Sprain in adults
An active lifestyle makes a modern person healthy and diversified. However, there is always a risk of injury, and the upper and lower extremities are particularly vulnerable.

What is sprain

Sprains are a fairly common injury in people who play sports. This injury is most common in runners. Many neglect to warm up or wear the wrong shoes when running and end up with such disappointing results. Also, stretching can occur in everyday life – for example, a person twisted his leg, stepping on it incorrectly. When the ligaments are stretched, a microfracture of the fibers occurs.

There are three stages of rupture:

  • moderate – with it, treatment is usually not required;
  • medium degree – pain and swelling;
  • the third stage is a complete break.

Symptoms of sprains in adults

There are several signs by which a person can understand that he has sprained his ligaments:

  • severe pain at the site of sprain, which increases when the victim tries to move the damaged joint or presses on it;
  • the damaged ligament swells – a person can see how the injured joint turns red, and the temperature rises in the skin;
  • the patient is limited in movement, for example, if a person has sprained his ankle, he will not be able to stand on a sore leg, a shoulder ligament – to raise his arm;
  • the appearance of a bruise at the site of sprain – it appears due to the fact that the small blood vessels that penetrate the ligament are torn, but it is worth noting that bruises do not always appear, and if they do, they do not immediately appear – a hematoma may occur after 2 – 3 days after injury
  • popping sound – it usually occurs when the ligament is completely torn, but there are also cases of its appearance at the time of damage to the ligament.

Causes of sprains in adults

Most often, a person gets a sprain when playing sports, less often – in everyday life. A sprain occurs when the joint that fixes the ligaments makes sudden movements.

If the movement is strong, the joint will drag along the part of the bone to which it is attached, and an avulsion fracture will occur. But such fractures are extremely rare.

Treatment of sprains in adults

Non-steroidal drugs are well anesthetized with sprains. They can be used not only to relieve pain, but also for treatment. They come in the form of ointments, creams, gels and tablets, suppositories, powders, and there are also injections. They are treated on average 6 – 7 days. This period is just enough for the inflammatory process to stop. Tightening is not recommended – side effects may occur. For example, ulcers and erosions form in the gastric mucosa.

To reduce swelling, ice wrapped in a towel can be applied to the sprain. When stretching, the injured limb must be kept in an elevated position.

If a hematoma has formed at the site of the stretch, then creams and ointments containing anticoagulants can be used to eliminate it. Thanks to them, bruises will quickly resolve.

The affected place must be immobilized – a special fixative is applied to the damaged joint. You can buy it at a pharmacy or any orthopedic center. When using it, it is important that it fixes the joint well, but at the same time does not squeeze, disrupting blood circulation. So the swelling will increase even more. It is better to consult a doctor about how much to wear a retainer – the period depends on the severity of the injury. For some, two weeks will be enough, for others, four will not be enough.


First of all, if you suspect a sprained joint, you should consult a traumatologist. Several tests can help your doctor diagnose sprains. The traumatologist will prescribe an MRI of the joint (magnetic resonance imaging), ultrasound of the joint, X-ray. Based on the severity, the specialist will prescribe you treatment.

Modern treatments

In addition to the classical methods of treating sprained joints, there are also modern ones. For example, kinesiology taping is now actively used. Adhesive-based fabric tapes are applied to the damaged area using a special technique. They improve lymph drainage, improve microcirculation, reduce muscle hypertonicity. A big plus of applying tapes is that the joint is stable, but at the same time, movement is preserved in it.

Note that teips can only be applied by specially trained people. Do not self-medicate and do not try to stick them yourself. In addition, teips have contraindications: they cannot be glued with dermatitis or psoriasis, for example, on the elbow or knee joints, deep vein thrombosis, kidney and heart problems, diabetes mellitus.

Physical therapy exercises will help you recover from stretching. Note that they can be started only after the pain, inflammation and swelling subside. Exercise therapy is also recommended only under the supervision of a specialist. In some cases, exercise can do more harm than good.

And the third stage in recovery after stretching can be considered a massage. The patient is recommended to take a course of 8-10 massage sessions. Massage should be done by a specialized person who has a medical background and training.

Prevention of sprains in adults at home

As mentioned above, sprains in 90% of cases occur during sports. Therefore, the best prevention of sprains will be:

  • proper warm-up – do not start running or any other sport without a warm-up, warm-up minimizes joint trauma;
  • choose comfortable and specialized shoes for sports.

In addition, it is necessary to treat problems with the musculoskeletal system in time so as not to get new injuries.

Popular questions and answers

Answered questions about sprains traumatologist, orthopedist Artur Nukhov.

How to provide first aid for sprains?

There is a (*P)RICER principle:

*P – Paracetamol («Pain-killer») – the use of Diclofenac, Paracetamol or Ibuprofen once in the presence of pain and no contraindications in the standard dosage for you (read the instructions). An important point – not on an empty stomach. This item focuses on the severity of pain.

Rest – rest, 48 hours without movement. Restriction of the general and complete exclusion of local (injury site) physical activity reduces the risk of early relapse and improves the quality (not timing) of regeneration. Use any methods, even a langet.

Ice – ice. Cold applications (dry cold) in the first 24 hours every hour for 10-15 minutes through a towel (do not allow “cold burn”) and then every 2-3 hours on the second day. Reduces pain and reduces swelling. Shown for any damage.

Compression – light pressure bandage on the damaged area (not on the neck!). Moderate compression, with a thin elastic bandage, is required for the first 48 – 72 hours. Further – according to the testimony! Do not squeeze, the limb should not change color or swell significantly.

Elevation – elevated position of the injured limb. Reduce swelling and improve blood flow, plus make you look more compassionate, which is good for strengthening certain relationships.

When to see a doctor for sprains?

Reference (in continuation of the above principle) – consult a doctor. The specified set of rules does not exclude the appeal to medical specialists, primarily for x-rays and ultrasound of the damaged area, which in the ideal medical world excludes 85% of types of injuries. It is also necessary to determine a plan for returning to the sport, which almost no one knows how to do correctly, but that’s a completely different story.

What are the complications of sprains?

The joint becomes unstable, normal motor functions are disturbed (for example, the inability to walk or run).

How long does it take to recover from a sprain?

Recovering from an injury is not a one-day task, and it takes a lot of effort from a person to regain their previous activity.

There is an interesting pattern in the rehabilitation process: in order to recover from an injury resulting from physical activity, it is possible only by continuing the physical activity of the damaged area. However, at the same time, the return of the functional performance of tissue bone structures requires a strict regulated approach and a point dosage, which is recommended by the attending physician.

It is impossible to say exactly how long the rehabilitation lasts, everything is individual.

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