Sprouted wheat: how to eat? Video
It has long been known that sprouting cereal grains are very beneficial to health, and wheat is no exception. The healing power of its grains helped restore immunity and vitality even in the days of Avicenna and Hippocrates. And today this natural source of vitamins, amino acids, trace elements and fiber is able to successfully replace many biologically active additives synthesized by artificial means.
Useful properties of germinated wheat grains
Sprouted wheat contains 10 essential amino acids, they are not produced in the human body, but they are necessary for normal functioning. In addition, it contains the entire complex of B vitamins, which normalize the activity of the stomachs and intestines, cardiovascular and nervous systems. Vitamins of this group, like vitamin E, which is also found in germinated wheat grains, are essential for healthy skin and preservation of its youthfulness. These grains should be eaten by those who suffer from anemia, arthrosis, atherosclerosis, excess cholesterol, and obesity.
It is an excellent remedy for the prevention of diabetes.
How to germinate wheat grains
Rinse the grains, lay them in one layer on a large dish and cover with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, it should be light pink. This treatment is necessary for sterilization and growth stimulation. Cover the grains with paper towels in one layer and leave them on the windowsill. When the grains begin to germinate and reach a height of 1–2 cm, sort them out, remove those that did not sprout. Rinse the remaining sprouts in running water and grind in a blender.
Store chopped germinated wheat in a sealed container and refrigerated. Its active properties persist for 4 days, so it makes no sense to store wheat for future use.
To be healthy, to raise the tone and generally strengthen the body, ground sprouted wheat grains should be consumed daily, eating ¼ tsp on an empty stomach in the morning. You can also add crushed nuts, honey and dried fruits to ground wheat, increasing the dose to 1 tsp. If you don’t want to grind grains, just add wheatgrass to salads, toppings, and even curd dough for cheesecakes.
For those who suffer from rheumatoid arthritis, it is useful to take 1 tablespoon in the morning. ground sprouted wheat, mixed in equal proportions with ghee.
This mixture is used in folk medicine and to eliminate arthritic pain in the joints, rubbing it into the place that hurts.
Extraction from germinated wheat grains can heal conjunctivitis. Cooking it will not take long. Squeeze a tablespoon of ground grains through a clean napkin and wet a cotton swab with the resulting juice. Without squeezing, apply it over your eyes and lie with this compress for 1,5-2 hours. This juice can be instilled into each eye 1-2 drops before bedtime.