Spraying tomatoes with hydrogen peroxide 

Tomatoes, like any other crop, are prone to diseases. The cause of the defeat is excess moisture, unsuitable soil, thickened plantings and other factors. Processing of tomatoes from diseases is carried out even before planting seeds. Increased attention is paid to the condition of the soil and the processing of seed material.

One way to disinfect tomatoes is to use peroxide. This is a safe substance that can be purchased at a pharmacy. Under the action of the drug, metabolic processes are improved, and pathogenic bacteria are also destroyed.

Spraying tomatoes with hydrogen peroxide 

The benefits of peroxide for plants

Hydrogen peroxide is a colorless liquid with oxidizing properties. Its disinfectant qualities have been used in horticulture to combat tomato diseases.

Peroxide has the following effect on tomatoes and soil:

  • disinfects any damage on tomatoes;
  • after watering, the roots of tomatoes receive additional oxygen;
  • following the results of seed treatment, their germination is stimulated;
  • by spraying the leaves get more oxygen;
  • harmful microorganisms contained in the soil are eliminated;
  • prevention of phytophthora and other diseases.

Hydrogen peroxide (H2О2) is outwardly indistinguishable from water. It is a clear liquid with no tint or impurities. Its composition includes oxygen and hydrogen. However, peroxide, compared to water, contains an extra oxygen atom.

Spraying tomatoes with hydrogen peroxide 

Hydrogen peroxide is an unstable compound. After the loss of an oxygen atom, the substance has an oxidizing effect. As a result, pathogens and spores that cannot withstand contact with oxygen die.

Important! Oxygen is a good soil aerator.

Due to the oxidizing effect, peroxide helps to improve the quality of water intended for spraying and watering tomatoes. This substance oxidizes chlorine, organics and pesticides.

Н2О2 contained in rainwater enriched with ozone. So, there is a natural cleansing of the soil. Ozone is an unstable compound, easily decomposes and becomes part of the water.

Soil cultivation

Most of the viruses that cause tomato diseases are found in the soil. Therefore, before planting plants, it is recommended to treat the soil with hydrogen peroxide.

Spraying tomatoes with hydrogen peroxide 

Soil treatment can be carried out not only before the transfer of seedlings to a greenhouse or open ground, but also after it. Before planting, the soil is watered with water with the addition of 3% of the drug.

Important! For 3 liters of water, 60 ml of peroxide is required.

Tomatoes prefer loose soil: loamy, sandy, neutral or black earth. If necessary, the soil is enriched with compost, river sand or humus. In autumn, organic fertilizers, potassium and phosphorus are applied to the soil. In spring, it is useful to feed the earth with nitrogen.

Peroxide treatment is done in the spring a few days before planting. The earth is watered with a solution in each hole intended for planting a tomato.

Watering tomatoes

A similar composition is used for watering tomatoes. Rain water is more preferable for plants than tap water. However, when the atmosphere is polluted, rainwater contains more toxins than useful substances.

Spraying tomatoes with hydrogen peroxide 

Watering seedlings with peroxide is widely practiced in the United States and European countries. As a result, the yield of the crop, its resistance to diseases, increases.

Attention! Hydrogen peroxide helps keep tomato roots healthy.

Due to soil aeration, the root system of plants better absorbs beneficial trace elements. When oxygen is released, harmful microflora in the soil is destroyed.

When watering, the thin roots of plants may not withstand exposure to peroxide. However, strong roots will receive the necessary disinfection.

When watering tomatoes with peroxide, the following rules must be observed:

  • moisture must penetrate to a depth of more than 10 cm;
  • warm water is used;
  • when watering, water should not erode the soil or fall on the leaves;
  • moisture should come rarely, but in large quantities;
  • tomatoes do not tolerate dry soil;
  • the procedure is performed no more than once every week;
  • for watering choose morning or evening time.

Spraying tomatoes with hydrogen peroxide 

seed Processing

Hydrogen peroxide is used to treat tomato seeds. Due to this procedure, the germination of plants improves and harmful microorganisms are destroyed.

Tomato seeds are placed in the preparation with a concentration of 10% for 20 minutes. Then they need to be washed with water and dried thoroughly.

To increase the germination of seed material, it is placed in peroxide for 12 hours. For this, a 0,4% solution is used.

Attention! Seeds of carrots, parsley, beets are soaked for 24 hours.

After treatment, the seeds are washed and dried well. After processing, tomatoes sprout faster, their yield increases, and the protective functions of seedlings are activated.

Disinfection of seeds allows you to avoid diseases of tomatoes at an early stage. Most of the lesions that affect tomatoes are fungal. Spores can remain dormant for several years.

Spraying tomatoes with hydrogen peroxide 

After treating the seeds with peroxide, the likelihood of developing diseases is significantly reduced. When exposed to the drug, the seed coat is destroyed, which stimulates the further growth of tomatoes.

Other solutions are used for soaking tomato seeds:

  • a glass of water and 10 drops of 3% hydrogen peroxide;
  • soaking in 3% peroxide for half an hour.

Plant seeds contain inhibitors that slow down their growth. Under the action of peroxide, inhibitors are eliminated, and tomatoes begin to develop actively.

Seedling processing

Tomato seedlings need an additional incentive, which will ensure the further development of plants. For watering and spraying seedlings, a composition is used that includes 2 tablespoons of peroxide (3% concentration) and 1 liter of water.

Important! After peroxide treatment, the root system of tomatoes and disease resistance are strengthened.

Spraying tomatoes with hydrogen peroxide 

Peroxide can be watered on an ongoing basis, but not more than once a week. After such top dressing, tomatoes begin active growth after a few hours.

Treatment of adult plants

Peroxide allows you to disinfect the wounds of tomatoes. After applying this substance, the fracture or crack is covered with latex.

Regular spraying of plants helps to avoid the development of fungal diseases. For this, 1 ml of peroxide is required for 20 liter of water. This drug is included in the treatment of tomatoes for diseases. It can be used at any stage of plant development.

Spraying tomatoes is carried out in compliance with a number of rules:

  • morning or evening period is selected;
  • a fine spray is used;
  • the liquid should fall on the leaves of the tomatoes;
  • the procedure is not carried out in hot weather, during rain or windy weather.

Spraying tomatoes with hydrogen peroxide 

After spraying with peroxide, tomatoes get additional access to oxygen. As a result, the leaves and stems of plants, on which signs of diseases most often appear, are disinfected.

For preventive purposes, tomatoes are sprayed every 2 weeks. If the first symptoms of diseases are found, then it is allowed to carry out the procedure daily.

Treatment for diseases

If signs of fungal diseases appear on the plant, then measures must be taken to eliminate them. Otherwise, the tomatoes and the crop cannot be saved.

Important! All affected parts of the tomatoes must be removed and burned.

Treatment of plants includes spraying them with a peroxide solution. As a result, pathogenic bacteria that provoke diseases of tomatoes are destroyed.

Spraying tomatoes with hydrogen peroxide 


One of the most common diseases of tomatoes is late blight. It is spread by a fungus that persists in the soil, on plant debris, garden tools, and greenhouse walls.

Phytophthora spores are activated at high humidity or lime content in the soil, low ventilation, temperature changes.

Phytophthora appears as small spots on the underside of tomato leaves. Over time, the foliage of plants turns brown and dries, the stems and fruits turn black.

When signs of phytophthora appear, dilute 2 tablespoons of peroxide per 1 liter of water. Leaves and stems of tomatoes were traditionally treated with this solution.

Root rot

With high humidity in the greenhouse, root rot develops on tomatoes. The lesion covers the root neck, which becomes black. As a result, the plant dies.

Spraying tomatoes with hydrogen peroxide 

Root rot appears on seedlings and adult tomatoes. If the sprouts are affected, then the lower part of the stem becomes thinner first. As a result, the seedling receives less and less nutrients, weakens and loses its immunity.

You can prevent the disease at an early stage if you treat the seeds with hydrogen peroxide. In the future, harmful spores are destroyed by regular watering and spraying tomatoes with a solution of water and peroxide.

Attention! Root rot develops in one day if the tomato roots are constantly in the water.

The affected parts of the plants are watered with a 3% preparation (20 ml of the substance per 1 liter of water) and phosphorus top dressing. The procedure is repeated 2 times during the week.

White spot

In the presence of white spot, the yield of tomatoes decreases, as the disease affects their leaves. First, light spots with a brown border appear on the lower leaves. Over time, the foliage turns brown and falls off.

Spraying tomatoes with hydrogen peroxide 

The disease is fungal in nature and develops at high humidity. Peroxide solution is used to treat plants. Additionally, drugs containing copper are used. Foliar spraying is done twice every week.


Hydrogen peroxide is a universal remedy for fighting fungal diseases. Processing is carried out over tomato seeds, which stimulates their further growth. As the plants develop, peroxide is used to spray them and added to the water for irrigation. An additional property of peroxide is to improve soil aeration. After the decomposition of this substance, water is formed, so this substance is completely harmless to the environment.


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