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Squeezing pimples is an activity that allows you to quickly get rid of unsightly changes on the skin. Many people admit to squeezing pimples every day, but it turns out that if performed incorrectly, this procedure can contribute to serious dermatological complications. Why can squeezing pimples be addictive, and how do you end this habit?
Pimples that bother many people are pustules, or blister-type eruptions that contain purulent contents. Most pimples are red. Often, however, white-tipped pimples appear on the skin that are filled with white or yellow pus. There may also be pimples with a black spot on the skin. The black ones look the same as the others, except for the black spot at the top of the eczema.
The appearance of pimples is related to acne, a dermatological disease in which the skin is abundant with sebaceous glands. The appearance of pimples is also associated with hormonal changes during adolescence. Hormones are responsible for a number of changes that are characteristic of adolescence, i.e. the appearance of intimate hair, growing breasts and, unfortunately, the occurrence of pimples, especially on the face.
Pimples and acne are a consequence of enlarged sebaceous glands and increased sebum secretion. Before the appearance of pimples, there is excessive and altered keratosis at the mouth of the hair follicle. In the hair follicle there is a duct of the sebaceous gland, in the case of keratosis, a horn plug is formed, which is pushed upwards. The production of sebum is blocked and a pouch is formed that contains fats and keratin. This pouch is called a blackhead. The formation of blackheads is accompanied by the multiplication of bacteria that are normally present on the skin and are harmless. Unfortunately, tallow is an excellent medium for bacteria and creates ideal conditions for microbes to multiply.
To regulate the amount of sebum produced, try the Cannaderm daily care set for oily skin with natural plant extracts.
The rest of the text is below the video.
The multiplied bacteria release enzymes that break down the neutral fats of sebum into free fatty acids. Fatty acids, in turn, trigger inflammation. In this way, the number of infected cells increases and the amount of discharge filling the comedones increases. The pressure on the walls of the hair follicle increases constantly, which causes the walls to rupture and spill the contents onto the surrounding tissue. Acute inflammation then develops, which manifests itself as pimples on the skin.
Order the Sevolium Cream for oily, acne and spotty skin today.
Pimples – causes of formation
Pimples that appear on the skin can be the result of many changes or diseases that take place in our body. The most frequently mentioned causes of pimples include:
- intensive production of sebum;
- excessive keratinization of the hair follicles;
- increased multiplication of bacteria;
- the occurring hormonal changes that cause excessive seborrhea;
- entering the period of adolescence in which juvenile acne occurs;
- prolonged stress, lack of sleep, fatigue;
- climatic changes and weather changes related to the seasons of the year;
- staying in places with significant environmental pollution;
- improper skin care and the use of cosmetics that irritate the skin and clog the mouths of the hair follicles;
- an improperly composed diet that is rich in dairy or processed products.
In the care of oily skin prone to acne, use the Bioherba Green Clay Mask for oily skin regularly, which is currently available at Medonet Market at a promotional price.
Squeezing pimples at home – step by step
The most important rule in getting rid of pimples is to avoid squeezing them out. Squeezing pimples usually leads to much more serious inflammation and poorly healing wounds, which leave unsightly scars. However, if you can’t help but squeeze the pimple out, here are some tips to try to minimize the negative effects of this treatment:
- diagnose if the skin lesion is really a pimple. Pimples can easily be mistaken for blackheads or milia, which do not qualify for normal juicing;
- the diagnosed pimple must be mature enough to be squeezed out. Pimples that can be squeezed out should have a bright, purulent plug protruding above the surface of the skin. If the pimple is not matured properly, kneading it can aggravate the inflammation;
- Before you start squeezing out pimples, do your hand hygiene. Wash them thoroughly and dry them with a towel, preferably disposable;
- wipe your face with a cotton ball soaked in an antibacterial tonic. Warm the skin around the pimple with a warm compress to expand the pores;
- you can use the injection needle to squeeze out the pimple. The advantage of the injection needle is its sterile packaging, so it can be used immediately after removal. The needle is inserted into the bright tip of the pimple, and then its top layer is torn off with a sudden movement;
- squeezing out pimples with your fingers, you need to wrap them with hygienic paper;
- remove pus and the entire contents of the pimple gently with your fingertips. It should not be done with your fingernails as it damages the skin and causes hard-to-heal wounds and, consequently, scars;
- stop squeezing pimples when there is blood or a clear liquid, i.e. plasma;
- after the end of the treatment, clean the skin with an antibacterial agent. The squeezed pimple should be spread with an antibiotic ointment.
Do you have an acne problem? Reach for Acne Regulation FEEDSKIN Exfoliating Tonic for Acne Skin and Acne Remover FEEDSKIN Acne Serum. The cosmetics perfectly complement each other and care for acne-prone skin.
How can you deal with pimples? Check it out: Remedy for pimples
Squeezing pimples at the beautician
A much better way to remove pimples is surgery in a beauty salon. Currently, customers are less and less likely to arrange a pimple squeezing treatment, because the wide range of cosmetologists allows for such skin care that effectively prevents eruptions, pimples or pimples.
Cavitation peeling is one of the treatments that can help you fight pimples. This treatment is based on the emission of sound waves by a special device. The induced vibrations remove dead epidermis, and the exposed, new epidermis is devoid of sebum and other impurities. The advantage of cavitation peeling is that it smoothes and deeply moisturizes the skin, while stimulating its natural hydration.
In the beauty salon, you can also undergo microdermabrasion, which involves mechanical exfoliation of the skin. The treatment uses a diamond head that rubs the outer layers of the skin. After assessing the condition of the skin, the beautician decides how much of the epidermis will be removed during the microdermabrasion treatment. Performing this treatment helps to effectively fight the appearance of pimples, blackheads, discoloration or seborrhea.
The beautician can also offer acid treatments to his clients. Such treatments allow for deep cleansing and smoothing the skin, which is the basis for its further nourishment and moisturizing. Acids that are used to fight pimples are azelaic, glycolic, mandelic, pyruvic and salicylic acids. Treatments with acids can be performed individually, but the series is much more effective.
What facial beauty treatments are worth performing? Check: Cosmetic treatments for the face
The death triangle, i.e. squeezing pimples on the face
Squeezing pimples on the face brings many unpleasant consequences, but a particularly sensitive area on the face skin is the so-called the triangle of death. The death triangle is the area of the face from the corner of the mouth to the base of the nose that has very high vascularity. The decision to manually squeeze the pimples out of this area on the face can cause a serious skin infection, the consequences of which are quite difficult to treat. This is because the blood in the triangle of death is drained directly to the brain through numerous veins, such as the superior vein of the eye and the facial vein. If there is an infection of the skin in this area, the infection can spread to the brain very quickly. The effects of such an infection can include meningitis, brain abscess, thrombophlebitis, phlebitis, and inflammation of the orbital tissues and sinuses.
For more information on the face death triangle, see the Death Triangle
Squeezing pimples on your back
Pimples don’t just appear on the face. An area of the human body that is prone to pimples is the back. Pimples on the back are usually very painful, tender, much larger in size and with more pus and other contents. Dermatologists advise against squeezing pimples on your back. Instead, they recommend ways to counteract and prevent pimples on the back. The following are responsible for the appearance of pimples on the back:
- lack of proper body hygiene;
- wearing clothes made of materials that are impermeable to air;
- improper diet that is based on large amounts of fat and sugar-rich products;
- excessive sweating;
- hormonal changes – both those occurring in adolescence and those that accompany endocrine diseases such as hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism.
What are the causes of back pimples and how to treat them? Check it out: Pimples on the back – causes, treatment, home remedies
The first and desired effect of squeezing pimples is the rapid removal of the unsightly skin lesion. It can be said that this is the only positive effect of squeezing pimples. Dermatologists point to numerous unpleasant consequences of squeezing pimples by yourself.
By squeezing out pimples, it usually spreads the bacteria all over the face, which causes even more pimples on the skin. Additionally, contamination of the wound can cause an infection that turns a small pimple into a serious lesion that requires specialist treatment.
During the procedure of self-squeezing pimples, we are usually not able to squeeze out all the purulent contents. Some of the pus that remains under the skin causes bacteria to multiply and greatly increases the risk of inflammation. In this case, the pimple wound heals slower, it is more red, painful and swollen.
Squeezing pimples also leads to the formation of permanent scars on the skin, especially when the pus is squeezed out not with your fingertips, but with your nails. It is also important that when squeezing pimples out, the pores can deform, making them even more visible.
What is scar acne? Check it out: Keloid acne
Addiction or disease – neuropathic acne
Squeezing pimples is often referred to as an addiction because for many people it is a procedure that they simply enjoy. As it turns out, compulsive squeezing of pimples is a disease entity known as neuropathic acne. What is this condition?
Neuropathic acne is a disease bordering on dermatology and psychology. The symptom of this disease is the compulsive squeezing of pimples. In the case of neuropathic acne, the skin problems that occur are closely related to the mental state of the patient.
Compulsive or even obsessive squeezing pimples is then caused by the lack of acceptance of one’s appearance, constant striving for perfection or depressive states. People struggling with neuropathic acne squeeze pimples because it gives them a sense of control. Very often in the case of this disease, patients spend whole days in front of the mirror looking for even the smallest pimple that can be squeezed out.
Neuropathic acne is treated both by a dermatologist and during psychological therapy. Cosmetic treatments are often needed to help restore the skin to its normal premorbid state.
How to care for combination skin? Check it out: Combination skin – what is it characterized by and how to properly care for it?
If squeezing pimples is not a symptom of neuropathic acne, you can try to fight this habit yourself. To stop squeezing pimples, you should:
- wear makeup – firstly, it masks pimples, and secondly, intricately made makeup effectively inhibits the urge to squeeze out a pimple;
- focus on other parts of the body – pimples are not the only skin problem we deal with every day. Maybe it’s worth focusing on cellulite and exercising to firm the skin?
- avoid mirrors and bright light – in such conditions you can see every imperfection. This is especially true for bright light from fluorescent lamps;
- rewrite your diet – it’s worth taking a look at your daily menu and see what products can cause pimples. A healthy diet rich in vegetables and fruits will quickly result in a refreshed and cleansed complexion.
What vitamins and minerals will help with skin care? Check it out: Vitamins and minerals for the skin
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