Spray roses: care and cultivation, reproduction

As you know, the rose is the queen of flowers. Therefore, most flower growers are happy to grow them on their site. Bush varieties are very popular among all types of roses. They are easy to care for, and instead of one or more flowers, you get a whole bush, abundantly showered with buds. With their help, you can decorate your yard in an original way. These and other advantages contribute to the fact that one or another variety of spray roses appears in almost every yard. Therefore, it is very important to figure out how to properly plant spray roses, as well as care and cultivation. This knowledge will help you grow beautiful flowers that will please the eye for a long time.

Spray roses: care and cultivation, reproduction

Features of spray roses

Shrub roses belong to the garden species of these plants. They can be sprawling or narrow pyramidal. The height of the bushes depends on the variety, and can range from 25 centimeters to more than three meters. The branches on the bushes are divided into 2 types:

  • main or uterine branches;
  • annual shoots.

The diameter of the flowers can vary from 2 cm to 18 cm, depending on the variety. The color and shape of flowers can be very diverse. In turn, flowers can form inflorescences or grow singly. Of all the possible flowers in nature, only bright blue roses have not yet been bred. All the rest, from light and delicate to dark and bright roses, have been grown for a long time. Every year there are more and more new combinations. According to the shape of the flowers, all spray roses are divided into the following types:

  1. Flat.
  2. Peony.
  3. Cupped.
  4. Pompoms.
  5. Conical.
  6. Spherical.
  7. Pain-shaped.
Important! Shrub roses are among the most prickly.

Spray roses: care and cultivation, reproduction

Although they are considered unpretentious, it is important to consider some rules when growing spray roses. For the winter, the bushes need to be covered. It is not very convenient to do this due to the large size of the bush, but if you want to protect your flowers, you will have to try. Shrub plants also need pruning. We will learn how to do this below.

Planting spray roses

The best time for planting is autumn. It is necessary to have time to plant roses in the period from the beginning of September to the second week of October. When choosing seedlings, you need to carefully examine the plant. It must be strong and healthy.

Advice! It is better to buy seedlings in the fall, also for the reason that at this time it is more likely to buy fresh planting material. Often in the spring they continue to sell seedlings left over from last year.

A very important point is the choice of a site for landing. Rosa loves sunny, unshaded places. Choose a site away from tall trees and buildings. Strong north winds have a bad effect on the rose, keep this in mind when choosing a place. The bush grows well in acidic soils, well-drained.

Before planting the bush, it is necessary to remove dry roots with a sterile sharp tool. If the roots are too long, they are shortened. Next, cut the branches, leaving only 20 centimeters in length. Then the roots are dipped in water for several hours. Now you can start landing. The pit for roses should be at least 40 centimeters in diameter, and the depth should be 10 centimeters wider than the diameter of the rhizome. The bottom of the pit needs to be loosened with a pitchfork.

The excavated soil is mixed with compost, it should be 3 times less than the earth. Wood ash is also added. A heteroauxin tablet is added to a bucket of water and everything is poured into the pit. The seedling is lowered into the pit and gradually covered with soil. Each layer should be lightly tamped. The seedling is spudded 15 centimeters in height. Also, at a distance of 30 centimeters, a roller is made from the soil so that water does not flow out during irrigation. During the first 10 days, the plant needs to be shaded. The first watering is done after 2 days. In the photo you can see how the planting and care of spray roses is performed.

Spray roses: care and cultivation, reproduction

Important! Between spray roses should be left about 1-2 meters. Remember that they will grow profusely.

Planting roses from cuttings

Cuttings are considered one of the most popular ways to propagate roses. To grow flowers, plant lignified or semi-lignified cuttings. Cuttings should be cut when the first flowers appear.

Attention! Too dry or still green cuttings are not suitable for growing.

Spray roses: care and cultivation, reproduction

The length of the handle should be about eight centimeters, and about the thickness of a pencil. From above, the rose is cut 0,5 cm above the kidney, and from below – immediately below the kidney. In this case, the upper cut should be straight, and the lower at an angle of approximately 45 °. Only the top 2 leaves are left on the handle. The spikes on the bottom are also torn off. The lower cut must be treated with phytohormones. Cuttings are planted in a hole with sand to a depth of 15 centimeters. If there are several plants, then at least 20–30 centimeters are left between them. The sand needs to be lightly tamped, and a greenhouse should be built over the plants. Holes are made in the film so that the plants can breathe, and from time to time it is slightly opened for ventilation.

Spray roses: care and cultivation, reproduction

Attention! At this stage, flowering is not desirable, since the root system must first become stronger. Therefore, all the buds that will appear must be plucked.

Plants should winter under a thick layer of insulation. On top of it, the cuttings are also snatched with polyethylene. In March, the insulation is removed, and the film is opened for a while, it is increased every day. At this place, the cuttings should stay for 2 years, after which the bushes can be transplanted to a permanent place.


The formation of the bush occurs in the first year. At such an important stage, it is necessary to carefully monitor the rose. Shoots need to be pinched to stimulate tillering. And the first buds that appear must be removed, because all the forces of the bush so far go to the growth of the root system and branches. From mid-summer, buds from the bush can be removed only after formation.

Roses do not like excessive moisture and do not need frequent watering. So you need to water the bush only when needed. Watering roses in spring should be more intense, as leaves and shoots are formed at this time. In summer, about ten liters of water are used to water one bush. In hot and dry weather, you can increase its amount. For watering the bushes use water at room temperature. After the end of the flowering period, the amount of water is gradually reduced. If excess moisture stagnates in the soil, this can threaten the development of fungal diseases. The best time to water the bushes is in the morning or evening.

Spray roses: care and cultivation, reproduction

Important! These watering tips apply to adult bushes, if you have a plant only the first year, then you need to water it every 2 days.

Shrub roses also need to be fed. In the first year, it is not necessary to make it, and all subsequent years, fertilizer is required. The first feeding of the bush is carried out in the spring, when the growing season has just begun. After the beginning of the appearance of buds, the procedure is repeated. When the plant stops flowering, the third feeding is carried out, and the fourth – after the process of lignification has begun.

As a top dressing, two parts of phosphorus fertilizers are mixed, and one part of potash and nitrogen fertilizers. The top layer of soil around the rose bush is removed and fertilizers are applied on top of it. Next, return the soil to its original place. With each watering, the fertilizer will dissolve and penetrate to the roots. Organic fertilizers will also be a good addition, they can be alternated with mineral ones. For these purposes, wood ash, chicken manure or manure is suitable.

Spray roses: care and cultivation, reproduction

Important! Specialized stores also sell liquid fertilizers, which are simply diluted with water and used to water the bush. But before using them, be sure to read the instructions.

Diseases and pests 

Unfavorable conditions can reduce the disease resistance of spray roses. Most often they are affected by powdery mildew, rust, black spot and chlorosis. And if powdery mildew and other fungal diseases can be dealt with with the help of conventional drugs, then chlorosis appears from the fact that the plant lacked useful trace elements for a long time. To eliminate the cause of the disease, you will need to do a soil analysis and find out what exactly the plants lack.

All insects that infect rose bushes can be divided into sucking and gnawing insects. Sucking pests include aphids, mites, and whiteflies. But beetles, caterpillars, larvae and sawflies are representatives of gnawing. It is simply impossible to prevent the appearance of every pest, so gardeners often struggle with them after signs of occurrence. But still, for prevention, it is possible to treat the bushes with special preparations.

Spray roses: care and cultivation, reproduction

Important! The treatment of bushes from pests is carried out before the buds swell.

You can buy chemicals in specialized stores or prepare a solution of kerosene at home. To do this, take 10 grams of kerosene per 2 liters of water and spray the bushes with this solution. To prevent the appearance of insects next year, in the fall, you need to carefully prepare the site. All dried leaves and other residues are removed from under the bushes. In such places, most pests live.

Pruning roses

The most important and time-consuming stage of care is pruning bushes. It is needed so that the rose grows quickly and pleases with abundant flowering. Pruning bushes is desirable to carry out every season. Spring pruning is considered the most important, it forms the future bush and relieves the rose of unnecessary branches.

The main thing is to prune the bush before the buds swell. During this period, all dry and damaged branches are cut off. Also get rid of those that grow inside the bush.

Spray roses: care and cultivation, reproduction

Advice! When pruning bushes, pay attention to how conveniently the branches are located. If they interfere with each other’s growth, then leave only the youngest.

Do not be afraid to cut off excess shoots from the bushes. If they seem weak and unnecessary to you, then most likely they are. Only the strongest and highest shoots should be left on the bush. No need to be zealous, just cutting off the old spray rose. She takes much longer to recover. All sections after done are treated with garden pitch.

Spray roses: care and cultivation, reproduction


As you can see, growing spray roses does not require special skills. This task can be done by anyone. With very little effort, you can grow beautiful homemade roses. They will surely thank you with abundant and lush flowering.

Spray roses: care and cultivation, reproduction


Evgenia Alexandrovna, Samara
I have bush roses growing both at home and in the country. The first planted bush did not take root, and then I was very upset. But then I found out that roses need to be well covered for the winter, which I did not do. I tried to plant another variety and it worked. So, first you need to learn, and only then do something. But I was taught by my own mistakes.
Natalya Ivanovna, Voronezh
I love bush roses. It is a pity that there is no more space in the yard to plant them. Probably in the spring I’ll take care of transplanting old shrubs. Shrub roses grow very quickly. If the bushes are not cut and not directed, they will occupy the entire flower bed.
Spring pruning of roses. General pruning principles

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