Spring Equinox 2023: History and Traditions
Among the ancient peoples, the day of the vernal equinox was associated with the arrival of spring and warmth. We tell you what date it will come in 2023

The ancient peoples associated the spring equinox with the arrival of spring. Therefore, they met the holiday with special warmth – stormy festivities and praise of the Sun. It was believed that on this day, nature wakes up from its winter sleep, the darkness recedes, and the days increase.

When is the Spring Equinox in 2023

Spring equinox in 2023 will come March 21. The sun during this period will cross the equator and move from the southern hemisphere to the northern, and the day will be equal to the night in duration.

History and Traditions of the Spring Equinox

For our ancestors, this day was important. It was celebrated with great pomp. In the morning, housewives baked cookies in the form of larks and pancakes, decorating them with sugar syrup and wheat grains. The first sweets were intended for the Bear God. Thus, people tried to appease the deity so that henceforth predators would not attack men while they were on the hunt.

Then everyone went to the fair. On the way they sang, danced and even participated in exciting games. For example, tug of war, jumping over a fire, towns. The winners, as a rule, were protected by nature from dark forces.

By evening, bonfires were lit en masse in the city squares. It was believed that a high, bright and pure flame is the key to a well-fed and happy life in the coming year. And our ancestors ended the day by rolling burning wheels from the mountain into the river – symbols of the Sun.

How did other nations celebrate this day?

In India, the vernal equinox coincided with the festival of colors. Representatives of all castes gathered in the city squares, where they sang, danced, and sprinkled each other with colored powders made from local spices.

The ancient Germans were forbidden to eat meat on this day. Thus, before the beginning of spring, the people were cleansed.

The Japanese honored the dead. Photographs of ancestors were put in a prominent place and funeral dinners were prepared.

In Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Iran and Afghanistan, this day is considered an official holiday – the red day of the calendar, they celebrate the New Year. People ask each other for forgiveness, repay debts and arrange lavish festivities with national food.

In Mexico, on the day of the spring equinox, the celebrants gather in the former capital of the Mayan civilization – Chichen Itza. Theatrical performances are arranged there, they rejoice at the young spring sun.


The day of the spring equinox was considered a magical day. And after sunset, young girls began to guess.

Gingerbread was baked, and small items were placed in the raw dough. And each item meant something. If the lady pulled out a pastry with a ring inside, get ready for the wedding this year. A coin – to prosperity, a key – to an inheritance, a bead – to pregnancy, an earring – to a meeting with a betrothed.

Popular and meditation. The girl lights a candle, sits down in a chair and relaxes. Next, he represents the life he dreams of. As if she lives in a huge house, drives an expensive car. And further down the list, what do you want. It is believed that it is on this day that heaven will hear you, and changes will gradually begin to occur in life.

To find out the name of the future husband, before going to bed, you need to write seven male names on seven sheets of paper and put them under the pillow. In the morning, without uttering a word, get one and read it. Our ancestors believed that all this would come true.


  • If the weather is frosty that day, then wait another 40 frosty days until the end of spring. If warm, the next 40 days will be warm, respectively.
  • We saw a flock of birds flying – to a good grain harvest.
  • If you forgive everyone your offenses and drive anger out of your thoughts, nature will be generous all year round.
  • If clouds float across the sky quickly and high, summer and autumn will be warm.

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