Spring of Siberia

Vodka of the Novosibirsk plant “Alina” appeared in 2008 and at first was available only to consumers in the Novosibirsk region. Classic mass market vodka: unpretentious label, luxury spirit with purified water and traditional 40% alcohol. The low price has become the main reason for its popularity.

Historical reference. The Alina LLC distillery began work in 2007 near Novosibirsk, in the village of Plotnikovo. Alcohol for the production of beverages was supplied by the Siberian distillery “Arga”, twice awarded medals for quality at the international exhibition Interdrink. During the year, Alina became the supplier of alcohol to the three largest retail chains in Siberia at that time – Ramos, Stolichny, Giant. Negotiations were underway on the supply to Aushan, and by the end of 2008, the volume of vodka production increased by 30%.

In 2008, Alina released the first batch of Rodnik Sibiri, then expanded the line with Rodnik Sibiri Premium with triple filtration, and Rodnik Sibiri Cedar with pine nut infusion.

Boris Gorbachev, the founder of Alina LLC, gave an interview in 2008 in which he suggested that in 2009 the share of their vodka on the market would increase to 100 thousand bottles per month, and the sales geography would expand significantly – Rodnik Sibiri would appear on the shelves of Tomsk, Kemerovo , Krasnodar and Altai Territories. Gorbachev managed to find the federal investment company Troika Dialog, an investor willing to invest $5 million to promote the brand. It was planned that in the same 2009 the drink would become the No. 1 brand in Siberia, but… Something went wrong.

Since 2009, Alina has had problems. There were no statements about impending bankruptcy, but production volumes decreased, then the plant was suspended and the license for the production of vodka was taken away from the enterprise. In 2011, the department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Novosibirsk Region announced a violation – the plant produced vodka already without a license.

The scandal erupted in 2017 – in Novosibirsk, operatives discovered and seized wholesale lots: 14 bottles of counterfeit Rodnik Sibiri vodka, 37 tons of alcohol, 40 fake excise stamps, accounting documents, computer equipment. The PenzaNews TV channel reported that vodka with signs of falsification was found in a Penza cafe, and an underground factory was found and liquidated in the village of Yanino in the Penza region: tanks with alcohol, 9 bottles of vodka, reels with excise stamps, and labels were confiscated.

Who owns the license to produce the drink now is unknown. But “Spring of Siberia” appears on sale, and the address of the manufacturer varies: there are bottles with the address of Alina LLC, with Penza, Tomsk and even Altai addresses. There are parties with a distorted name – “Springs of Siberia”. Whether this is a fake, only experts can answer.

Characteristics of vodka “Spring of Siberia”

The reviews of those who tasted the drink are monotonous: the vodka is transparent, with a characteristic vodka aroma and a neutral taste without third-party shades. Served chilled to 6-8 °C, vodka is successfully combined with hot dishes of Russian and European cuisine, with cold meat and vegetable snacks, with pickles and smoked meats.

Thanks to its neutral organoleptic characteristics, Rodnik Sibiri can become an ingredient in any alcoholic cocktail.

Spring of Siberia

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