Sprain of the ligaments of the hand in adults
Any careless movement or thoughtless step can result in injury. And more often the limbs are injured, because they bear the load and participate in almost every movement. Sprain of the ligaments of the hand is not the most common phenomenon, but difficult in terms of diagnosis and treatment.

The hand is the movable part of the lower limb, which has a complex structure. Anatomically, it has many joints, each with its own ligaments, even more nerve endings and blood vessels. Depending on the area of ​​the lesion, sprains of different ligaments of the hand can be recorded. Accordingly, the symptoms, methods of diagnosis and treatment differ.

What is stretch

The hand is formed by 27 bones, which are interconnected by joints. Ligaments provide normal mobility and functionality of the joints. It is a strong connective tissue, elastic, but still having strength limits.

Due to the sharp tension, the ligaments take on the maximum impact, protecting the joint and its internal structures. But they cannot stretch at lightning speed, or rather they can, but with the formation of injuries – sprains of varying severity, and, possibly, even breaks.

Sprain of the ligaments of the hand in adults or children has several degrees of severity:

  • partial break at various levels;
  • complete rupture – a complex injury with severe symptoms;
  • complete separation of the ligament from the anatomical site of attachment – the bone. Fortunately, it is rare.

Causes of hand sprains in adults

The main cause of wrist sprains is excessive stress associated with several circumstances. First, there are injuries. Sprains are often combined with fractures of the bones of the hand or those included in the radiocarpal canal.

Secondly, chronic irritation, which is associated with the peculiarities of the profession or lifestyle. At risk are painters, plasterers, loaders, athletes who lift weights or where a brush is involved.

With age, the probability of stretching the ligaments of the hand increases and this is primarily due to a decrease in their elasticity. Oils are added to the fire by concomitant and acquired diseases and pathological conditions.

Symptoms of a wrist sprain in adults

The first symptom is pain, strong, sharp, forming at the site of sprain. Over time, edema develops, which has clear boundaries, if not, then this symptom indicates a possible fracture. Another criterion is mobility. When the ligaments of the hand are sprained, it persists, although it is accompanied by pain, but, of course, it all depends on the area of ​​​​the lesion and the degree of complexity of the problem:

  • mild – moderate pain, mobility is maintained in full, delimited edema is formed and can be felt;
  • medium – in this case, a torn ligament occurs, which is accompanied by severe and acute pain, swelling increases rapidly, due to pain, mobility in the joint is limited;
  • severe – characterized by sharp, severe pain, swelling, possible hemorrhage and hematoma, patients feel joint instability; usually such a sprain of the ligaments of the hand occurs with dislocations, fractures, in the long term, this form is a predisposing factor for repeated injuries.

Treatment of hand sprains in adults

Sprains of mild to moderate severity are carried out at home. The main thing is to make a diagnosis, to make sure that there is no fracture. And throughout the home treatment, provide peace for the damaged hand: with a mild degree for 3-6 days, with moderate and severe for 10-14, but everything is decided on an individual basis.

Immobilization of the hand allows the body to start the process of regeneration. But during this period, painkillers in the form of ointments or tablets may be recommended.

Doctors prescribe physiotherapy procedures that contribute to a speedy recovery: UHF, magnetotherapy, massage, exercise therapy.


Diagnosis is based on finding out the complaints, symptoms and circumstances that led to the injury. Considering that the sprain of the ligaments of the hand is often accompanied by fractures, radiography is an obligatory method of examination and is carried out in three projections:

central, lateral and oblique. This is the only way to avoid fracture. In some cases, a re-examination is recommended after 2-3 weeks, when the acute period has passed, and the line of a possible fracture becomes more noticeable.

Indications for repeated x-ray examination is the persistence of symptoms – pain, swelling, etc.

To assess the degree of stretching of the ligament of the hand, CT, arthroscopy may be prescribed.

Modern treatments

In difficult cases, when a ligament rupture has occurred, the only treatment option is surgery. Destroyed nerve endings and the ligament itself is sewn together. Modern treatment involves the use of sparing treatment methods that allow minimizing all the negative consequences of treatment and shortening the rehabilitation period.

Among the modern methods of treating mild sprains are MBST therapy, which acts on damaged tissues, promotes their regeneration and speedy recovery.

Prevention of hand sprains in adults at home

Prevention comes down to preventing domestic injuries, training the hand and minimizing all sudden movements.

People who are at risk for sprains of the hand should take care of a set of preventive exercises, as well as wearing special devices that protect the hand from possible damage. Of course, you need to remember about safety and good rest.

Popular questions and answers

They will tell you about alarming symptoms, rehabilitation and first aid rules traumatologist Maxim Kolinsky и physiotherapist, rehabilitologist Irina Yudina.

How to provide first aid for sprained ligaments of the hand?

Correctly rendered first aid will help shorten the period of treatment, avoid complications. Therefore, everyone should know about the rules of first aid.

The first thing to start with is to ensure the immobility of the hand, immobilize it with a bandage or elastic bandage. After you need to apply cold, which will reduce swelling and relieve pain, and the brush itself should be on a raised platform.

It is recommended to squeeze and unclench your fingers in order to prevent active edema, but at the same time focus on sensations, because unnecessary irritation is not needed.

When to see a doctor for a wrist sprain?

Sprain of the ligaments of the hand is a complex injury, often combined with fractures. Therefore, a doctor’s consultation and examination are mandatory. The sooner the diagnosis is made and treatment is prescribed, the easier it will pass, and the prognosis will be more favorable.

Separately, alarming symptoms can be distinguished, with the appearance of which a doctor’s consultation is required:

● pain persists for several days;

● there is a pronounced edema;

● a hematoma has formed;

● no brush movement;

● the skin in the area of ​​the lesion is bluish.

What complications can occur with sprained ligaments of the hand?

The list of possible complications is quite extensive and depends not only on the severity of the sprain of the hand, but also on associated injuries. As practice shows, the so-called tunnel syndrome, the formation of arthrosis, can be attributed to the number of the most frequent complications.

Regardless of the severity of the sprain of the hand, the likelihood of such injuries further increases.

How long does it take to recover from a sprained wrist?

The duration of rehabilitation and the set of measures that it includes is determined individually. When drawing up an action plan, it is taken into account which particular ligament and joint were affected, whether there are concomitant pathologies. Everything is taken into account, every little thing, even lifestyle features that can affect the result and lead to complications.

On average, the duration of rehabilitation is from 1 to 2 weeks for mild injuries and several months for severe ones. Individually selected exercises and the implementation of the recommendations of doctors can shorten this period and quickly restore mobility and quality of life.

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