Sports massage – indications, techniques, types. What are the results?

Sports massage is an effective way to deal with some injuries and to keep people in good shape if they are actively practicing sports. Sports massage also supports the body before, during and after physical exercise. It helps to remove soreness, removes muscle tension, relaxes and regenerates the body after exercise.

When and for whom is a sports massage recommended?

Sports massage is intended for people actively practicing sports, including professional athletes.

Sports massage is performed to support physical activity, especially in the case of people professionally practicing sports. It should not be used by people who do not practice sports. Sports massage is also not recommended for people with cardiovascular problems and cancer. Sports massage should not be used during infections (including colds) and convalescence.

Techniques and types of sports massage

Sports massage is based on classical massage techniques. The massage begins with warming up the muscles by rubbing, stroking, kneading and patting the body. These treatments should be performed quite vigorously and put more effort into it than in the case of traditional massage. Sports massage it can be painful at times, because its purpose is to restore muscle efficiency, improve blood and lymph circulation, and oxygenate muscles and skin. In the case of classic massage, it is mainly about relaxing and relieving the client.

During the massage, you can use hemp milk, which softens and regenerates the skin and relieves pain in muscles and joints.

types sports massage differ depending on which part of the body is given particular attention. Most often, these are the three parts of the body – the most susceptible to injuries. These are: calves (especially in runners), hip flexors and the middle gluteus muscle, whose function is to abduct the thigh.

The types of sports massage also depend on the athlete’s preparation phase for the competition and the type of physical effort he or she undertakes. The following are distinguished types of sports massage:

  1. Supportive sports massage – that is, conditioning massage or conditioning and conditioning massage. This type of sports massage is performed during breaks in competitions – after the season or at the beginning of the season, when training is less intense. It is used primarily to improve circulation and strengthen the nervous system. Supportive sports massage lasts approximately 45 minutes and is performed daily or every two days. It improves circulation, blood supply and oxygenation of the muscles, which improves their condition and efficiency. This type of sports massage also helps to remove toxins from the body. It is quite gentle massage, not much different from classic massage.
  2. Sports massage for the competition – this type of sports massage helps to quickly warm up the muscles, joints and ligaments, which improves their flexibility. The sports massage for the competition is performed about 4 minutes before the warm-up – it is therefore instant and very intense. It involves stroking, rubbing and kneading selected parts of the body.
  3. Pre-exercise sports massage – pre-exercise sports massage is performed from the day after the last training massage until the start of the competition. The masseur should not only have the ability to perform it properly, but also be a good psychologist, because his goal is to mobilize the player and prevent problems such as stress, nervousness, insomnia before competitions and lack of concentration resulting from anxiety.
  4. Training sports massage – sports training massage is performed before each training session. Its primary role is to increase the physical abilities and condition of the body and keep the athlete ready to start. Sports training massage is quite intense, it can be painful and lasts about 45 minutes. It is performed a few hours after training to prevent muscle soreness and overstrain.
  5. Post-exercise sports massage – that is, restitution massage or regenerative massage. Post-exercise sports massage is performed after training and after competitions, as well as between subsequent starts in competitions. Its goal is to regenerate the athlete’s body as soon as possible after exercise. This type of massage is three times more effective than a simple rest. It mainly consists in rubbing and kneading the neck and shoulders. It is performed half an hour after training / physical exertion and lasts approximately 15 minutes.

For a warming massage after exercise, you can use CBD gel for athletes, which has an analgesic and regenerative effect. Alpenkrauter Alpine Ointment, which you can buy at an attractive price on the Medonet Market, has similar properties. Comfrey ointment, on the other hand, has an astringent and soothing effect in states of painful tension.

Sometimes until sports massage other treatments are added, for example water brine baths or a sauna.

What are the effects of a sports massage?

Sports massagedepending on its type, it stimulates the muscles and the movement system to act and take sports effort or calms and regenerates the muscles and body of the athlete (in the case of post-exercise sports massage). Sports massage improves blood and lymph circulation, reduces stress, improves metabolism, reduces the risk of injury (muscles, joints and ligaments are properly warmed up and flexible) and allows you to reduce fatigue after intense exercise and avoid its negative effects (muscle pain and soreness).

For sports massage, we recommend HOTR Sport Balsamique® Professional Massage Oil or ICER Sport Balsamique® Professional Massage Oil, which have a positive effect on joints and muscles.

In order to enhance the effect of sports massage, it is worth enriching the daily diet with appropriate supplementation, which will additionally support the proper functioning of the body of physically active people.

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