Spring diet for your feet

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In the spring, everything can be started anew. For example, refresh your hairstyle or dream of summer by buying a pair of new shoes. But what kind of new things can we talk about when they suffer from problems with veins on the legs?

Spring comes, and you want to look irresistible, show off your new clothes and an easy gait, but instead you have to stand or sit at work for a long time, and this can cause varicose veins – pain, swelling, heaviness in the legs and, as a result, ugly, prominent blue “stars “And even” nodules “on the legs! No woman needs such a “spring gift”. To prevent vein disease, make adjustments to your diet: try to eat more seafood, seaweed, hazelnuts, foods rich in vitamin C. And less rich broths, smoked meats, canned food and coffee. Reinforce the results with walks and exercises that have a beneficial effect on the muscles of the legs. However, only useful therapy cannot solve the problem of varicose veins.

What is the real cause of this disease? First of all, in a decrease in the tone of the venous walls, which leads to disruption of the venous valves. During normal operation, the valves provide a measured flow of blood through the vein from the bottom up, preventing it from returning back, and in case of vein diseases, the valves stop working correctly and begin to let blood back through. Experts call this phenomenon of reverse flow of venous blood reflux. As a result, the blood in the veins begins to stagnate. All this leads to the appearance of pain, swelling, heaviness and fatigue in the legs and provokes the further development of venous diseases.

To actively combat these unpleasant symptoms, venoactive agents are widely used, among which the drug has earned the trust of specialists and the loyalty of consumers. Detralex®, which allowed him to become the No. 1 venotonic in the world (1). The drug contains a complex of five flavonoids – active plant components that enhance each other’s action (2). Thanks to micronization, Detralex® is better absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract compared to non-micronized forms and has a faster effect (2,3,4) on the cause of vein problems – a decrease in venous tone. Detralex® helps to eliminate venous congestion, rather to reduce swelling, pain, fatigue and heaviness in the legs! (4, 6) Start the spring by caring for your veins, and you are guaranteed a spring mood!

RU P N011469 / 01



  1. “AM Es Health”, 1 sq. 2015, phlebotropic drugs, sales in euros on an annual basis.
  2. Paysanat J., Sansilvestri-Morel P., Buskela E., Verberen T. J. International Angiology, 2008, 27, 81-85.
  3. Compared to non-micronized diosmin.
  4. R.K. Garner et al. Journal “Pharmaceutical Sciences”, issue No. 91, 32-40 pages, 2002
  5. Chronic venous disease.
  6. Instructions for use of the drug Detralex. RU number P N011469 / 01.

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