Spring is felt in China and the coronavirus is ending hope [CORRESPONDENT MEDTvoiLokony]
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More than two months have passed since the outbreak of the pandemic in China. At that time, the Wuhan virus managed to spread to other continents. The virus arrived in Beijing at the end of January and was taken extremely seriously from the very beginning, both by the authorities and, above all, by the inhabitants of the 2-million-strong capital. How is it possible that the Pekingese have remained calm in the face of such a threat?

Coronavirus in China: no face masks and mass purchases

The coronavirus was just starting to spread as anti-virus masks were scarce, not only in Beijing but also in other Chinese cities. People ordered them online, bought them from pharmacies and shops, trade in this product flourished through WeChat, the Chinese equivalent of Facebook. However, this situation did not last long. First, the Chinese government started to organize special citizens’ letters, which residents signed up for to receive masks, and then many companies that had not done it so far took care of their production, so they managed to repair their stocks.

Along with the lack of masks, have the Chinese massively rushed to buy antibacterial gels, toilet paper or food products from stores? Absolutely not. True, there was fear and uncertainty about the situation, but the Chinese were far from panicking.

Everyday life two months after the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic

Life in Beijing day by day begins to resemble more and more normal, ordinary, spring. With the onset of sunny weather, more and more residents, who until now were locked in their homes, take to the streets. They go out to parks, for walks with children and the elderly, or for shopping in shopping centers. More and more shops, restaurants and private shops open up every day.

However, all schools, assembly venues, public facilities, sports halls and gyms remain closed.

What makes the Chinese not afraid to leave the house?

Certainly one of the reasons is the time since the pandemic started. Above all, however, it is about the way in which the Chinese government deals with the problem, or rather what measures it uses to prevent the spread of the virus. With the actions taken, which are sometimes quite drastic, confidence has grown that COVID-19 will be defeated. What are these preventive measures? First of all, the control of residents, only residents of certain estates are authorized to stay in their apartments. It is also about the widespread availability of tests and the possibility of being tested at any time. As long as you are a resident of a given city and have not traveled abroad, possible treatment of the virus is free.

In addition, the regulations regarding those returning from abroad have changed. At present, all returning from outside China must undergo virus testing in a specially adapted part of the airport and undergo a 14-day quarantine in places designated by the government. Only people living alone may be placed in home quarantine, provided that they are arranged for safe transport home by management in their place of residence. Newcomers not only have to isolate themselves, but also have to pay for it out of their own pocket. The same applies to people coming to the capital from other provinces of China.

And what are the Chinese doing at home during the coronavirus pandemic?

First of all, the vast majority of working people still stay at home, working remotely or going to the office alone. Most workplaces still have the rule that only one person can be there at a time, so many people go to work when it’s their turn, for example, they work in the office once a week. All education facilities remain closed and learning continues online. Inventive Chinese students even came up with the idea of ​​eliminating this DingDing app from the Chinese App Store for a while due to their low grading of homework apps. Unfortunately for them, it only lasted a few hours. All kinds of applications with home exercise sets and various types of Internet entertainment, such as streaming services or Internet computer games extremely popular in China, are also extremely popular.

The Chinese have already got used to the coronavirus routine, they are aware of the dangers of COVID-19, and therefore do not panic, because neither the government nor the current situation give them reasons to do so. There are fewer and fewer new infections every day and you can feel the atmosphere of hope that everything will return to normal within a short time.

Have a question about the coronavirus? Send them to the following address: [email protected]. You will find a daily updated list of answers HERE: Coronavirus – frequently asked questions and answers.

Read other MedTvoiLokony correspondent texts:

  1. Chinese quarantine
  2. “There has not yet been a plague that Chinese natural medicine could not cope with”
  3. There are no masks in China. The Chinese make them themselves, whatever they can

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