Spots on the neck: reasons. Video
Neck spots appear for various reasons. It can be any diseases of internal organs, the impact of environmental factors. Treatment is prescribed only after the diagnosis has been made.
Causes of spots on the neck
Varieties of spots on the neck
Skin spots can have a variety of causes, sizes, colors, and shapes. According to their mechanism, pigment and vascular spots are distinguished.
Vascular lesions include:
- edematous spots: appear due to persistent vasodilation
- hemorrhagic spots: are rashes due to hemorrhage
- inflammatory spots: occur due to vasodilation
Pigmented spots differ from each other in the intensity of the brown color, which is due to the amount of pigment in the skin cells.
The most famous varieties are lentigo, chloasma, freckles.
Lentigines are congenital foci of strong pigmentation, which have different sizes and boundaries. Chloasma is a brown or brown spot that occurs anywhere on the body. Freckles are small skin rashes that appear when exposed to ultraviolet rays or are transmitted through a genetic line.
Why do spots appear on the neck?
Depending on the shade and structure of the spot, the reasons for its appearance are also distinguished.
For example, red rashes on the neck area indicate the presence of:
- an allergic reaction to a specific allergen
- about the inflammatory process of the joints
- about viral infection
- about the presence of secondary stage syphilis
Syphilis, or “necklace of Venus”, is a common symptom of secondary syphilis, in which all organs of a person are affected.
A hypopigmented spot appears on the neck as a result:
- vitiligo or melanocyte resolution process
- tuberculous sclerosis
- fungal disease
- radiation dermatitis
- anemic nevus
- post-inflammatory psoriasis
Dark spots appear with age-related changes in the body or with prolonged contact with the sun’s rays. With increased production of melanin, accumulation occurs in individual foci, as a result of which the skin becomes darker in color. Such a feature of the skin can be hereditary factors or a natural aging process of the body.
Before going out into the sun, you must use special skin protection from ultraviolet radiation.
In the spring, pigmentation on the neck can be caused by insufficient intake of trace elements and vitamins into the body. With a lack of ascorbic acid, the spots become more noticeable, but gradually turn pale and completely disappear.
Also, the reason for the appearance of spots on the neck is increased sweating, in which a large number of bacteria accumulate in the folds. As a preventive measure, it is necessary to monitor personal hygiene and take medications to increase the body’s immune defenses. Underwear should be changed more often, and in case of fungal diseases, it should be disinfected regularly in order to destroy harmful microorganisms.
Ways to get rid of neck stains
A woman’s neck is almost always in sight of the people around her, so it is necessary to keep it in good shape. The spots that appear become a rather serious problem that spoils the appearance. If any stains occur, you should see your doctor to find out the cause. Untimely treatment leads to rather serious consequences, since formations may indicate the presence of a serious illness. As a rule, when getting rid of the underlying disease with the help of means for external and internal use, the spots disappear on their own.
The most famous are the following procedures to make the skin smoother and more beautiful:
- phototherapy – exposure to light waves on the affected areas
- mesotherapy – the introduction of drugs to stimulate the work of skin cells
- cryotherapy – exposure to liquid nitrogen
- dermabrasion – skin smoothing using special resurfacing
- chemical peeling – exfoliation of dead cells with products containing acids
- ultrasonic peeling – skin cleansing with ultrasonic vibrations
It is important to note that common age spots do not cause unpleasant symptoms. If the spots on the neck begin to itch, peel off, increase in size, itch, it is necessary to urgently undergo an examination, since such phenomena can become a sign of the development of oncological lesions of the skin.
A complete examination of the patient includes consultations with a dermatologist, allergist, infectious disease specialist, surgeon, neuropathologist, oncologist
To prevent the appearance of age spots, it is necessary to protect exposed skin with clothing, wide-brimmed hats, umbrellas, sunscreens. These actions will help reduce the risk of secondary formation of spots on the neck, which leads to disruption of metabolic processes in skin cells and in body systems in general.
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