Spring dressing of winter garlic  

Any crop planted on the site consumes useful nutrients from the soil and the surrounding air for development. Not always the size of the plot allows you to radically change the crop rotation. Therefore, to obtain a good harvest of winter garlic, it is necessary to nourish the plants. With a deficiency of any element, it is difficult to count on getting large and healthy heads. The amount of fertilizers and dressings depends on the composition and fertility of the soil, the climatic conditions of the region. In this article, we will pay attention to such an issue as top dressing of winter garlic.

Winter garlic has a higher yield than spring garlic.

Spring dressing of winter garlic  

It matures earlier, forms beautiful large heads. But it can not always be stored until a new harvest. It depends on storage conditions and climatic differences.

The strong bactericidal property of the plant allowed it to take one of the first places in the list of crops for growing in the country. It is considered quite unpretentious, but spring top dressing is simply necessary for him. It will give him a complex of necessary nutrients for active growth. Why spring? After the snow melts, winter garlic immediately grows and needs support. In addition to top dressing, for planting a plant, fertilizer is required to be applied to the soil.

Rules for feeding winter garlic

The culture is considered frost-resistant and moisture-loving. Winter garlic prefers non-acidic soil, grows well on loam. Feed the plant in early spring and autumn immediately after planting.

Autumn dressing of garlic

It is carried out 3-4 weeks before landing in the ground. This is done in order to give the earth time to settle a little after digging. If time is limited, then the beds are shed with water with the addition of antiseptic preparations. Then planting can begin in a week. Planting in loose soil results in deeper denticles and later emergence of sprouts.

Spring dressing of winter garlic  

An excellent nutrition for a winter plant is a combination of organic matter and mineral components. They take high-quality humus or compost, add to it:

  • wood ash or dolomite flour;
  • potash fertilizers (good potassium sulfate 30 g);
  • phosphate fertilizers (you can double superphosphate in the amount of 15 g).

It is easiest to apply fertilizer at the time of digging the ridges. After the cloves are planted, the ridges are covered with a layer of rotted manure. This provides additional nutrition.

Important! Fresh manure for winter garlic is unsuitable. It can provoke the development of diseases.

You should also be careful about applying nitrogen in the fall. Some summer residents additionally add urea, ammonium nitrate to the nutritional composition. Their application can lead to a supersaturation of the plant with nitrogen, which will lead to its germination. As a result, it will simply freeze in winter, and it will not work to wait for the harvest. Organics, which were introduced before planting, will provide winter garlic with a sufficient amount of nitrogen. In the case when organic matter was not added, also do not rush to add urea. Its addition to the ground is justified in the northern regions and with a late landing. In this case, nitrogen components are needed for better rooting of garlic and its early awakening after winter. Enough 15 grams of carbamide or urea per 1 sq. area meter.

Some gardeners start preparing ridges for winter garlic in September, fertilize and dig the ground in advance.

Spring dressing of garlic

Top dressing of winter garlic in the spring is repeated three times:

The first time it is carried out a week after the snow melts. The first feeding at this time serves as a stimulator for the growth of the green mass of the plant. It is permissible to add urea or urea to the composition of the top dressing.

Second feeding time – 14 days after the first one. Now winter garlic needs to be fed with phosphorus and potassium, because it is time for the head to form. These components do not decompose quickly, so fertilizers for winter garlic are applied in advance in the form of a solution.

Important! From mid-June, nitrogen-containing components are not added.

Third time feed winter garlic in early June. This is not quite an early spring, but this top dressing is considered the third spring. Now it is important to ensure that the plant does not receive nitrogen. Otherwise, shooting will begin, and the culture will not form large heads. It is good to feed the winter plant in the spring with ash as a potash fertilizer. And they do it during the third feeding. It is very important as a corrective. It is at this moment that it is possible to determine which elements are missing for the good development of winter garlic and correct the situation in time. The timing of the first and second feeding can be shifted, and the third is performed strictly according to the schedule. They brought in earlier – they fed not the bulb, but the leaves. Late – the leaves dry, and there is no point in feeding.

Additional nutritional advice

A good addition to the main diet is foliar top dressing. It is carried out by irrigating the entire above-ground part.

Spring dressing of winter garlic  

The method allows the plant to quickly absorb useful components that take longer to absorb through the root system. The dosage of the nutrient composition is halved and the leaves are sprayed in a convenient way. Be sure to combine foliar feeding with watering.

Important! Foliar top dressing is unable to replace the main food, it serves as an additional component in the overall scheme.

Foliar top dressing is carried out twice during the season, when the active growth phase of the plant begins.

Separately, it should be noted the feeding of winter crops with wood ash. It is enough to scatter it between rows or make special grooves along the rows. You can use an infusion of ash (per bucket of water 100 g of the component). They water the grooves and immediately cover with soil.

Spring dressing of winter garlic  

The culture responds well to the alternation of ash solutions with infusions of mullein and bird droppings. With this scheme, it is necessary to observe a break so as not to overdose fertilizers.

Proper nutrition of winter garlic in the open field guarantees a good harvest and a quality product. It ripens earlier than spring, so gardeners always allocate space for this plant.

How to prepare fertilizer formulations

Composition with manure and ash

For its preparation, slurry is needed in a ratio of 1: 6 with water and wood ash at the rate of 200 g per 1 sq. area meter. Manure must be taken rotted and of high quality. It is allowed to make 2-3 times during the growing season of winter garlic.

Spring dressing of winter garlic  

With urea

A solution of urea for watering garlic beds is prepared from one tablespoon of the component and a bucket of water. One bucket is enough to water 5 square meters.

Organics are required to be applied in the amount of 7-8 kg per 1 square meter of soil.


Superphosphate for the third feeding is diluted in the amount of 2 tablespoons per bucket of water. The bucket is distributed over 2 square meters of soil.

Organic fertilizing

Mullein infusion is a complex fertilizer for winter garlic. Prepared in a ratio of 1:7 with water.

Bird droppings are bred more. For 1 part of the litter, water is taken 15 times more.


Feeding winter garlic is an important and responsible matter. It is a guarantee of a good harvest, but it is necessary to observe the terms, types and proportions of the compositions. By following all these parameters, you will ensure a good harvest on your site.

Winter garlic in spring. crop beds

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