Sports injuries: how to avoid
Summer is just around the corner, which means that very soon everyone will rush to buy bicycles, go with friends to play football and basketball, or just remember about jogging again. Welcoming any outdoor activity in every possible way, reminds of the possible risks and gives five tips on how to survive while playing sports.
The most dangerous thing is basketball
Forbes magazine compiled a list of the most fraught sports, analyzing statistics of injuries in America. What has emerged? The most dangerous thing is to play basketball (Two years ago, after the game, more than half a million Americans of both sexes and different ages were in the hospital). Then, with a small margin of basketball, go bicycling and American football (in our country it is less popular, but no less traumatic). The number of injured fans of innocent scooters and minibikes and stable cradrocycles was half as many as basketball players – 274 thousand versus 529. But this is apparently connected not with the fact that basketball is more dangerous, but with the fact that this type of active leisure is more popular.
Injuries happen very different: some basketball teammates hit their elbows in the teeth, someone broke their hip, turning over with the ATV. Specialists from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimated that about 85 percent of head injuries which cyclists received could have been prevented if each victim wore a helmet as they should.
Tip # 1
If you ride a bike, roller skate or moped around the city – wear a helmet, protection, and keep an eye on the road.Do without music! The player in your ears will prevent you from hearing the noise of an approaching car or suspicious sounds in your own wheels. Make sure that your vehicle is in good condition: bolts are tightened, tires are intact and inflated.
Basketball is one of the most traumatic sports.
Sports training level
The danger of basketball and other active team games is that players often collide with each other. For example, amateur basketball players often experience injuries when jumping to the basket – players collide in the air or crush each other.
This is especially dangerous if they differ in the level of sports training or physical fitness. If during a corporate “health day” on the same site there is a woman in the prime of years of average fatness and yesterday’s champion of the institute team, consisting of solid bones – in a collision, both will get it.
Tip # 2
When playing with the ball, do not rush headfirst after it: for professionals it looks impressive, but for an amateur may lose balance and it hurts to wrap up.
Tip # 3
Active sports are not the best way to deal with excess weight: extra pounds and so create an extra burden on the joints and heart. Better first try to lose a little weight, and then actively and with pleasure keep fit and continue what you started.
Warm up before training, especially if you are under twenty. Joints and ligaments should be warmed up.
First, warm up
It is more interesting for sociable and unsportsmanlike people to chase the ball for the company, and not to work out in the gym. But we must take into account general level of physical fitness, and if colleagues or friends have knocked down the team, and you also want to play with them, it is better to first pull up in the gym. Or go jogging (jogging), with which you can lose up to three kilograms in a month.
With age, the body “forgives” much less sudden movements than before. Active sports with jumping, sudden ejection of limbs, etc. require flexible ligaments or sufficient warmth. For example, injuries to the Achilles tendon occur much less frequently in those over twenty than in those over forty.
Tip # 4
If you decide to start playing sports only this spring – take time to exercise daily: this will help you become a little more flexible, start to feel your own body better and cope with sports loads.
Tip # 5
Do not exercise if you are tired; if you can overpower yourself – it is better to swim or walk a couple of kilometers in the park, and not run. Warm up before exercising or a game, especially if you are not twenty years old. Joints and ligaments should be warmed up. Do not play sports if you are hot or stuffy – save your heart.