Without much investment, following these simple tips, everything will be washed away.
To keep an apartment clean, we spend a lot of money on special tools and devices, however, if your budget does not allow you to fork out, you can try to achieve the same effect by spending much less money.
1. Wash the surfaces with water and vinegar
Mix water and vinegar in a 50:50 ratio for a very effective and very inexpensive solvent for all types of stains. which can be applied on a wide variety of surfaces.
2. Steam off the microwave
An easy way to clean your microwave is to mix two tablespoons of white vinegar with a few drops of your favorite essential oil and water and turn on the stove at full power for five minutes. It will shine clean and smell great without the need to scrub it off.
3. Clean the iron with salt and foil
If there is a lot of dirt on the surface of the iron, turn it on (without steam) and iron a piece of aluminum foil, sprinkling it with salt on top. The salt will absorb the dirt and remove it from the surface.
4. Use a toothbrush to clean the keyboard
Instead of expensive cleaning cloths, take a regular toothbrush, slightly wet it and wipe the most problematic areas on the keyboard.
5. Use lemon to clean stainless steel surfaces
Cut the lemon in half and rub it over the stainless steel. In addition to being clean, your kitchen will smell good,
6. Wipe TV and computer screens with coffee filters
Using paper towels or cloths creates static electricity and attracts more dust to your screens. Therefore, use a standard coffee filter instead, so that you will be able to get rid of dust on these appliances for a long time.
7. Restore furniture with a hair dryer
If water circles from cups and glasses have damaged your coffee table or other wooden surface, bring the hair dryer as close to the stain as possible, turn it on to maximum and watch the stain disappear.
8. Wash the toilet with Coca-Cola
You may have heard of this but have never tried it yourself. Just pour the cola into the toilet and flush it off after a while. You will be amazed at the dazzling result.
9. Clean the bath with grapefruit
Cut the grapefruit in half, sprinkle with coarse salt and start rubbing. The bath will shine and fill with divine aroma.
10. Rinse hard-to-reach places in vases and glasses with rice
Some vases, bottles and wine glasses are difficult to rinse due to their size and shape. Fill them with dry rice, cover them with water and dishwashing liquid, cover and shake until everything is clear. Rinse and leave to dry.
When you save on cleaning, you are doubly pleased: the house looks great, and you still have money to spend on yourself.