Spring allergies – can we outsmart them?

Spring. For some, the favorite season of the year, when nature comes to life and higher temperatures encourage spending time outdoors. For others, it is the time of pollination of plants and the worsening of allergic symptoms, which effectively reduce their well-being. What can we do to protect ourselves from unpleasant ailments?

Sneezing, burning and watery eyes, rhinitis, but also swelling, rash and difficulty breathing. Allergy sufferers know well how these symptoms can make life difficult. Already in March and early April, they begin to struggle with the effects of pollen on plants. In early spring, allergies are most often caused by pollen from trees: birch, alder, willow, oak, ash, then various grasses, including cereals, which are abundant in the air, especially in the period from May to July. It is very difficult to protect yourself from them, not only when you are outside, but also at home. Unfortunately, unpleasant ailments are much more difficult for children than for adults. What can we do to make our home a safe refuge?

Allergy occurs as a result of an abnormal reaction of the immune system, which begins to overreact and inappropriately react to substances in the environment called allergens, which in healthy people do not cause allergic symptoms. When tests confirm an allergy, symptom-relieving medications can be used. Desensitization is also good, but it’s best to simply avoid contact with allergens. During the pollen season, after coming home, it is recommended to change clothes, wash your face and clean your nose. However, to effectively clean the air of allergens, it is worth using an air purifier. When choosing a purifier, you should pay attention to the quality of the filters used, the CADR parameter determining its efficiency and the certificates held by the device – says prof. Dorota Sands, an allergist, pediatrician and pulmonologist.

Spring oh it’s you

For allergy sufferers, an effective air purifier can be a real godsend. In spring it is impossible to refuse to open windows and balconies in order to ventilate the apartment, which means a pollen free path. Meanwhile, Samsung purifiers, within one hour, are able to replace the air in the room at least three times. The efficiency of a given device is determined by the CADR parameter, and 3 filters are responsible for the effectiveness: the initial one stops, among others carbon dust and hair eliminates dangerous gases and odors, and HEPA removes up to 99,97% * of microscopic particles, such as: allergens, bacteria and mites as well as PM1,0 smog particles; PM2,5 and PM10. Samsung air purifiers are also equipped with a filter replacement alert, which calculates the device operation time and at the right moment, with a flashing icon, informs about the need to replace it. Thanks to this, the air is cleaned effectively all the time, and we can breathe a sigh of relief.

Day and night relief

The air purifier is a device that is worth using all year round, but the effects of its work will be felt especially when we suffer from allergies. Thanks to the automatic mode in Samsung air purifiers, we can be sure that the device will react as soon as the air condition deteriorates. The numerical display will present the exact level of pollution in our apartment, and the device will adjust its power to it, thanks to which harmful particles will be automatically detected and removed **. The SmartThings app enhances the comfort of using the purifier on a daily basis ***. It can be remotely turned on, check the condition of the filter and set the operating mode. It is a perfect solution when we are not at home and we want to return to a room free from allergens and pollutants. When using an air purifier, we also do not have to worry about our well-being at night. Many allergy sufferers have trouble sleeping due to a runny nose and cough. The night mode, in which the device operates at even 18 dB **** and the display is dimmed, will guarantee a peaceful and healthy rest.

All models of Samsung air purifiers – AX90, AX60, AX47 and AX34 – have the PZH Certificate issued by the National Institute of Public Health, which means that they comply with current safety standards.

Dorota Sands – allergologist, pediatrician and pulmonologist, professor dr hab. of medical sciences, head of the Cystic Fibrosis Department of the Institute of Mother and Child in Warsaw and head of the Clinical Department of Lung Diseases at SZPZOZ im. Children of Warsaw in Dziekanów Leśny.

Detailed information on Samsung air purifiers can be found at: tlendobry.pl

How to choose the best air purifier for your home? Watch our video and see what to look for when choosing a device: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XpNvcPOQXzs

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