Sports in the heat: 7 rules of summer fitness

In the summer, you shouldn’t give up your workouts. But you need to approach your studies wisely so that the loads do not harm your health. What types of training to choose and what to look for, Wday tells the master trainer Anastasia Tobolova.

1. Exercise in well-ventilated areas with air conditioning. During weight training (exercises with barbells, dumbbells) and on simulators, it is especially important to have fresh air in the room.

2. Listen to yourself! If on a hot day you feel weakness, dizziness, increased heart rate, etc., then you do not need to be heroic and set records, your body will not say thanks. It’s better to do with a light exercise on cardiovascular equipment altogether. And reschedule strength training until the heat subsides.

3. Remember to drink plenty of water. In the heat, especially when the body loses moisture in an enhanced mode. During the entire workout, you need to periodically take a couple of sips of water and increase the total water intake per day.

4. Reduce the load you are used to. It’s one thing if you spend the whole day in a cool room and in the evening you come to an equally cool room, then workouts can take place as usual. It is quite another matter if you spent the whole day in the heat and have already arrived exhausted to the hall. Then the power load must be reduced by 30%.

5. Less clothes! Choose short tops and shorts for your workout. It’s good if the T-shirts are made of cotton or sports synthetics with mesh inserts. Moreover, clothing, including footwear, should be light in weight. The more the surface of the body is exposed, the easier it is for it to cool off in the heat. Tie a cloth bandage over your forehead to absorb beads of sweat.

6. Give preference to group lessons: pilates, yoga, fitball exercises, water aerobics and stretching. All of them are quite calm and smooth, but effective at the same time.

7. Outdoor activities are good in warm weather. Cycling (but not uphill climbs, quiet ride in the park), jogging, rollerblading, badminton, volleyball. But remember that you need to do this early in the morning, at this time the air is fresh and cool, and you have the most strength. If you can’t work out in the morning, then reschedule your jogging or games for the evening after 20-21 hours. During the day, classes are possible in the shade of the park, but not in the open sun.

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