Sprouted cereals migrate from the diet of raw foodists to the menus of trendy restaurants, and drinks from them can be tasted both in and in fashionable spas. What has become the reason for such popularity, what are their nutritional properties, how to germinate them and how to cook them – this is our study.
We are accustomed to thinking that it is simply impossible to eat wholesome and healthy foods in conditions of busy everyday life. What if we were told that there is a fast food that grows in any climate, surpasses meat in its nutritional value, ripens in three to five days at any time of the year, does not require soil and sunlight, surpasses tomatoes in vitamin C , prepared without a gas stove and used without waste? Sprouted cereals are called the food of the XNUMXst century: they stimulate metabolism and hematopoiesis, increase immunity, compensate for vitamin and mineral deficiencies, normalize the acid-base balance, help cleanse the body of toxins and efficient digestion, increase potency, slow down the aging process … Raw food diet adherents consider sprouts a little Is it a panacea for all diseases? But ordinary people who are not prone to radical diets can also get a lot of benefits and pleasure from this amazing product.
deep roots
Sprouted grains and beans are not an invention of our time at all: five thousand years ago this product was used in ancient Chinese medicine. Europeans also ate sprouts – on long-distance ships that were at sea for years. So, in the logbook of the ship of James Cook, records were preserved that during the voyage in 1772-1775, all members of his team ate a large number of various seedlings, which helped them maintain their health. During World War II, American nutritionist Dr. Clive M. McKay, a professor at Cornell University, became interested in the nutritional properties of this product. In the course of research, he found that the content of vitamins of group A and especially vitamin C in soybean sprouts is hundreds of times higher than in soybeans. In addition, the starchy substances of legumes are converted into simple sugars during germination, which greatly facilitates the process of their digestion.
Sprout of Strength
About 30 years ago, on the wave of hippieism, along with a passion for alternative medicine and oriental healing practices, a real boom in sprouts began. One of the most famous authors of bestselling books about their life-giving power is naturopath Ann Wigmore (Dr. Ann Wigmore). She calls this product “the elixir of life” and believes that it was he who played a key role in her healing from cancer. “Sprouts are not a medicine or dietary supplement, but real food. In them, all the elements are balanced by nature,” says Natalia Shaskolskaya, Candidate of Biological Sciences and senior researcher at the Rostok Research Center. “The life force contained in them is so wise that it acts exactly on those areas of the body that need it – this is their difference from artificial vitamins and mineral supplements.” Many of us have heard of soybean and wheat germ, but it turns out that literally anything can be germinated. Specialists of the Research Center “Rostok” emphasize flax, sesame and milk thistle. Thus, milk thistle sprouts are especially effective for the liver, their properties have been proven in clinical studies. A group of patients with hepatitis C were given seven sprouts daily. As a result, their recovery was three times faster and the liver completely restored its structure much faster.
sowing campaign
WHEAT AND Rye: against allergiesThey stimulate the intestines and increase peristalsis, are useful for allergies, diabetes and obesity.oats: to increase toneThis tonic, tonic and anti-inflammatory agent helps to eliminate toxins.BUCKWHEAT: for vascular healthIt is recommended for large blood loss, vascular diseases, glaucoma and varicose veins.LENTILS: to strengthen immunityIt is especially rich in vitamin C, useful for flu and colds, increases hemoglobin.SUNFLOWER: for the nervous systemStrengthens the nervous system, improves memory.SESAME: to strengthen the skeletonContains the elements necessary for the operation of the musculoskeletal system; strengthens nails, restores tooth enamel.flax: for digestionCleanses the gastrointestinal tract, supports the work of the brain and endocrine glands.MILK THISTLE: for the liver and kidneysIt enhances the formation and excretion of bile, stimulates the regeneration of liver cells, and has a beneficial effect on the kidneys.
Taking advantage of the moment
What are these miraculous properties? It turns out that the germination phase is a time of intense transformation in the grain, which needs tremendous energy to turn into a plant. At this stage, the amount of vitamins increases many times, and then gradually decreases. For example, if dry peas lack vitamin C, then after sprouting for 48 hours, they become a more powerful supplier of vitamin C than even oranges. There are different types of sprouts (otherwise they are called “sprouts”), and each of them has its own special properties. In principle, you can germinate any legumes, cereals and nuts. “But to achieve a healing effect, it is very important to take into account the time of germination. Special properties are preserved only during the first five or six days, after which the activity of the sprout is significantly reduced, ”Rostok specialists comment. If you buy this product in a store, you can determine the degree of their “readiness” by the length of the sprout. When the seedling reaches a length of 5 cm, the content of vitamins in it comes to a minimum, it makes no sense to buy such a product. In Russia, the raw food culture has not yet received such development as, say, in the USA, where various types of sprouts occupy several shelves in supermarkets, but it is not at all difficult to learn how to germinate grains yourself, at home.
wealth in the bank
There are special utensils for sprouting, but a simple glass jar covered with cheesecloth or a mosquito net will also work. It is easy to germinate alfalfa, radishes, mustard, sometimes mixed grains are sold, which are also very tasty. Soak them overnight in natural spring water. Rinse, drain and leave at room temperature in a not too lit place. Then rinse every morning and evening with tap water. It will be possible to eat them as soon as the seedling appears, that is, after three to four days. Rinse the grains one last time just before cooking. Make sure that the jar does not fall under direct sunlight and that there is not too much moisture in it – otherwise the seeds will become moldy.
Another way to germinate: after soaking, lay the grains on a damp gauze or cotton cloth, cover with two more layers of dampened cloth and leave for about a day. Sprouted grains can be stored in the refrigerator, but should be consumed within two to three days.
How to eat them
Drink of yogis and stars
Wheatgrass is a cult drink in trendy yoga centers in Los Angeles and London. In such places early in the morning you can see Madonna, Gwyneth Paltrow or Richard Gere with a glass of whitgrass in his hands, right after the morning run. This juice is extracted from the young greens of the wheat before the stalk appears; it is gluten-free and thus devoid of the disadvantages of wheat, which is sometimes difficult to digest. Slightly sweet in taste, it is especially recommended for those who eat few vegetables: it cleanses the body, saturates it with oxygen, acts as an antioxidant – few foods can boast a combination of so many virtues.
This magical product is incredibly economical: it does not need to be cut, cleaned, does not need to be cooked and is very nutritious. “Sprouts contain an incredible amount of energy. They should only be consumed in the morning or at lunch, otherwise you simply won’t fall asleep!” – says Natalia Shaskolskaya. As for the recommended dose – 50-60 grams, no more. Start with small amounts – one teaspoon per day, then gradually increase the dose – up to three tablespoons per day. Moreover, sprouts can be added to any everyday food: salads, soups, sprinkle hot dishes with them. American moms even add them to hamburgers. Children can be given sprouts with honey – this combination makes them a real treat.
As for hot dishes from sprouts, this is a moot point. For example, Dr. David Jubb, a nutritionist from New York, who has written many books on the topic of cellular rejuvenation, believes that exposing sprouts to temperature, we kill all their beneficial properties. But Jabb is an adherent of a raw food diet and believes that cooked food is not natural for a person. “Of course, some of the vitamins are lost when heated, but this allows the sprouts to be more easily absorbed,” says Mikhail Baranov, a follower of Ayurveda, yoga instructor at the Moscow Ashtanga Yoga Center.
And how to drink them
Among the drinks from sprouts, wheatgrass is the most famous – the juice from the greens of wheat. You can also make it yourself by grinding wheat shoots with a mixer with a little water. “I highly recommend making a cocktail out of sprouts: grind them with water in a blender. In winter, it is especially good to make soup purees by grinding them with hot water. You can also add oil, salt, spices to taste. It turns out very useful and nutritious. In addition, it is easier to chew them this way, ”advises Mikhail Baranov.
Green sprouts should be added to juice cocktails. For example, in a blender, mix avocado, apple juice and one or more types of green sprouts (sunflower seeds, alfalfa, etc.) – you get a great substitute for yogurt. From sprouts of oats, rice, nuts, you can make amazing-tasting milk. To do this, they must be carefully ground in a blender, adding each of them in turn.
6 facts in favor of growth
- A serving of mixed sprouts salad will cost half as much as a serving of lettuce and will provide about five times the protein, six times the vitamin C, and seven times the B vitamins.
- Sprouts is the food with the highest nutritional value of any food category.
- The best suppliers of enzymes are germinated cereals. They contain about 40 times more natural enzymes than any other food, and even in the smallest dose they help digestion.
- The antioxidants contained in sprouts prevent the destruction of cell DNA and protect against premature aging.
- Broccoli sprouts contain cancer-protective substances used to create anticancer drugs.
- In addition to vitamins, enzymes and dietary fiber, sprouts contain chlorophyll, a substance that neutralizes heavy metals that enter our body.