Spotykach: 7 recipes at home

Spotykach – a dessert drink, whose preparation includes the joint boiling of a fruit and berry base, strong alcohol and sugar syrup.

It is worth noting that Spotykach loves experimenters. The recipes that Vzboltay picked up are just a “beacon” that you should be guided by when creating a new prescription formula.

Spottykach seasonal berry


  1. Seasonal berry – 1 kg (cranberries, raspberries, currants, etc.)

  2. Sugar – 1 kg

  3. Water – 900 ml

  4. Vanillin – 3 small pods

  5. Vodka – 750 ml

Method of preparation

  1. Sort the berries, wash, dry, mash with a spoon, put in a bag and let the juice drain.

  2. Boil sugar syrup from water and sugar, pour juice into it, bring to a boil, remove from heat.

  3. Pour in the vodka that has been infused for 2 weeks on vanilla pods and stir well.

  4. Then put the mixture on a small fire and, stirring all the time, heat until the liquid begins to evaporate, but do not bring to a boil.

  5. Then the spotykach is cooled, bottled and tightly closed with corks.

  6. You can replace vanilla pods with crumbly vanilla, in which case you need to select the proportion yourself based on taste preferences, but the main thing is not to overdo it, vanilla should only give a subtle note, and not interrupt the taste.

Spotykach spicy


  1. Nutmeg – 10 g

  2. Cinnamon, cloves and saffron – 5 g each

  3. Vanilla – 20 g

  4. Sugars – 500 g

  5. Vodka – 500 ml

Method of preparation

  1. Infuse vodka with spices for 2 weeks, shaking daily.

  2. Then strain and boil with sugar, but do not bring to a boil.

  3. The drink is ready when all the sugar crystals have dissolved.

  4. Filter the tincture through a cloth or cotton wool, pour into bottles and close tightly until required.

Acacia stump


  1. Acacia flowers – 100 g

  2. Sugars – 300 g

  3. Vodka or alcohol – 750 ml

  4. Water – 2 glasses

Method of preparation

  1. Collect the acacia flowers that have just blossomed, remove from the brushes and place in a jar, sprinkling with sugar.

  2. Cover the jar with a napkin and put in a cool place for a day.

  3. Then put the mixture on a sieve placed over a bowl and rinse through a sieve with 2 glasses of clean water.

  4. Add alcohol or vodka to the resulting liquid and stir until all the sugar dissolves, then filter and bottle.

Spottykach from lemons


  1. Lemons – 10 pcs.

  2. Coriander and cloves – 10 g each

  3. Vodka – 1,5 l

  4. Sugar – 1,2 kg

  5. Water – 1 L

Method of preparation

  1. Lemons are washed, scalded with boiling water, cut into pieces along with the zest, chopped coriander and cloves are added.

  2. All pour vodka and insist for 7 days.

  3. Then a thick syrup is boiled from sugar and water and the filtered tincture is poured over it.

  4. Everything is thoroughly mixed, filtered through cotton wool and bottled.

Spotykach from anise


  1. Fresh anise – 50 g (dried 3 times less)

  2. Vodka – 1,5 l

  3. Sugar – 2 kg

  4. Water – 2 L

  5. Coriander, cinnamon, cloves – 1 g

  6. Zest of one orange

Method of preparation

  1. Fresh anise is thoroughly washed and dried in the shade, poured onto a sheet of paper, crushed with a wooden rolling pin, placed in an enamel bowl, poured in vodka, allowed to stand for 12 hours and filtered.

  2. Separately prepare sugar syrup. When the syrup boils, remove the resulting foam, remove from heat and mix with anise vodka infusion, pour into a bottle, add 1 g of coriander, cinnamon, cloves and zest from one orange.

  3. The tincture is kept for 5 days, shaking the contents daily.

  4. After 5 days, the mixture is filtered, bottled and corked well.

  5. It is recommended to let the spotykach stand for about 6 months, but after a week the drink is ready to drink.

Plum Spotykach


  1. Fresh plum – 2 kg

  2. Sugars – 800 g

  3. Water – 1 L

  4. Vodka – 1 l

Method of preparation

  1. Pour plums into a container, pour a liter of water and add sugar.

  2. Bring the container to a boil, and then simmer over low heat for 30 minutes until the skin on the fruit begins to curl, if this happened earlier, go to the 2nd stage.

  3. Now you need to pour the vodka into the container without removing the dishes from the fire. Heat the potykach to the first boiling bubbles and remove from the stove. Cover the container with a lid and let it brew for a couple of hours until warm.

  4. Strain the mass, and squeeze the plums into a new, clean container.

  5. Pour the spotykach into bottles, tightly close the lid and leave for at least 4 weeks.

Spotykach from unripe nuts


  1. Unripe walnut – 500 g

  2. Sugars – 400 g

  3. Cloves – 3 buds

  4. Cinnamon – ½ tsp

  5. Vodka – 800 ml of vodka

  6. 20 cherry or 10 peach pits

Method of preparation

  1. Unripe walnuts cut into 4 parts, pour vodka, insist for a month in the sun.

  2. Then strain, dissolve sugar in the tincture, add seeds, cloves and cinnamon, stir and infuse for a week, shaking daily.

  3. After that, strain spotykach, filter and bottle.

Relevance: 04.08.2018

Tags: other alcohol

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