks” well to squid. This creates a crispy crust on the rings. The rings are deep-fried for just a couple of minutes. Remember to add oil periodically while frying.

Squid rings can be served hot or cold. Various sauces will perfectly complement this appetizer.

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