Sprained wrist in adults
Hands are the main instrument of man. Whatever we do, they participate in the process. Provides high mobility of the hand and arms complex structure of the wrist joint. Therefore, wrist sprains are quite rare, but if they occur, the symptoms are pronounced, but the diagnosis is difficult.

The wrist has a complex structure: bones of different sizes, tendons, ligaments, a huge number of blood and nerve vessels. Ligaments are dense but elastic connective tissue. The main task of these anatomical structures is to hold the components of the joint, ensuring their work as a single system. Due to this structure, the ligaments can withstand significant loads, but if they are excessive, then sprains are formed.

What is stretch

Wrist injuries occur in various age groups. More often, these are sprains – an injury to the ligaments with a violation of their integrity of varying severity.

Breaks are possible: complete or partial violation of the integrity, less often the ligament is completely torn off from the place of its attachment – the bone. Such injuries are accompanied by signs and symptoms of inflammation.

A wrist sprain can be a secondary injury, that is, a consequence of, for example, fractures.

Causes of sprained wrists in adults

Stretching of the ligaments of the wrist in adults occurs due to indirect effects – strong flexion or extension. Incorrectly performed exercises can be a possible cause of injury.

In children, sprains can be caused by inaccurate movements due to the fault of the parents.

Another possible cause is trauma, which is accompanied by damage to the structures that form the wrist joint. Often there is a separation of the bone plates of the bones that enter the joint.

The costs of some professions that require repeated repetition of movements and constant physical activity can also be considered as a cause and at the same time a predisposing factor for sprains and other injuries.

In addition to the reasons, predisposing factors for the development of sprains can also be distinguished:

  • age-related features, due to which the elasticity of the connective tissue is lost;
  • congenital tendon pathologies;
  • inflammatory diseases in the area of ​​the wrist joint;
  • physical development disorders.

Symptoms of a sprained wrist in adults

The symptoms of a wrist sprain vary, but their severity, sequence, and duration of retention must be taken into account.

Initially, there is a sharp pain of varying severity and swelling rapidly increases. The edema is localized and its boundaries are clearly defined – and this is one of the main differences between a sprain and a fracture. Flexion and extension of the wrist is preserved, but movements cause pain, sharp and sharp.

With serious tears, there may be a limitation of mobility or, conversely, stiffness, but because of pain. Hemorrhages in the joint and increased pain are possible.

Treatment of sprained wrist in adults

The tactics of treatment is determined on an individual basis. More often, conservative treatment is performed, which will help to cope with minor wrist sprains. It comes down to immobilization of the joint for 3-6 days. If the pain persists, doctors may recommend taking painkillers in the form of tablets, gels, or ointments. The appointment of physiotherapeutic methods of treatment is mandatory: electrophoresis, wave or magnetotherapy, massage, exercise therapy.

For serious injuries, when the ligaments are torn, surgical treatment may be required. The tactics of such treatment is developed on the basis of diagnostic data.


The diagnosis begins with the clarification of complaints and the circumstances of the injury, which will identify a concomitant injury or concomitant pathologies. Palpation, literally feeling, of the affected area allows you to assess the mobility of the joint, localization and area of ​​​​edema, pain.

But it is impossible to make a definitive diagnosis without additional examination methods. The main one is radiography. For a differential diagnosis, that is, the difference between one injury and another, there are enough pictures in two projections: lateral and direct. But only not with damage to the wrist joint. An oblique x-ray is needed to rule out fractures.

If after a few weeks the swelling does not subside, the pain and other symptoms do not subside, a control image is assigned. Indeed, in the acute period of injury, changes are not always noticeable. And over time, the fracture line becomes more noticeable. Traumatologists advise to conduct control x-rays, regardless of the condition and symptoms present.

Modern treatments

After an injury, and even more so after surgical treatment, a period of rehabilitation follows. And such is the modern treatment of any injury. Timely rehabilitation and a complex of postoperative treatment allows you to return to your usual mobility, avoid consequences and complications.

Surgical treatment uses modern technologies that allow for minimally invasive interventions with a short rehabilitation period and fewer complications.

Prevention of sprained wrist in adults at home

The risk of a wrist sprain is greater in athletes, especially those involved in athletics, as well as people whose profession is associated with increased stress on the joint: loaders, seamstresses, painters, etc.

To prevent wrist sprains and other injuries, you need to remember the following rules:

  • when playing sports and work, use clamps for the wrist;
  • train the entire hand and the carpal tunnel, especially for office workers who are forced to sit at the computer all day;
  • take precautions and prevent domestic or any other form of injury.

Popular questions and answers

How to give first aid for a sprained wrist?

– After an injury, it is important to ensure peace and immobilize the affected area – says traumatologist Maxim Kolinsky. Immobilization can be carried out with improvised means or with an elastic bandage. After that, it is necessary to provide the damaged arm with an elevated position and apply cold for 10 minutes, followed by a 5-7-minute break.

Cold will reduce the severity of edema, will have a slight analgesic effect. The main thing is to repeat the procedure several times before going to the doctor.

When to see a doctor for a sprained wrist?

“Any injury is a reason to visit a traumatologist,” advises Maxim Kolinsky. – But in the case of wrist sprains, you need to be especially careful, because this injury often accompanies fractures. The clinical picture is similar, but the treatment is different and delay can be fatal.

Alarming symptoms indicating a serious injury, and even the development of complications, will be the following:

● severe pain that persists for 4 to 10 days and does not go away;

● edema is diffuse, which most likely indicates the presence of a fracture;

● if there is no mobility or, conversely, the joint is hypermobile.

With timely diagnosis and treatment, it is possible to avoid serious complications.

What are the complications of a sprained wrist?

– With mild wrist sprains, improvement begins after 24 to 48 hours, explains Physiotherapist, rehabilitation specialist Irina Yudina. – But if we are talking about more serious injuries, if left untreated, complications can be recorded:

● arthritis, which is more often associated with torn ligaments or systemic sprains;

● damage to the nerves of the hand and the formation of the so-called tunnel syndrome;

● limited mobility in the joint;

● and regardless of the severity of the injury, the likelihood of re-injury is much higher.

How long does it take to recover from a sprained wrist?

“The duration of rehabilitation depends on the severity of the injury,” says Irina Yudina. – For example, for mild sprains, immobilization is recommended for 3-6 days, for more complex ones – for 10-14.

Kinesiology taping works well. And this is not only an excellent tool in rehabilitation, but also treatment. In combination with other methods, kinesiology taping relieves pain, provides support to the joint, reduces stress and shortens the period of rehabilitation and full recovery.

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