Squid and cucumber salad. Video recipe
Not a single meal is complete without salads. There are a huge number of recipes for these delicious and satisfying snacks with a wide variety of ingredients, both for holiday and for everyday use.
Squid and Cucumber Salad Recipe
Squid is a delicious and healthy seafood rich in protein, phosphorus, iron, iodine and potassium. A wide variety of dishes can be prepared from it, since squid is excellent both hot and cold. In addition, this seafood is a great ingredient in many salads. One of the most delicious and popular appetizers is the classic squid and cucumber salad. It is prepared very simply and quickly. And it can be served both for an everyday dinner and for a festive table.
What you need for squid salad
In order to prepare a delicate squid salad, you will need: – squid, half a kilogram of seafood will be enough to prepare 4 servings of an appetizer;
When choosing squid in the store, opt for a well-frozen product. Do not take carcasses that have already begun to melt. This may indicate that the squid was stored incorrectly, which means that the finished product will taste bitter.
– one small onion; – one large or 3-4 small cucumbers; – two chicken eggs; – three tablespoons of sour cream; – one bunch of fresh dill, or you can also use dried dill; – salt to taste.
Properly cooked squid is the main ingredient in a delicious salad
Many do not cook squid dishes because they consider them “rubbery” and tasteless. But this is exactly what this seafood becomes if it is not cooked correctly. Delicate squid meat does not tolerate long heat treatment. So put them in boiling water and cook for no more than 4 minutes. Then, carefully so as not to burn yourself, remove the carcasses, rinse them thoroughly and remove the chitin plate – a hard strip that looks like plastic. When the squid is cool, cut them into small strips or squares.
Now cut the skin off the cucumbers and cut them into cubes or strips. Stir in squid and cucumber. Then finely chop the dill and onion, add to the salad. Boil the eggs, cool and separate the white from the yolk. Cut the white into a salad and mix the yolk with the dressing. If desired, you can use sour cream and mayonnaise in equal proportions for salad dressing. Such a dressing will add a special piquant taste to the dish. Season and salt to taste.
Cucumbers with squid can be served by placing them on a leaf of green lettuce.
The taste of a classic salad with squid and cucumber can be slightly changed by adding peeled shrimp.
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