Sports with prostatitis
Prostatitis usually occurs at a young age, even if the man is quite active. Let’s figure out whether sports are allowed with prostatitis, or physical activity can provoke the disease

Is it possible to play sports with prostatitis

Doctors unequivocally assert that it is not only possible, but necessary. Prostatitis is a disease of the prostate gland, which is located in the pelvic area. It is in this area that the blood supply is often disturbed. Organs suffer from oxygen starvation, which leads to a decrease in immunity.

Stagnation of blood provokes the development of prostatitis, and sports and any physical activity improves blood circulation. The walls of blood vessels are also strengthened, they become more elastic, the heart muscle is trained.


A feasible sport is shown to all men who lack physical activity. Most professions are now associated with prolonged sitting and standing, which is bad for health.

Sports are especially necessary for chronic prostatitis, which can develop over the years and practically does not manifest itself. The chronic form of the disease occurs not only because of undertreatment, but also because of the constant stagnation of blood and edema. For successful treatment of a sluggish form of prostatitis, it is necessary to increase blood flow in the pelvic area. Sports will help.


Most exercises and sports are allowed only in remission, when the prostatitis subsides. Physical activity during the acute period of the disease can cause complications. But a calm load, with the permission of a doctor, can also be given during an exacerbation, but this is an increased risk.

The main contraindications to playing sports relate to the acute phase of prostatitis. At this time, you can not lift and push weights, squat with weighting. Active tennis, rollerblades, weightlifting, horseback riding can also damage – during such training, due to excessive load, the vessels in the prostate narrow, which can cause swelling. This is especially dangerous after prostate surgery.

What exercises are recommended for prostatitis

Exercises for prostatitis can be done imperceptibly in any convenient position: sitting, standing, or lying down – these are Kegel exercises. They train the muscles of the pelvic floor, developing the pubococcygeus muscle. Kegel exercises can be done often and at a convenient time. To do this, you need to strain the muscles of the perineum, as if drawing in and squeezing the sphincter. No need to strain the legs and buttocks, only the crotch area.

Other exercises require a special time, place, sometimes a fitness mat. Such workouts strengthen many muscle groups: thighs, buttocks, lower back, and also the heart. Of the usual sports for prostatitis, squats, swimming, walking, abdominal training, light cardio training are recommended.

One of the most famous exercises recommended for prostatitis is squats. They are not only useful for training blood vessels, thighs and buttocks, but also help to maintain posture. During squats, you need to make sure that the back remains flat, the squat itself does not need to be done deep, to the very floor – enough to the level of knee height.

Lying on your back on the mat, you can do the exercise bike. It is safer than a real bike, which can cause a slight overheating of the groin when riding. Lying, you need to raise your legs, bend at the knees and make a movement similar to pedaling. Then you can move on to the scissors exercise – raise your legs in a straight position and do swings, crossing them one by one.

When swimming, it is important not to get cold and not to infect. According to the advice of doctors, for this you need to swim in pools where the desired temperature is maintained and the water is disinfected. Water helps relieve pain, stimulates blood flow, and also serves as a good workout for the heart and lungs.

Race walking is a good substitute for running, because without the right technique, running can easily hurt. Fast walking perfectly trains the legs and improves blood flow in the pelvic area.

Abs workouts are equally important – they strengthen the stomach, do not require special equipment or a place to practice. It is only important not to overwork the abdominal muscles, to do it gradually and little by little. You should not pump the press for half an hour in a row, it is dangerous for the health of the prostate gland.

Popular questions and answers

Any sport is a risk, because it “hits” the weakest, shattered systems of the body. Therefore, it is important to be very careful about your condition and the choice of exercises. Will tell about it urologist Sergey Trubin.

What kind of sport with prostatitis is definitely impossible to do?

Prostatitis is a disease not only of men after 45 years, but at the age of 18 and 25, men are prone to this disease. At this age, people are more active, looking for ways to realize themselves not only in the professional field, but also in sports. After all, it is believed that playing sports supports immunity and physical fitness, helps to prevent diseases and improve the quality of life. And it is precisely from such activity that the risk may increase.

In urological diseases, such as chronic prostatitis, hypothermia and long, tiring sports are not desirable. They can lead to weakening of the body and exacerbations. Such sports include skiing, snowmobiling, sports over-ice and underwater fishing, winter orienteering, alpine skiing, winter swimming, mountain climbing, motor racing.

Is it possible to play sports during an exacerbation of prostatitis?

Periods of exacerbation of the disease have a very negative impact on the psychological and physical condition of patients. In this case, it is better to wait 5 – 7 days and not play sports. At this time, the patient receives treatment with drugs and limit the load on the venous system in the form of a cessation of normal training. Compliance with the recommendations helps the body increase immunity, concentrate infection-fighting factors.

Can sport provoke an exacerbation of the disease?

Any stress, worries before the competition, lack of sleep during the training process, training after work at a later time, directly or indirectly, can lead to an unpleasant situation associated with exacerbation of prostatitis.

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