Spraying tomatoes with Trichopolum (metronidazole) 

When growing tomatoes in a summer cottage, one has to deal with crop diseases. Late blight is considered the most common problem for gardeners. They are always wary of a possible outbreak of this disease. Phytophthora can destroy the crop, which is highly undesirable.

Spraying tomatoes with Trichopolum (metronidazole) 

In a few days, the fungus will hit all the beds with tomatoes. If you do not take preventive measures, you can miss the onset of the disease. Many summer residents try to do without chemical treatments in order to limit the entry of toxic substances into the fruits, they try to use recipes of folk wisdom, medicines.

Among such proven means in the fight against late blight is pharmacy Trichopolum.

Spraying tomatoes with Trichopolum (metronidazole) 

This tool belongs to antimicrobial drugs and helps plants overcome a formidable disease. A similar medication is metronidazole, which is cheaper than Trichopolum and is also in deserved demand among thrifty summer residents. Use preparations for spraying tomatoes in greenhouses and open ground several times during the season. With the help of these funds, tomatoes are processed for preventive purposes and at the time of the onset of the spread of late blight. The main thing is to have time to process the tomatoes with Trichopolum before the fruit is damaged.

The use of Trichopolum at their summer cottage

Active use of metronidazole and Trichopol in the fight against late blight of tomatoes, summer residents began recently. But the results immediately convinced everyone that this is a reliable and budgetary tool. Thanks to the benefits that metronidazole or trichopol have, tomato processing becomes more effective. It is enough to spray three or four times per season so that late blight cannot do much harm to tomatoes. The advantages of Trichopolum, which are noted by summer residents:

  1. Human safety. Fruits can be safely consumed after rinsing with water.
  2. Effective effect not only on fungal spores, pathogenic bacteria, but also on tomato pests that avoid plants treated with trichopolum or metronidazole.

When to start using Trichopolum or Metronidazole on tomato beds? Recall the signs of late blight:

  • the appearance of black or dirty gray spots on the leaves;
  • inflorescences quickly turn yellow and blacken;
  • if fruits have already started on the bushes, then brown spots appear on them;
  • tomato stalks are covered with dark spots;
  • the main symptom is the rapid spread of these symptoms.

The presence of all signs is already the active phase of the course of the disease.

Spraying tomatoes with Trichopolum (metronidazole) 

Therefore, spraying tomatoes with Trichopolum (metronidazole) should be started in advance. Experienced gardeners have developed a treatment schedule that will reliably protect tomato plantings.

Important! Do not delay with the treatment of the tomato with Trichopolum.

The disease spreads very quickly and you may be late. Therefore, carry out preventive spraying on time.

Do not skip the main periods of processing tomatoes with Trichopolum and Metronidazole:

  • sowing seeds;
  • picking seedlings;
  • transplanting in open ground or in a greenhouse.

Such treatments are preventive, not curative, and therefore more effective. They will not allow the insidious fungus to settle on tomato bushes and prevent its rapid spread.

Timing and method of spraying tomatoes with Trichopolum

In addition to treatments in the initial phases of tomato growth, it is necessary to carry out spraying during the season.

  1. The first preventive spraying of tomatoes. Processing begins in early summer. During this period, ideal weather conditions are created for the propagation of fungal infections on tomato bushes. Therefore, you should not be limited to tomato beds. Add the drug and spray other crops. Metronidazole is suitable for cucumbers, beans, cabbage, grapes, fruit trees.
  2. The second treatment is carried out before the harvest. Best in two weeks. But if you have already noticed the appearance of rot on the leaves of tomatoes ahead of schedule, then spray without delay! In this case, the treatment will need to be carried out daily until the symptoms of the disease disappear, adding root watering with a Trichopolum solution.

Some experienced gardeners advise to carry out drug treatments once every 10 days during the season. Regular spraying can lead to the adaptation of fungi to the drug. In this case, you need to change the formulation of the composition for processing.

Important! If after spraying it rained, then the next day it is necessary to repeat the procedure.

To prepare the solution, dilute 20 tablets of Trichopolum or Metronidazole in 10 liters of water. Tablets should be thoroughly crushed and diluted in a small amount of warm water. Then mix with the rest of the liquid. After 20 minutes, tomatoes are sprayed with this composition.

Spraying tomatoes with Trichopolum (metronidazole) 

In small areas, use a sprayer, if the plantings are voluminous enough, take a sprayer.

Spraying tomatoes with Trichopolum (metronidazole) 

Strengthen the effect of the solution will help:

  1. Ordinary pharmacy “brilliant green”. Pour one bottle of “brilliant green” into a solution of Trichopolum and spray the tomatoes. The mixture should get on both sides of the leaves.

    Spraying tomatoes with Trichopolum (metronidazole) 

  2. Alcohol solution of iodine. One bottle is enough for a bucket of composition with Trichopolum for spraying tomatoes.

Preventive spraying of tomatoes at the beginning of development is carried out with a composition with a lower concentration (10-15 tablets per bucket of water).

To prevent fungi from getting used to the drug, combine spraying with other formulations:

  1. Grated garlic cloves (50g) + 1 liter of kefir (it must ferment!) Dilute in 10 liters of clean water. Pour the diluted mixture into the sprayer and process the tomatoes.
  2. One liter of whey + 25 drops of a pharmaceutical alcohol solution of iodine (5%) mixed with 10 liters of water.

For the preparation of solutions, summer residents often choose metronidazole than trichopol. Trichopolum has a rather high price.

Spraying tomatoes with Trichopolum (metronidazole) 

Processing is carried out more than once, so it is more economical to use its analogue.

Important! By adding a little milk to the water, you can halve the number of tablets of the drug.


The effectiveness of Trichopolum has been proven by the experience of gardeners. It is used to reduce the amount of toxic substances absorbed by tomatoes when treated with chemicals. But there are products that not only protect tomatoes from diseases and pests, but also supply nutrients. Therefore, you have the right not to limit the list of spraying preparations only to pharmacy names. Although those summer residents who competently use Trichopolum completely get rid of phytophthora on plants.

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